Trump ally Steve Bannon to report to federal prison to serve four-month sentence on contempt charges

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Longtime Trump state Steve Bannon is scheduled to study to a national situation successful Connecticut connected Monday to service a four-month condemnation connected contempt charges for defying a lawsuit successful nan legislature investigation into the US Capitol attack.

A judge had allowed Bannon to enactment free for astir 2 years while he appealed, but ordered him to study to situation Monday aft an appeals tribunal panel upheld his contempt of Congress convictions.

The Supreme Court rejected his last-minute entreaty to stave disconnected his sentence.

Steve Bannon appears successful Manhattan Supreme Court successful May 2023. Gabriella Bass

A jury found Bannon guilty of 2 counts of contempt of Congress: 1 for refusing to beryllium for a deposition pinch nan Jan. 6 House Committee and a 2nd for refusing to supply documents related to his engagement successful nan Republican ex-president’s efforts to overturn his 2020 predetermination nonaccomplishment to Democrat Joe Biden.

Defense attorneys person based on nan lawsuit raises issues that should beryllium examined by nan Supreme Court, including Bannon’s erstwhile lawyer’s belief that nan lawsuit was invalid because erstwhile President Donald Trump had asserted executive privilege.

Prosecutors, though, opportunity Bannon had near nan White House years earlier and Trump had ne'er invoked executive privilege successful beforehand of nan committee.

Bannon’s entreaty will proceed to play out, and Republican House leaders person put their support down stepping successful to asseverate nan Jan. 6 committee was improperly created, efficaciously trying to deem nan lawsuit Bannon received arsenic illegitimate.

Rioters astatine nan US Capitol successful Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. AP
Trump and Bannon during nan swearing-in of elder unit successful nan East Room of nan White House connected Jan. 22, 2017 successful Washington, DC. AFP via Getty Images

Another Trump aide, waste and acquisition adviser Peter Navarro, has besides been convicted of contempt of Congress.

He reported to prison in March to service his four-month condemnation aft nan Supreme Court refused his bid to hold nan sentence.

Bannon is besides facing criminal charges successful New York authorities tribunal alleging he duped donors who gave money to build a wall along nan US-Mexico border.

Bannon has pleaded not blameworthy to money laundering, conspiracy, fraud and different charges, and that proceedings has been postponed until astatine slightest nan extremity of September.

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