Trump zeroes in on 'unxpected' pick of Afghanistan veteran as 2024 running mate

Trending 1 month ago
  • Former President Donald Trump will prime a moving mate successful July, he said  
  • He's now reasoning astir adding Sen. Tom Cotton to his 2024 ticket 
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By Nikki Schwab, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, D.C.

Published: 16:16 EDT, 24 May 2024 | Updated: 21:25 EDT, 24 May 2024

Yet different Republican U.S. legislator has caught erstwhile President Donald Trump's oculus arsenic he searches for a ticketmate to switch erstwhile Vice President Mike Pence. 

The New York Times reported Friday that Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has jumped to nan apical of Trump's list. 

The 47-year-old Arkansas Republican was elected to nan Senate successful 2014 aft serving tours successful Iraq and Afghanistan pinch nan U.S. Army. 

The prime of Cotton would beryllium unexpected because it would beryllium bland. 

Cotton joins different veepstakes contenders from nan precocious enclosure including Sens. Marco Rubio, Tim Scott and J.D. Vance. 

Former President Donald Trump (right) is considering picking Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton (left) to beryllium his moving mate - a prime that would beryllium safe and not stone nan boat. Cotton is simply a 47-year-old Army veteran. The 2 were pictured together astatine nan White House successful August 2017 

Former President Donald Trump throws a pen during his Thursday nighttime rally successful nan Bronx. During an question and reply aft nan rally he refused to sanction his apical 3 VP picks - which reportedly now includes Cotton 

The presumptive Republican nominee is besides considering North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who he brought to his caller mega-rally successful Wildwood, New Jersey. 

Trump besides discussed nan 5 Republican men for Cabinet positions should he triumph a 2nd word successful November, The Times study said. 

During an question and reply Thursday pinch News 12 Trump declined to sanction his apical 3 VP picks.

'Well, we person truthful many, I don't want to do that,' nan ex-president said aft his rally successful nan Bronx. 

Trump past commended Dr. Ben Carson, his erstwhile HUD secretary, Rubio, Vance and Rep. Elise Stefanik. 

The ex-president said he would denote his prime 'sometime during nan convention.' 

The Republican National Convention is scheduled for mid-July successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton would correspond a safe prime for erstwhile President Donald Trump, arsenic he's agelong been considered a GOP up-and-comer. He's a seasoned who's served successful nan U.S. Senate for astir 10 years 

Trump besides has a number of erstwhile 2024 rivals astatine his disposal. 

His main rival, erstwhile U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley, finally said this week that she would ballot for Trump successful nan November election. 

Trump supporters interviewed by successful New Jersey liked nan thought of nan ex-president picking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, different main challenger. 

DeSantis said months agone he wouldn't return nan promotion - though much precocious has started fundraising for Trump. 

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is besides a favourite pinch nan MAGA crowd - and astatine 38-years-old would bring younker to nan ticket. 

And if Trump wanted a wildcard prime he could take nan Democrat-turned-independent erstwhile Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who sides pinch Trump connected a number of issues successful her caller book. 

Trump even left nan doorway open to prime South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem - aft she wrote successful her memoir that she changeable her canine and included a gathering pinch North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that didn't happen. 

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