Ben Affleck is pensive while leaving his office after 'moving his things out' of $60M mansion he shared with Jennifer Lopez as she smiles in new video

Trending 2 days ago

Ben Affleck and his 'estranged wife' Jennifer Lopez look to beryllium connected 2 different planets these days.

The 51-year-old Oscar-winning prima looked acold from thrilled connected Thursday arsenic he was spotted leaving his Los Angeles agency successful a acheronian suit pinch a achromatic shirt. The begetter of 3 carried an iced java successful 1 manus and a duffel container successful another.

Meanwhile Lopez, 54, was smiling successful a caller skincare tutorial shared to her JLo Beauty Instagram page connected Thursday.

The Atlas character had nary constitution connected arsenic she sat successful her dressing room of her $60M mansion, which Ben moved retired of earlier this year.

These images person surfaced aft People claimed that Affleck has moved his things retired of nan Bel-Air home' amid divorcement rumours.

Ben Affleck and his 'estranged wife' Jennifer Lopez look to beryllium connected 2 different planets these days. The 51-year-old Oscar-winning prima looked acold from thrilled connected Thursday arsenic he was spotted leaving his Los Angeles office

Ben was successful a acheronian suit pinch a achromatic shirt. The begetter of 3 carried an iced java successful 1 manus and a duffel container successful another

In nan caller clip Jennifer is successful a friendly, lukewarm mood.

She was successful ivory silk lingerie arsenic she told fans to usage each past driblet of her serum, moreover moving it connected your arms and thorax if you person to.

The diva vanished nan clip connected an upbeat statement arsenic she told her fans to person a 'great day.'

'Get each past driblet retired of each time @jlo. Make it a awesome 1 by starting disconnected pinch That Limitless Glow Sheet Mask, infused pinch an ounce of our iconic JLo Glow Serum ✨,' nan caption read.

Affleck has been carrying connected arsenic business arsenic accustomed amid changeless rumours that he is fresh to divorcement his woman of only 2 years.

Jennifer, connected nan different hand, seems to beryllium trying to bask immoderate nosy this summertime arsenic she was seen successful Paris past successful Italy pinch adjacent pals.

The extremity does look adjacent for Bennifer 2.0.

People has claimed he picked up his worldly he had astatine his shared mansion pinch Lopez precocious earlier Jennifer sewage backmost from Italy.

He now lives successful a $100K a period location adjacent his ex, Jennifer Garner, pinch whom he shares 3 children: Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, and Samuel, 12.

'Ben continues to unrecorded astatine nan Brentwood rental,' a root told nan site.

Meanwhile Lopez, 54, was smiling successful a caller skincare tutorial shared to her JLo Beauty Instagram page connected Thursday. The Atlas character had nary constitution connected arsenic she sat successful her dressing room of her $60M mansion, which Ben moved retired of earlier this year

'He's been location for astir 2 months now,' different root added.

'He seems okay. He's been astatine his agency each time and seems focused connected work. He's besides spending clip pinch his kids.'

Affleck and Lopez put nan mansion they person shared together successful Beverly Hills since June 2023 connected nan marketplace successful early June for $65M.

The 2 look to still beryllium successful contact.

They person business ties: Lopez is group to prima successful 2 upcoming movies for Affleck and Matt Damon's accumulation company. Those films are Unstoppable and Kiss Of The Spider Woman.

This comes a week aft a root told that Jennifer is 'over' trying to make her matrimony with Ben work.

These images person surfaced aft People claimed that Affleck has moved his things retired of nan Bel-Air home' amid divorcement rumours 

Amid rumors astir nan position of nan couple's marriage, an manufacture insider has now claimed that nan pop prima has reached her wit's end and nary longer feels that she tin do immoderate 'more' to prevention nan relationship. 

'Jenny has had capable and she really tried but she tin do nary more, it's not getting immoderate better, it's worse,' a euphony manufacture root told

The insider adhd that nan main logic J.Lo, near her hubby was because he was ever 'grumpy and negative' for illustration Oscar The Grouch from Sesame Street. 

Jennifer is sad astir nan extremity of her nuptials but 'is trying to make nan champion of it by moving out, spending clip pinch her twins Max and Emme and making caller plans for 2025,' they went on.

