Usman Khawaja loses it at Peter Dutton

Trending 2 days ago

By Olivia Day and Brittany Chain In Canberra For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 17:48 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 18:00 EDT, 4 July 2024

An Aussie cricket prima has accused Peter Dutton of 'fuelling Islamophobia' aft he warned a authorities pinch much Muslim candidates would beryllium a 'disaster'.

The guidance leader made nan remark connected Thursday greeting erstwhile he answered questions astatine a property convention successful Queanbeyan, successful southeastern NSW.

Mr Dutton suggested that if a bid of caller candidates from different factions made their measurement into a number Labor government, it would beryllium disastrous for Australians.

'I deliberation what it does show is that nan Prime Minister if he's successful a number authorities successful nan adjacent word of parliament, it will see nan Greens, it will see nan greenish Teals, it will see Muslim candidates from Western Sydney. It will beryllium a disaster,' he said.

'If you deliberation nan Albanese authorities is bad now, hold for it to beryllium a number authorities pinch nan Greens, nan greenish Teals and Muslim independents.

'That is not nan look for bringing market prices down and for getting our system backmost connected track,' he said.

'Inflation will proceed to rage nether that benignant of a government, and liking rates will spell higher.'

Australian cricket prima Usman Khawaja lashed Mr Dutton's comments arsenic he accused nan leader of 'fuelling islamophobia from nan very top'.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton suggested that if a bid of caller candidates from different factions made their measurement into a number Labor authorities it would beryllium a 'disaster'

Australian cricket prima Usman Khawaja accused Mr Dutton of 'fuelling islamophobia'

The cricket prima lashed Mr Dutton's comments arsenic 'bigotry astatine its finest' successful a station connected X (pictured)

'As a Muslim who grew up successful Western Sydney I find this remark from personification who is moving for PM an absolute disgrace,' he wrote connected X connected Thursday. 

'Bigotry astatine its finest. Fuelling Islamophobia from nan very top.'

Lawyer Bede Kelleher agreed Mr Dutton's comments were 'despicable bigotry'. 

'I don't expect overmuch from immoderate of our politicians but this is appalling,' he said. 

Writer and left-wing activistic Jeff Sparrow said nan connection was 'naked racism'. 

'Imagine nan consequence if he'd warned against "Jewish candidates from bluish Sydney". It would person been profession ending and rightfully so,' he wrote. 

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Mr Dutton's agency for comment.  

Mr Dutton's comments came during a chaotic time for Labor - pinch first word Western Australian legislator Fatima Payman announcing she would discontinue nan party. 

'If you deliberation nan Albanese authorities is bad now, hold for it to beryllium a number authorities pinch nan Greens, nan greenish Teals and Muslim independents,' Mr Dutton said connected Thursday (the Opposition leader is pictured pinch his woman Kirilly astatine nan 2024 Midwinter Ball)

During her tearful exit speech, Ms Payman said she had been 'exiled' by her colleagues aft she  crossed nan level and sided pinch nan Greens connected a mobility astir recognising nan authorities of Palestine. 

'With a dense heart, but a clear conscience, I person announced my resignation from nan Australian Labor Party,' she said. 

'Effective instantly I will beryllium connected nan crossbench to correspond Western Australians.'

Ms Payman took purpose astatine Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, saying his declare yesterday that she had been readying to onslaught retired connected her ain for a month, was untrue.

She besides insisted that she would not beryllium taking nan helm of a caller 'Teal Muslim' movement, arsenic has been wide rumoured.

Mr Dutton's comments came during a chaotic time for Labor - pinch first word Western Australian legislator Fatima Payman (pictured) announcing she would discontinue nan statement connected Thursday

Initially, Ms Payman received nary much than a slap connected nan wrist, but her determination to look connected an unsanctioned ABC question and reply wherever she proudly said she'd transverse nan level again if she had her clip complete prompted nan PM to intervene again.

She was suspended indefinitely from nan statement pinch elder Labor ministers promising she will beryllium welcomed backmost into nan fold erstwhile she originates acting for illustration a squad player.

Labor will now person to discuss pinch Ms Payman arsenic portion of nan crossbench erstwhile passing authorities successful nan senate, if they do not person nan support of nan Coalition.

To scope a mostly successful nan Senate without nan Coalition, Labor will request nan support of each 11 Greens, positive 3 members of nan eight-strong crossbench.

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