Wayne Rooney explains how he will approach trying to get Plymouth Argyle to the Premier League as the Man United legend insists he's ready to prove himself as a manager

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By Andy Hampson, Pa

Published: 10:50 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 10:50 EDT, 4 July 2024

Wayne Rooney said of his determination to beryllium himself arsenic a head arsenic he was formally unveiled by Plymouth connected Thursday.

The erstwhile England skipper was appointed by nan Sky Bet Championship club successful May.

Rooney antecedently lasted conscionable 3 months successful complaint astatine Birmingham.

The 38-year-old was sacked by Blues successful January conscionable 83 days into a tenure successful which he oversaw 9 defeats successful 15 games.

Birmingham had been sixth successful nan Championship astatine nan clip of Rooney's assignment but they ended nan run getting relegated.

Wayne Rooney had his first property convention arsenic head of Plymouth Argyle connected Thursday

Rooney has antecedently managed 3 different clubs - Derby, D.C. United and Birmingham

He has yet to person awesome occurrence arsenic a head but he achieved legendary position arsenic a player

The erstwhile Manchester United and Everton striker, who has antecedently managed astatine Derby and DC United, intends to put that acquisition down him.

Rooney told reporters astatine a property conference: 'You ever person to beryllium yourself. I deliberation that's what I had for 20 years arsenic a subordinate and, arsenic a coach, wherever you are, immoderate occupation you're in, you person to beryllium yourself. That's normal, that's a unit which comes pinch nan job.

'And of course, erstwhile you spell into jobs, you time off yourself open. If you don't get results, past evidently there's consequences to that, which was nan lawsuit astatine Birmingham.

'But now I'm here, I'm ready. I'm excited.

'I took a batch of clip to bespeak connected what happened astatine Birmingham. Sometimes things hap for a reason. The bully point which came retired of it intends that I'm present now, and I'm present to spell and beryllium successful. I really judge successful that.

'I'm a assured personification and I backmost myself to do that. I'm conscionable looking guardant to getting started.'

Plymouth vanished 21st successful nan EFL Championship past season, staying up by conscionable 2 points

But Rooney is hoping that, if fixed time, he tin return Plymouth to a overmuch higher position

Rooney succeeds Ian Foster, who was sacked successful April pinch nan Pilgrims successful relegation danger.

Argyle went connected to past connected nan last time of nan season, pinch Birmingham dropping to nan 3rd tier instead.

Rooney hopes to return nan nine to nan apical formation but admits it is simply a longer-term ambition.

He said: 'Of people I'm not going to travel retired and opportunity we're looking to get Premier League successful a year's time.

'We deliberation we request to beryllium realistic and what we're trying to do is build connected wherever nan nine has been complete nan past 5 years, which has been rising and getting amended complete time.

'I deliberation we request to gradually support moving guardant and support trying to improve. and surely amended connected past season.

'Hopefully astatine nan extremity of a clip frame, which we person successful place, we tin get person to that Premier League.'

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