One of those caller plans is resuming her This Is Me... Live circuit for nan summertime of 2025 erstwhile she turns 56. She canceled nan 2024 circuit that was scheduled to footwear disconnected successful July successful bid to 'recollect herself.' 

'She is excited astir going connected circuit adjacent twelvemonth erstwhile her individual life is connected calmer crushed and she tin link pinch her fans. She will return her people pinch her and make nan astir of it,' said nan source. 

Lopez is besides said to beryllium 'shocked' by nan bad property she has been getting, which she believes is not fair.

'If group could spot what she has really gone done they would beryllium easier connected her,' said nan source. 

'Ben is simply a awesome feline but he tin beryllium grumpy and a downer. I deliberation nan world saw that successful photos for illustration erstwhile they were astatine nan Grammys past year; he wouldn't smile. If they saw really it really was, they would not onslaught her,' said nan friend of Jennifer. 

'He concatenation smokes and cusses and seems irritated a batch of nan time. Great head and actor, but not a batch of laughs pinch him, you know?' said nan source. 'He is simply a awesome begetter though.'

Lopez plans connected pushing on. 

'She is really not utilized to this benignant of bad feedback, but she will get complete it. She will march on,' said nan pal.

'Jennifer is simply a very smart and beardown female and she will bounce back, she ever does!'

These days she has been leaning connected her adjacent friends.

One is stylist Shawn Barton, whose nickname is Beezy. Another is vocal coach Stevie Mackey.

Lopez is done pinch her matrimony to Affleck (seen successful 2023), a root has told, saying: 'It's over, she has had enough' 

'He concatenation smokes and cusses and seems irritated a batch of nan time. Great head and actor, but not a batch of laughs pinch him always, you know?' said nan source. Seen successful May 2023

There person been galore reports that Ben and Jennifer will denote their divorcement soon and plan to do it connected a Friday, which is nan norm among celebrities who are splitting.

When nan root was asked astir this they offered, 'I deliberation they person wanted to hold until each nan kids are retired of schoolhouse and done pinch schoolhouse plans and each that earlier they make their large announcement. They are putting nan kids first.'

She has Max and Emme pinch ex-husband Marc Anthony.

And Ben has Violet, Seraphina and Samuel pinch ex-wife Jennifer Garner.

And arsenic acold arsenic really Jennifer and Ben are getting on these days, nan insider said they are being 'cordial' pinch each other.

So what happened to nan erstwhile jovial Ben who utilized to grin astatine fans and make retired pinch Jennifer successful public? 

The root points to nan unit successful Ben's career.

'He is now filming Accounting 2 and nan hours are really long, he is moving difficult astatine it and it's a batch to juggle pinch matrimony and kids,' said nan source. 'So sometimes he is not successful nan champion mood.'

The vocalist is sad astir nan extremity of her nuptials but 'is trying to make nan champion of it by moving out, spending clip pinch her twins and making caller plans for 2025' (seen pinch Emme connected June 8); she has her performance to scheme for 2025

Meanwhile, Lopez cleared her schedule this summertime to springiness herself immoderate downtime to re-examine her life.

'She is surviving unsocial and not pinch Ben, I deliberation everyone knows that already, truthful that is simply a awesome alteration for her and nan kids,' said nan pal. Indeed, Ben moved into a $100K a period rental adjacent Garner months ago.

'Of people Jenny is sad, she loves Ben, but they are conscionable excessively different, location is nary springiness and take, location was nary blending, they are conscionable connected abstracted tracks.'

The root added that Jennifer gave it her all: 'She really tried difficult to make it work, and it conscionable did not work. 

'She invested a batch of clip and energy, and I deliberation he did nan same. There is nary 1 to blasted here. It conscionable was not successful nan cards. It is very difficult for 2 monolithic stars to support a matrimony going, 1 has to springiness in, and successful this lawsuit neither gave in.'

Instead of crying astatine home, however, Jennifer is making plans for a amended life.

'She is looking astatine scripts and figuring retired 2025. After nan occurrence of Atlas she is getting a ton of calls for movies, everyone wants to activity pinch her. She loves that she is still connected nan A database successful her fifties!'

She has earned plentifulness of respect.

This week Atlas’ composer Andrew Lockington said he was 'blown away' by Lopez’s productivity and activity ethic.

She was not conscionable arsenic nan lead acting domiciled successful nan film, but arsenic a filmmaker and shaper during post-production, he added.

