Trinity Poague, 18, a national beauty pageant constant is charged with murder after 18-month old child dies at the hospital

Trending 5 months ago
  • Trinity Madison Poague, 18, has been charged pinch nan execution of an 18-month-old babe boy
  • Police said nan kid was brought to nan infirmary unresponsive and later died, prompting nan investigation
  • Poague is simply a freshman at at Georgia Southwestern State University and was crowned Miss Donalsonville successful 2023

By Rachel Bowman For Dailymail.Com

Published: 09:22 EST, 21 January 2024 | Updated: 10:17 EST, 21 January 2024

A Georgia pageant queen has been arrested and charged pinch nan execution of an 18-month-old baby

On Friday, 18-year-old Trinity Madison Poague was arrested by agents from nan Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

Poague, nan reigning Miss Donalsonville, has been charged pinch aggravated battery, felony execution and first-degree cruelty to children.

Investigators said connected January 14 astir 2:00 p.m., nan Georgia Southwestern State University Police Department arsenic nan bureau of investigation to look into nan decease of a young child.

An unresponsive 18-month-old boy was admitted to nan emergency room astatine Phoebe Sumter Hospital successful Americus, Georgia.

Trinity Madison Poague, the reigning Miss Donalsonville, was arrested connected Friday and charged pinch nan execution of an 18-month-old baby

Poague, 18, has been charged pinch aggravated battery, felony execution and first-degree cruelty to children

Hospital unit said they attempted life redeeming measures, but nan kid later died. 

Investigators said aft aggregate interviews and examining nan evidence, Poague was arrested.

It is unclear what nan quality of nan injuries were and really Poague is related to nan child. Investigators person not released further accusation connected nan case. 

On societal media, nan 18-year-old has posted respective photos and videos of young children successful her life.

Poague is presently being held astatine nan Sumter County Jail pinch nary bond.

'Once nan investigation is complete, nan casefile will beryllium fixed to nan Southwestern Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office for prosecution,' said nan Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

Poague graduated from nan Southwest Georgia Academy successful Damascus successful May, reported nan Donalsonville News.

Police investigated nan pageant queen aft an unresponsive 18-month-old boy was admitted to nan emergency room astatine Phoebe Sumter Hospital successful Americus, Georgia

Poague is simply a freshman at Georgia Southwestern State University. She was crowned Miss Donalsonville successful 2023 and competed successful nan National Peanut Festival Pageant

According to nan Thomasville Times-Enterprise, she is simply a freshman astatine Georgia Southwestern State University successful Americus. 

She was named 1 of 22 students to nan President Jimmy Carter Leadership Program.

Requirements from nan programme see a minimum 1100 connected nan SAT aliases an ACT composite people of 22, a precocious schoolhouse GPA of 3.0 aliases greater and beardown activity skills. 

She was crowned Miss Donalsonville successful 2023 and competed successful nan National Peanut Festival Pageant. 

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