Awkward moment Hoda Kotb, 59, gets into a debate with a dating expert over her 'intimidating' advice - after being told 'get out of her comfort zone'

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Things sewage a small spot awkward connected Today pinch Hoda & Jenna erstwhile a making love master suggested to Hoda Kotb that she needed to 'get out' of her 'comfort zone.'

Hoda, 59, and cohost Jenna Bush Hager invited matchmaker Devyn Simone into nan workplace connected Tuesday greeting to thief them reply immoderate making love dilemmas from viewers tuning successful astatine home.

But Hoda ended up questioning 1 of Devyn's 'intimidating' tips connected really to meet group successful nan existent world.

When 1 instrumentality of nan show asked for proposal connected really to 'meet men organically,' Devyn admitted that she sewage asked that mobility 'a lot' arsenic Hoda commented: 'By nan way, a lot of younger group too, because they're utilized to doing life connected apps and stuff, it's difficult to do thing successful personification pinch a stranger.'

Devyn past advised: 'So, nan first point we're gonna do is retrieve to conscionable spell far. So, find communal ground, inquire a mobility and beryllium real. Find communal ground... erstwhile you're seeing this person, are you astatine a java shop? Are you some frequent? Did they bid thing akin to what you like?'

Things sewage a small spot awkward connected Tuesday arsenic Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager discussed making love dilemmas

Hoda ended up questioning making love master Devyn Simone's 'intimidating' advice

She continued: 'And past beryllium real. Your hairsbreadth doesn't person to beryllium perfect, your grin doesn't person to beryllium perfect. Being authentic goes a agelong measurement and if you consciousness self-conscious, believe successful nan mirror.' 

However, Hoda wasn't convinced it would beryllium truthful easy and told Devyn: 'I deliberation it does return courageousness though to spell up to a complete alien successful statement astatine nan java shop and say, "Hi do you travel here? Is this your normal place?" It tin beryllium intimidating, particularly arsenic she seems for illustration she feels a small withdrawn. 

'Maybe there's thing wherever it's conscionable earthy to meet people?' nan mother-of-two past suggested arsenic Devyn fired back: 'But you've sewage to get retired of your comfortableness zone, Hoda!'

'Really? But I'm saying like...,' Hoda responded arsenic Jenna vanished nan condemnation for her and said: 'Yeah I cognize what you mean, for illustration singles nighttime astatine nan bar,' earlier asking Devyn: 'Do they still person those?'

Looking unimpressed, Devyn replied: 'They do, but I don't... go... but do different things also,' earlier laughing awkwardly arsenic Jenna suggested: 'Or for illustration joining a sports team?'

Devyn was much connected committee pinch that and responded: 'Yes! Or a moving nine aliases thing for illustration that is really great.'

Jenna past said: 'But I besides consciousness like, what's nan worse that could happen? They're not your person. What's nan champion that could happen? They are. Tell yourself, "Who cares?" You'll ne'er spot him again!'

Hoda's comments astir making love travel little than a period aft she revealed nan 'main narration complaints' she has received from men successful nan past.

Hoda simply replied: 'Really?' erstwhile Devyn told her to 'get retired of your comfortableness zone'

Devyn did not look impressed erstwhile Jenna Bush Hager suggested women could be a 'singles night' astatine a bar

The 59-year-old TV big was antecedently engaged to financier Joel Schiffman but they divided successful 2022

Hoda and Jenna were discussing Glen Powell's caller comments astir really he's not 'chasing love' but would 'welcome it pinch unfastened arms' if it comes along, erstwhile nan TV host, who recently hinted that she's still single, decided to stock immoderate specifications astir her ain individual life.

'I deliberation that sometimes emotion does travel erstwhile you're not looking,' she told Jenna. 'It's like, erstwhile you're successful basking pursuit, erstwhile you're making it your thing, sometimes you're missing it because you're truthful engaged seeking it out. 

'But I do deliberation what he's saying is, "I'm really busy, I person a large life, and it's going to return a typical benignant of personification to beryllium successful this life".' 

The TV host, who split from her fiancé Joel Schiffman successful 2022, continued: 'And I deliberation it's difficult erstwhile you're pinch a engaged personification because we're some engaged group and 1 of nan main narration complaints that I get is, "I don't get capable time. I request much time", and I understand it, because your life is divided into a pie.'

The duo past said astir a caller article which claimed bully places to meet a romanticist partner, too from an app aliases a bar, are canine parks, an alumni event, aliases playing connected a sports team.

Hoda laughed astatine nan declare and said: 'I deliberation sometimes women effort to put themselves successful places wherever guys would be, for illustration a sports bar... "let's spell for a bent pinch your friends", moreover though you're not truthful interested, but you'll spell and you think, "I'll meet personification tiny location and that will beryllium fun".

'I deliberation it's good, but I besides deliberation that you person to meet them doing thing that you really bask doing, because beautiful soon it's going to beryllium like, "do you want to spell backmost and watch nan Steelers?" and you're gonna beryllium like, "no!"' 

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