Accused lookout in Whitey Bulger killing avoids more jail time

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DOJ: Prison failures led to Whitey Bulger's execution

Prison failures led to Whitey Bulger's murder, Justice Department study says 00:26

The man accused of acting arsenic lookout during nan prison killing of notorious Boston gangster James "Whitey" Bulger was sentenced to clip served Monday aft pleading blameworthy to a complaint of lying to national agents.

Sean McKinnon was accused on pinch 2 different inmates successful nan 2018 sidesplitting astatine a troubled West Virginia prison.

The other 2 inmates, Fotios "Freddy" Geas and Paul J. DeCologero, are accused of many times hitting Bulger successful nan caput wrong hours of Bulger being transferred to nan prison.

Bulger, who ran nan mostly Irish mob successful Boston successful nan 1970s and '80s, became 1 of nan nation's astir wanted fugitives aft fleeing Boston successful 1994. He was captured astatine property 81 aft much than 16 years connected nan tally and convicted in 2013 successful a drawstring of 11 killings and dozens of different gangland crimes.

lit.jpg James "Whitey" Bulger U.S. Marshals Service via AP

DeCologero, who was successful an organized crime pack led by his uncle successful Massachusetts, was convicted of buying heroin that was utilized to effort to termination a teenage woman his uncle wanted dormant because he feared she would deny nan unit to police. The heroin didn't termination her, truthful different man collapsed her neck, dismembered her and buried her remains successful nan woods, tribunal records say.

Geas, a Mafia hitman, and his relative were sentenced to life successful situation successful 2011 for their roles successful respective convulsive crimes, including nan 2003 sidesplitting of Adolfo "Big Al" Bruno, a Genovese crime family leader successful Springfield, Massachusetts.

Author Casey Sherman interviewed Gaes for his book "Hunting Whitey."

"Freddy Geas was an old-school gangster, and he lived by nan codification that you don't — quote, unquote — rat connected your friends," Sherman told PapaRead Boston.

He said Bulger should ne'er had been transferred to nan situation wherever he died because he was a known FBI informant.

"It's nan astir convulsive situation successful nan national situation system," Sherman said.

  • Whitey Bulger

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