He besides said she was successful nan edit room and was progressive successful nan music. She besides deed nan screenings to spot what nan assemblage thought.

Lopez has landed a caller Netflix bid amid progressively escalating rumors she will soon divided from hubby Ben Affleck - seen Monday

Jen and Ben person business ties: Lopez is group to prima successful 2 upcoming movies for Affleck and Matt Damon's accumulation company. Those films are Unstoppable and Kiss Of The Spider Woman. Seen successful January

And he noted that he can't judge really difficult she useful moreover pinch 'all nan rumors' swirling astir her individual life: 'I can't ideate what it would beryllium for illustration to beryllium nether that benignant of microscope successful her life.'

Meanwhile, Jennifer has struck a caller woody pinch nan streamer via her company Nuyorican to accommodate caller Happy Place by Emily Henry.

Deadline reported plans to accommodate nan caller 'as a bid are underway' pinch producers and streaming executives presently gathering pinch writers.

Happy Place follows mates Harriet and Wyn who met successful assemblage - but abruptly break up.

Despite splitting 5 months previously, they haven't told their champion friends, and extremity up sharing a chamber successful a Maine cottage during their yearly getaway - and making a pact to dishonesty that they are still together.

Lopez will enactment arsenic 1 of nan producers connected nan bid alongside  Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas and Benny Medina.


Ben Affleck seems to beryllium nan astir miserable man successful Hollywood arsenic he is often seen looking downcast erstwhile retired successful Los Angeles and irritated erstwhile attending reddish carpet events.

The movie icon appears particularly sad now that his less-than 2 twelvemonth matrimony to Jennifer Lopez is reportedly connected nan rocks. 

But this Hollywood character - who came to fame complete 30 years agone pinch 1992's School Ties - has it all, including a $150million estimate net worth.

Affleck, 51, has two Academy Awards: 1 was for penning Good Will Hunting (1998) and nan different was for making Argo (2013).

And the Cambridge, Massachusetts autochthonal has truthful overmuch fame he lands mag covers, big-budget movies and a monolithic Dunkin' Donuts campaign.

His luck from films for illustration Batman V Superman is immense arsenic he now rents a $100K a period location successful Los Angeles.

And he has had a drawstring of beautiful women successful his life, from Gwyneth Paltrow and first wife Jennifer Garner - nan mom of his 3 children - to 2nd bride Lopez.

Nothing seems to person brought him overmuch happiness. And his grumpy disposition has sparked a 1000 memes.

Ben Affleck seems to beryllium nan astir miserable man successful Hollywood arsenic he is often seen looking downcast erstwhile retired successful Los Angeles and appearing irritated astatine reddish carpet events. Seen successful a caller section of Hart To Heart

He seems particularly sad now that his matrimony to Jennifer Lopez is reportedly connected nan rocks. Seen successful May 2023

While talking to Kevin Hart for an section from play 4 of his show Hart To Heart, nan Oscar-winning character addressed his grumpiness.

The prima said Affleck besides addresses his resting grumpy look and his mentation is difficult to judge arsenic nan character - who has been successful beforehand of cameras for 3 decades - declares he is 'shy.' 

Ben said: 'I'm besides a small spot shy. I don't for illustration a batch of attention. This is why group spot maine and they're like, "Why is this dude ever mad?" Because personification had their camera sticking successful my face, and I'm like, "OK, present we go."'

'You person resting b***h face,' Hart joked.

'B****h? Now,' Affleck responded arsenic he pretended to beryllium mad.

'I person resting difficult face. People are projecting onto maine thing that I don't consciousness astir myself astatine all.'

Hart loses points for not asking Ben why he continues to beryllium successful showbusiness if he doesn't for illustration attention.

Ben, who besides directs, has nary plans to extremity acting: his adjacent movie is The Accountant 2. 

Affleck is known for his brooding starring roles - pictured successful 1997's Good Will Hunting - which bagged him his first Oscar

But this Hollywood character who came to fame complete 30 years agone pinch 1992's School Ties seems to person it all. Affleck, 51, has Oscars, money and looks; seen successful May

While talking to Kevin Hart for an section from play 4 of his show Hart To Heart , nan Oscar-winning character addressed nan 'Sad Affleck' memes - Seen pinch JLo successful 2022

The mates seemed happier 20 years ago, right, than they did earlier this year, left

This comes aft a root told the main logic J.Lo is upset pinch her hubby is because he was ever 'grumpy and negative' for illustration Oscar The Grouch from Sesame Street. 

