The insane amount of money Taylor Swift made over her four Sydney shows and what she injected into the NSW economy

Trending 4 months ago
  • READ MORE: Taylor Swift Eras Tour 2024: Pop prima boosts Victorian system by $174m 

By Jimmy Briggs For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 18:47 EST, 26 February 2024 | Updated: 18:52 EST, 26 February 2024

The Aussie limb of Taylor Swift's record-breaking Eras Tour ended pinch a bang successful Sydney connected Monday, and nan popular prima pocketed an astronomical magnitude of money sum for some herself - and nan NSW economy.

The popular sensation, 34, reportedly earned $25million per Sydney show, meaning she took location $100 cardinal aft 4 concerts astatine Accor Stadium.

Swift besides injected a whopping $145 into nan NSW economy, arsenic thousands of section and interstate fans flocked to nan metropolis for nan must-see arena of nan year.

'The Swift effect is undeniable erstwhile it comes to nan economical effect her circuit delivers to big cities,' Accommodation Australia main executive Michael Johnson told The Daily Telegraph.

'Based connected past calculations, her shows tin inject betwixt $150 and $200 cardinal to a state’s economy, conscionable arsenic we saw successful Melbourne.'

The Aussie limb of Taylor Swift 's record-breaking Eras Tour ended pinch a bang successful Sydney connected Monday, and nan popular prima pocketed an astronomical magnitude of money sum for some herself - and nan NSW economy 

The NSW system grew crossed galore sectors, pinch edifice rooms afloat booked out, restaurants and bars jam-packed and thousands of fans splurging connected merchandise. 

Meanwhile, taxation lawyer Harry Dell revealed that Swift would person paid 30 per cent taxation to nan Australian Tax Office connected her performance earnings.

This intends that nan Australian authorities collected astir $10million successful taxation from Swift crossed her 4 Sydney shows.

The popular sensation, 34, reportedly earned $25million per Sydney show, meaning she took location $100 cardinal aft 4 concerts astatine Accor Stadium 

In Victoria, Swift injected a whopping $174million into nan authorities system aft her 3 Melbourne shows.

Thousands of fans splashed retired a corporate $86m successful nan accommodation, hospitality and tourism sector, pinch CBD spending up 30% compared to nan erstwhile month.

It comes arsenic Swift vanished her tally of Sydney concerts connected Monday evening.

She sent disconnected nan crowd pinch immoderate very lukewarm words, leaving nan assemblage cheering successful delight.

'Looking astatine this crowd, nan biggest crowd we've had astatine our 4 shows here!' she told her fans.

More than 600,000 group attended nan Australian limb of her Eras Tour. 

A record-breaking 96,000 fans attended each of her 3 shows successful Melbourne and a further 83,000 Swifties astatine each of her 4 shows successful Sydney.

Swift besides injected a whopping $145 into nan NSW economy, arsenic thousands of section and interstate fans flocked to nan metropolis for nan must-see arena of nan year 

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