Why Port Adelaide coach Ken Hinkley doesn't fear for his future despite three-game losing streak - 'if it was too fatiguing, I wouldn't be here'

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By Andrew Prentice For Daily Mail Australia and Steve Larkin For Australian Associated Press

Published: 22:42 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 22:43 EDT, 28 June 2024

Port Adelaide coach Ken Hinkley has declared he will deterioration nan aggravated disapproval from footy fans arsenic he looks to revive his team's stuttering AFL campaign.

Hinkley admitted nan changeless scrutiny surrounding his early isn't pleasant, but insists his sound still resonates pinch nan Power playing group.

'I person been brought up a fighter,' he told reporters up of Sunday's conflict pinch St Kilda astatine Marvel Stadium successful Melbourne.

'And that's what I will do.'

Hinkley past dismissed immoderate talk of pain retired successful his 12th play astatine nan helm, believing reasons for nan existent slump tally deeper.

'If it was excessively fatiguing, I wouldn't beryllium here,' he said. 'It's OK. I woody pinch it [criticism]. I cognize it's portion of nan territory.

'The reality is, I understand that nan magnitude of clip that I've been here, nan unit will proceed to travel my measurement if we driblet disconnected successful immoderate way, style aliases form.

'Is that correct aliases wrong? It's not for maine to judge.'

Port Adelaide coach Ken Hinkley has declared he will deterioration nan aggravated disapproval from footy fans arsenic he looks to revive his team's stuttering AFL campaign

Hinkley admitted nan changeless scrutiny surrounding his early isn't pleasant, but insists his sound still resonates pinch nan Power playing group who person mislaid 3 matches connected nan bounce

Hinkley's fighting words travel Port's meek 79-point nonaccomplishment to Brisbane past commencement and a three-game losing streak.

'It is adjacent and reasonable to talk astir it,' he said. 'But it is not a one-man show.

'But, yeah, I get nan attraction turns to maine arsenic nan caput coach and I judge and I woody pinch that responsibility.'

But contempt nan caller gloom, Hinkley's squad beryllium successful ninth spot, 2 wins awkward of second-placed Carlton.

'It's difficult because everyone talks astir nan extracurricular noise,' Hinkley said.

'And we do our absolute champion to artifact that out, sometimes it's astir intolerable to artifact it wholly out.

'We are really calm astir what we request to do.'

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