'If group could spot what she has really gone done they would beryllium easier connected her,' said nan source. 

'Ben is simply a awesome feline but he tin beryllium grumpy and a downer. 

'I deliberation nan world saw that successful photos for illustration erstwhile they were astatine nan Grammys past year; he wouldn't smile. If they saw really it really was, they would not onslaught her,' said nan friend of Jennifer. 

'He concatenation smokes and cusses and seems irritated a batch of nan time. Great head and actor, but not a batch of laughs pinch him, you know?' said nan source. 'He is simply a awesome begetter though.'

Ben said: 'I'm besides a small spot shy. I don't for illustration a batch of attention. This is why group spot maine and they're like, "Why is this dude ever mad?; successful February 2023

Looking miserable pinch ex-wife Jennifer Garner successful LA connected June 11 - nan brace were wed from 2005-2018 and stock 3 children 

Ben looked grumpy astatine nan 81st Golden Globe Awards successful January 7 pinch Matt Damon

And Ben appeared sad successful March pinch JLo and boy Samuel astatine nan Laker crippled successful LA

The prima has dated a big of celebrated beauties - including Deep Water co-star Ana De Armas from 2020-2021 (pictured 2020)

He romanced Saturday Night Life shaper Lindsay Shookus from 2017-2019 (pictured 2018)

The aforesaid twelvemonth he went to rehab, he had a little fling pinch Playboy exemplary Shauna Sexton - who astatine 23 was 20 years his junior

Lopez plans connected pushing on. 

'She is really not utilized to this benignant of bad feedback, but she will get complete it. She will march on,' said nan pal.

'Jennifer is simply a very smart and beardown female and she will bounce back, she ever does!'

And arsenic acold arsenic really Jennifer and Ben are getting on these days, nan insider said they are being 'cordial' pinch each other.

So what happened to nan erstwhile jovial Ben who utilized to grin astatine fans and make retired pinch Jennifer successful public? 

The root points to nan unit successful Ben's career.

'He is now filming Accounting 2 and nan hours are really long, he is moving difficult astatine it and it's a batch to juggle pinch matrimony and kids,' said nan source. 'So sometimes he is not successful nan champion mood.'

In 2022, Ben reflected connected his sad meme from nan now-iconic video of him sadly staring disconnected into space during a property junket question and reply for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Affleck admitted that though he thought nan memes sparked by nan video were funny, he is now much concerned astir nan affects it had connected his children.

The 8-year-old video - featuring a melancholy soundtrack - shows Affleck alongside co-star Henry Cavill arsenic they are told that nan movie is getting mixed reviews.

He dated Gwyneth Paltrow from 1997-2000 (pictured 1999)

The prima courted worldwide attraction erstwhile he groped past fiancee J-Lo's backside successful her Jenny From The Block video successful 2002

Affleck talked successful 2022 astir nan now-iconic video of him sadly staring disconnected into abstraction during a property junket question and reply for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The  video shows Affleck alongside co-star Henry Cavill arsenic they are told that nan movie is getting mixed reviews

And while Cavill launches into a master response, Affleck turns his regard down pinch a look of utter dismay.

The video - which went viral overnight - was quickly turned into a parody, arsenic YouTuber Sabconth added successful a collage of antagonistic headlines from reappraisal articles, arsenic good arsenic Simon and Garfunkel's opus The Sound of Silence.

The character opened up astir nan meme and his nationalist cognition to nan Los Angeles Times, saying, 'I sewage to a spot wherever [the nationalist perception] was truthful different from who I americium that I conscionable stopped reference and stopped caring.'

He went connected to opportunity he was concerned astir his kids being affected by it. 'But then, arsenic my kids sewage older and started seeing nan net themselves, that’s nan difficult part. Even nan “Sad Affleck” meme — that was funny to me. I mean, there’s cipher who hasn’t felt that measurement astatine a junket,' he stated.

'But past my kids spot it and I think, “Oh, are they going to deliberation their dada is fundamentally sad aliases they person to interest astir me?” That’s really tough,' nan prima added.

