Trump challenges Biden to take the same cognitive test that the former president took in 2018

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WASHINGTON — Donald Trump on Saturday nighttime suggested President Joe Biden “should person to return a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered nan trial to him successful nan adjacent sentence.

The erstwhile president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was nan White House expert for portion of his presidency, arsenic “Ronny Johnson.” The infinitesimal came arsenic Trump was questioning Biden’s intelligence acuity, thing he often does connected nan run way and societal media.

“He doesn’t moreover cognize what nan connection ‘inflation’ means. I deliberation he should return a cognitive trial for illustration I did,” nan erstwhile president said of Biden during a speech astatine a normal of Turning Point Action successful Detroit.

Former president Donald Trump thinks that Joe Biden should return a cognitive trial conscionable for illustration he did. AP

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone cognize Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was nan White House doctor, and he said I was nan healthiest president, he feels, successful history, truthful I liked him very overmuch so immediately.”

Jackson was elected to Congress successful 2021 and is 1 of Trump’s astir vociferous defenders connected Capitol Hill.

Trump, who turned 78 connected Friday, has made questioning whether nan 81-year-old Biden is up for a 2nd word a centerpiece of his campaign. But online critics quickly seized connected his Saturday nighttime gaffe, pinch nan Biden run — which has agelong fought disconnected disapproval astir the Democratic president’s verbal missteps — posting a clip of nan infinitesimal minutes later.

Trump took nan cognitive trial successful 2018 at his ain request, Jackson told reporters astatine nan time. The exam is designed to observe early signs of representation nonaccomplishment and different mild cognitive impairment.

Biden’s run has worked difficult to quell doubts astir nan existent president’s agone and competence.

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment that Trump took includes remembering a database of spoken words; listening to a database of random numbers and repeating them backward; naming arsenic galore words that statesman with, say, nan missive F arsenic imaginable wrong a minute; accurately drafting a cube; and describing actual ways that 2 objects — for illustration a train and a bicycle — are alike.

Trump later said that he had to remember and accurately singing a database of words successful order: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”

During nan aforesaid reside successful Detroit, Trump besides referenced a video clip wide circulated online successful Republican circles wherever Biden is seen during nan precocious concluded Group of Seven acme successful Italy watching skydivers onshore pinch flags from different nations.

The results of Donald Trump’s cognitive trial successful 2018 showed early signs of representation nonaccomplishment and different mild cognitive impairment. AP

A cropped type of nan video shows Biden stepping distant from nan leaders, turning his backmost and stepping successful nan different direction. He flashes a thumbs-up but it’s not clear who he is gesturing to. A much complete perspective of nan aforesaid scene, however, shows that nan president had turned to look a skydiver who has landed.

Trump nevertheless seized connected nan video clip, falsely describing Biden turning astir “to look astatine trees,” drafting laughter and hoots from nan crowd.

The Biden run issued a connection dismissing nan clip arsenic misleadingly cropped and accusing those disseminating it arsenic “tampering pinch nan video to dress up lies.”

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