Turkey hit back at UEFA's 'unfair' two-match ban for Merih Demiral after making a gesture linked to far-right extremist group... as one political leader claims they should BOYCOTT their quarter-final tie at Euro 2024

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Turkey person deed retired astatine UEFA's determination to manus defender Merih Demiral a two-match prohibition for his celebrations successful nan last-16 of Euro 2024. 

Demiral scored doubly successful his country's 2-1 last-16 triumph complete Austria connected Tuesday, booking them a quarter-final gathering pinch nan Netherlands.

But nan 26-year-old's controversial ceremony aft his 2nd extremity prompted a UEFA probe complete alleged 'inappropriate behaviour'.

And a two-game prohibition has since been confirmed 'for violating nan basal rules of decent conduct, for utilizing sports events for manifestations of a non-sporting quality and for bringing nan athletics of shot into disrepute'.

Demiral's gesture, a 'wolf's salute', is associated pinch nan Grey Wolves, a far-right extremist group successful Turkey.

Turkey's Merih Demiral was deed pinch a two-match prohibition for his arguable extremity celebration

Demiral headed location his 2nd extremity from a area earlier performing nan 'wolf' gesture

However, now, Turkey's first-team head Vincenzo Montella and full-back Ferdi Kadioglu deed retired astatine nan determination and insisted that it 'was not a governmental gesture' from nan centre-back. 

Speaking astatine a caller property conference, Montella said: 'We see this prohibition unfair. It was not a governmental gesture. It was interpreted arsenic such, but it was conscionable not decently understood.

'But this will not put a brake connected Turkish pride. Actually we will beryllium much passionate, much proud, and I'm judge we'll each beryllium highly motivated.'

Kadioglu, meanwhile, said: 'I deliberation nan ceremony of Merih was thing to do pinch governmental stuff.

'He wanted to observe pinch nan Turkish fans and nan Turkish federation each complete nan world, and we find it wholly unfair. 

'Of people it's a shame he sewage this suspension, but personification other will return his spot for this lucifer and do well.' 

The Grey Wolves, officially called Ulku Ocaklari, is nan younker activity of nan Nationalist Movement Party - which is successful conjugation pinch Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party.

Turkey manager Vincenzo Montella has since deed retired astatine UEFA's determination to prohibition Demiral

Montella said it 'was not a governmental gesture' and, instead, that it was 'not decently understood'

The nationalist leader is group to beryllium coming for nan last-eight necktie against Ronald Koeman's broadside successful Berlin connected Saturday nighttime - nevertheless he's since called for Turkey to boycott nan match. 

Leader Devlet Bahceli said: 'At this stage, it is simply a civilized and nationalist anticipation that our nationalist shot squad does not play successful nan Netherlands lucifer and successful this way, displays its antiauthoritarian protest'.

Supporters of nan group are considered extremists by Germany's Constitutional Protection Agency, arsenic good arsenic nan European Union and nan United States.

The motion allegedly performed by Demiral is banned successful France and Austria.

The prohibition was introduced successful Austria successful 2019 aft a rule prohibiting 'extremist organisation' symbols was passed. The motion tin consequence successful fines of up to €4,000 (£3,400).

But successful 2019, Turkey's authorities criticised Austria's stance, claiming nan prohibition equated a awesome of a ineligible governmental statement pinch that of nan PKK, a Kurdish militant activity considered a violent organisation by Turkey, nan US and nan EU.

After nan match, Demiral explained why he had performed nan gesture.

Devlet Bahceli, leader of Turkey's Nationalist Movement Party, called connected nan broadside to boycott their quarter-final conflict against Netherlands

'I had a circumstantial ceremony successful mind, thing connected to my Turkish identity. I americium incredibly proud to beryllium Turkish, and I felt that pridefulness profoundly aft scoring,' he said.

'I wanted to definitive that, and I'm very happy I did. Our fans are proud of us. I saw them doing nan motion successful nan stands, and it made maine want to do it moreover more.'

Germany's Minister of Interior and Home Affairs, Nancy Faeser, urged UEFA to see sanctions and deed retired astatine nan alleged gesture.

'The symbols of Turkish right-wing extremists person nary spot successful our stadiums,' Faeser posted connected X, formerly Twitter, connected Wednesday morning. 'Using nan European Football Championship arsenic a level for racism is wholly unacceptable.'

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