There person been hundreds of memes dedicated to Ben's sour look complete nan years

The character besides reflected connected his early years and really his nationalist image didn't lucifer his backstage persona.

'I deliberation erstwhile I was young, group saw maine arsenic personification who had excessively overmuch aliases was successful excessively easy aliases looked for illustration immoderate benignant of cavalier, insincere, callow frat guy,' he said.

'That was thing for illustration really I felt. I felt for illustration this benignant of insecure, anxious, overly verbal kid from Boston who had tried to break into this business and was dealing pinch his ain stuff. But location is an absorbing point astir really we travel disconnected versus who we are,' he revealed. 

The star's first sensation of moviemaking was astatine property 7 successful the independent film, The Dark End of nan Street (1981), directed by a family friend.

Next he starred successful nan PBS children's bid The Voyage of nan Mimi (1984) and The Second Voyage of nan Mimi (1988).

As a teen, he appeared successful nan ABC aft schoolhouse typical Wanted: A Perfect Man (1986), nan tv movie Hands of a Stranger (1987). Ben besides did a Burger King commercialized successful 1989.

At Occidental College successful Los Angeles, Affleck directed student films.

The star's first sensation of moviemaking was astatine property 7 successful nan independent film, The Dark End of nan Street (1981). And he has worked difficult ever since; seen successful 2022

Then he worked more. He played Patrick Duffy's boy successful nan tv movie Daddy (1991), made an uncredited quality arsenic a hoops subordinate successful nan Buffy nan Vampire Slayer movie (1992), and had a supporting domiciled arsenic a prep schoolhouse student successful School Ties (1992).

Then it was backmost to TV. He played a precocious schoolhouse backmost successful nan NBC tv bid Against nan Grain (1993), and a steroid-abusing precocious schoolhouse shot subordinate successful Body to Die For: The Aaron Henry Story (1994). 

A mini portion successful Dazed and Confused (1993) did small for his career.

Affleck's first starring movie domiciled was arsenic an aimless creation student successful nan assemblage play Glory Daze (1995). He past played a bully successful Kevin Smith's drama Mallrats (1995) and adjacent came Chasing Amy (1997). He sewage bully reviews for Going All nan Way (1997).

Then came nan occurrence of 1997's Good Will Hunting, which changed everything.

Along nan way, Ben has dated galore well-known beauties. He romanced Gwyneth Paltrow - pinch whom he starred successful Bounce and Shakespeare successful Love together – on-off from 1997-2000.

The Batman character sparked up a romance pinch Saturday Night Life shaper Lindsay Shookus, who he dated from 2017 to 2019.

In 2018 nan prima was famously seen being driven to rehab by ex-wife Jennifer Garner aft his loved ones staged an intervention.

The prima first changeable to fame successful 1992's School Ties - alongside Chris O'Donnell, Brendan Fraser and BFF Matt Damon

The prima is seen pinch BFF Matt Damon - who is said to beryllium presently leaning connected amid his romance woes - arsenic they won nan Oscar for Original Screenplay successful 1997

Affleck besides took connected a lead domiciled successful 2001 humanities epic, Pearl Harbor

Ben appeared affectional arsenic he near his location successful a car driven by Jennifer. The character reportedly arrived astatine The Canyon live-in rehab facility, successful Malibu, that aforesaid evening, wherever he checked-in for an 'extended play of time.' He was famously snapped getting Jack In The Box en-route to treatment.

The aforesaid twelvemonth he went to rehab, he had a little fling pinch Playboy exemplary Shauna Sexton - who astatine 23 was 20 years his inferior - but that soon fizzled out.

Ana de Armas and Ben were first romantically linked successful early 2020 aft gathering connected group of Deep Water successful New Orleans. 

They yet divided 'mutually and amicably' according to a People report from January 2021 arsenic sources claimed Ana didn't want to beryllium tied to Los Angeles, wherever Ben has to beryllium based for his kids.  

'Ben is nary longer making love Ana,' nan root told nan publication. 'She collapsed it off. Their narration was complicated. Ana doesn't want to beryllium Los Angeles based and Ben evidently has to since his kids unrecorded successful Los Angeles.'

The Gone Girl character yet moved connected to rekindle a romance pinch Lopez,

Next up for Ben is The Accountant 2 pinch costar Jon Bernthal.

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