Bethenny Frankel, 53, showcases her toned tummy in a black and white two-piece as she marks the beginning of 'B-kini season'

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By Alesia Stanford For Dailymail.Com

Published: 20:12 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 20:20 EDT, 2 July 2024

Bethenny Frankel showcased her toned tummy successful a caller swimsuit threat connected societal media Tuesday.

The Skinny Girl founder, 53, continued to look 'thinner than ever' in a achromatic and achromatic 2 portion arsenic she stood by nan excavation of her location successful nan Hamptons.

The erstwhile reality prima donned a long-sleeve scuba apical pinch a zip collar and matching bikini bottoms. 

Her long, acheronian hairsbreadth was styled successful earthy waves and she wore camera fresh constitution pinch a reddish lip.

She accessorized pinch a brace of sunglasses connected her head.

Bethenny Frankel, 53, showcased her toned tummy successful a achromatic and achromatic 2 piece. 'I conjecture B-kini play is officially successful session,' she posted 

'This summertime I take me. I take happiness. I take love. I take laughter. I take truth vs fear,' said nan erstwhile Real Housewives of New York star, who precocious collapsed up pinch fiancé Paul Bernal, 45.

'I take this… I conjecture B-kini play is officially successful session.'

'Is it maine aliases is azygous looking really bully connected her ? Is she looking younger because nan accent is gone ? ❤️' wrote 1 admirer. 

'You spell Bethenny, unrecorded your champion life.' advised a fan.

'And don’t fto anyone interfere pinch your happiness. Only bully group successful your life.' 

'Same here,' agreed a fan, adding, 'Choosing maine was THE BEST determination I’ve ever made.'

In a video successful her Instagram Stories, Frankel revealed during a locomotion on nan formation that she's having immoderate problems pinch her neighbors.

'When I show that Mother Goose conscionable hissed astatine me,' she said referring to a flock of ducks by nan bay, 'I consciousness for illustration I conscionable walked into an alley and I'm unsafe. I gotta get nan heck retired of here.'

'They conscionable said "not today," and I get it.  It's your turf. I'm not going to play games.'

The Just B pinch Bethenny Frankel podcast big described nan tense business betwixt female and vertebrate arsenic 'Honestly, It's for illustration I'm caput of nan Gambino Crime Family and they said "get disconnected our turf." I'm going.'

In a video successful Instagram Stories, Frankel revealed she's having immoderate problems pinch her neighbors - a group of geese  

'When I show you that Mother Goose conscionable hissed astatine me, I consciousness for illustration I conscionable walked into an alley and I'm unsafe. I gotta get nan heck retired of here,' she said

The time anterior she sizzled successful a achromatic one-piece 

In summation to B-kini season, Frankel has been enjoying her summertime picnic pinch girl Bryn, 13 and has declared it to beryllium a 'cute woman summer'

Frankel has been vacationing successful nan Hamptons pursuing her breakup pinch fiance Paul Bernal, 45  (Pictured successful Santa Monica successful June 2022) 

In a clip arsenic she walked on nan statement successful a navy blue, greenish and achromatic bikini, pinch a beige Panama hat, nan Business is Personal writer continued, 'I cognize erstwhile I'm not wanted, and that, that was wherever I was not wanted.'

Referring to herself, she said, 'One of these things did not look for illustration nan different and we each cognize who it was.'

Describing nan beef betwixt her and nan fowl, she continued, 'And they cognize that a vertebrate s**t connected maine past night. So, they're like, "You sewage s**t on? that was thing compared to what's going to hap today."' 

Frankel has been enjoying her summertime picnic pinch girl Bryn, 13, whom she shares pinch ex-husband Paul Hoppy. 

Mother and girl person been enjoying a 'cute woman summer.'  

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