Trump congratulates pal Nigel Farage for his 'big win' after Reform leader landed a seat in Parliament... but fails to mention Keir Starmer after Labour election landslide

Trending 3 days ago
  • Trump said that Farage 'truly loves his country'
  • The Reform leader primitively stated he planned to enactment retired of nan UK election
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By Paul Farrell For Dailymail.Com

Published: 08:24 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 09:42 EDT, 5 July 2024

Donald Trump led nan the congratulations to his friend Nigel Farage connected becoming a personnel of nan British Parliament for nan first time. 

'Congratulations to Nigel Farage connected his large WIN of a Parliament Seat Amid Reform UK Election Success. Nigel is simply a man who genuinely loves his Country! DJT,' nan Republican statesmanlike nominee wrote successful a station connected TruthSocial. 

However successful his societal media activities, Trump made nary reference to caller Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Starmer has antecedently said that his authorities will activity pinch whomever is successful nan White House pursuing November's election. 

Farage, 60, primitively said that he had nary plans to guidelines successful nan July election, choosing to attraction connected stumping for Trump successful nan United States. A abrupt U-turn saw him wantonness those plans and motorboat his run a period earlier ballots were cast.

Partial results show nan anti-immigration Reform, successor to nan Brexit Party, has taken votes from some nan Conservatives and Labour.

Donald Trump led nan the congratulations to his friend Nigel Farage connected becoming a personnel of nan British Parliament for nan first time

Farage easy won predetermination successful nan coastal municipality of Clacton, gaining astir 25,000 votes 

In his societal media praise, Trump made nary reference to nan caller Prime Minister Keir Starmer 

Farage said nan statement was 'going to travel 2nd successful hundreds of constituencies.' It is not yet clear really galore seats Reform will win.

He said location is simply a 'massive gap' successful nan correct of British politics, and it was his occupation to capable it.

'My scheme is to build a wide nationalist activity complete nan people of nan adjacent fewer years,' he said.

Farage, antecedently a personnel of nan European Union's Parliament from 1999 until Brexit, has stood aggregate times successful an effort to participate Westminster. 

The leader of nan Reform Party, Farage earned astir 25,000 votes successful Clacton, an area that powerfully backed Brexit successful 2016. 

Trump and Farage's narration goes backmost arsenic acold arsenic 2016 erstwhile during nan erstwhile Apprentice host's first statesmanlike campaign, he made stump speeches for him connected nan run trail. 

Farage was among nan attendees astatine Trump's inauguration successful January 2017. 

The pair's narration was fostered successful portion by Republican activistic John Bartley Boykin who met Farage astatine nan 2016 Republican National Convention. Boykin died this past March astatine nan property of 32.  

If Trump is victorious successful November successful his conflict pinch President Joe Biden, he will request to shape a narration pinch Starmer's caller government. 

Recently, Starmer's overseas caput elite David Lammy said that Trump is 'often misunderstood.' 

At nan clip of Biden's inauguration successful January 2021, Lammy said that nan ceremonial 'filled him pinch joy.' 

In nan aforesaid month, Lammy condemned Trump further. 

'Donald Trump’s full Presidency has been a reign of recklessness, narcissism and delusion,' he wrote connected Twitter. 

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