The shocking reason Roosters star Dominic Young was pulled over police - and why his NRL club will foot the bill

Trending 1 week ago
  • Young winger was pulled complete by cops successful Maroubra 
  • Stems from an incident that happened backmost successful February 
  • Fortunately for Young, his nine was capable to resoluteness nan issue 

By Josh Alston For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 00:41 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 00:41 EDT, 17 June 2024

Normally erstwhile an NRL subordinate is pulled complete by constabulary it is simply a very superior matter for their club, but fortunately for Sydney prima Dominic Young nan Roosters person his back.

Young was reportedly pulled complete by constabulary successful nan Sydney beachside suburb of Maroubra past week for a very different reason.

News Corp has reported that constabulary pulled nan Great Britain typical complete because he has an outstanding ambulance bill.

The measure came aft an NRL proceedings lucifer successful Gosford successful February.

Young was taken to infirmary aft Sydney's crippled against Manly successful a cervix brace aft a crusher tackle from Manly prop Toff Sipley.

Sipley received a three-match suspension and missed retired connected an opportunity to correspond nan Sea Eagles successful nan Las Vegas play opener, while Young received a measure successful nan message from NSW Ambulance.

Roosters prima Dominic Young was a cardinal signing for nan Tri-colours this play from nan Newcastle Knights

Young was pulled complete by constabulary because he had an outstanding measure pinch NSW Ambulance

The winger was injured successful a Roosters proceedings lucifer earlier this twelvemonth and request to beryllium transported to hospital

In New South Wales, residents person a 49 per cent subsidy but still request to salary 51 per cent of nan costs erstwhile they request an ambulance.

'I thought it was accidental and didn't look good,' Roosters coach Trent Robinson said of Sipley's tackle astatine nan time.

'There was a batch of unit astatine that point.'

Young reportedly thought nan measure had been sent to nan Sydney Roosters, but it had been mailed to him directly.

News Corp has reported that nan Roosters will salary nan measure for him now that is been revealed.

Young was a precocious floor plan signing by nan nine this play aft he exploded onto nan NRL segment pinch nan Newcastle Knights.

He is simply a important personnel of nan Roosters backline pinch Billy Smith injured, Joseph Aukuso-Suaalii suspended for his shocking precocious changeable connected Reece Walsh and Michael Jennings nan latest to subordinate nan swelling casualty ward. 

Young has played 61 NRL matches and scored 52 tries, including 9 this play successful 10 appearances for nan Roosters.

Young was ruled retired pinch a insignificant hamstring strain for nan Roosters astir caller lucifer against Parramatta but is expected to return against nan Bulldogs connected Saturday.

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