The 'curse' of Co-Op Live continues: Problem-plagued Manchester arena is hit by ANOTHER last minute cancellation as Nicki Minaj's show is axed with thousands of fans already inside following the star's arrest in Amsterdam

Trending 1 month ago

Footage from wrong nan Co-op Live Arena shows nan infinitesimal thousands of Nicki Minaj fans were told nan vocalist would not beryllium performing aft her apprehension successful Amsterdam.

Ticketholders were allowed into nan venue contempt nan 41-year-old prima being detained astatine Schiphol Airport connected suspicion of possessing soft drugs. She was fined and released from custody a fewer hours later. 

Footage from wrong Co-op Live, which is nan UK's biggest indoor arena pinch a capacity of 23,500, showed fans waiting patiently for nan prima to get - contempt seemingly receiving nary updates connected her whereabouts.

When an announcement was yet made, fans were heard booing and shouting successful disbelief, pinch organisers saying they were 'deeply disappointed by nan inconvenience this has caused'. 

It is conscionable nan latest problem to deed nan £365 cardinal arena, which belatedly opened this period aft being plagued by setbacks - pinch disgruntled euphony fans now labelling nan venue 'cursed'.

One instrumentality told MailOnline that she was 'absolutely heartbroken' astatine Saturday's performance being called off. 'It's not precisely for illustration nan tickets were cheap,' said Alesha. 'We spent an absolute luck to beryllium location tonight, fto unsocial nan recreation and outfits we sewage for it.'

'Absolute shambles that nan Co-op unrecorded didn't conscionable fto america fto america cognize beforehand that nan show was going to beryllium postponed,' she added, a sentiment shared by galore different ticketholders.

Fans time off nan Manchester Co-op Live venue aft nan Nicki Minaj show was postponed

Disappointed fans are seen leaving nan arena aft being told that tonight's show was called off

Nicki Minaj filmed herself seemingly getting arrested for allegedly 'carrying drugs' while walking from Amsterdam to Manchester for her adjacent show

Hundreds of fans queueing extracurricular Manchester's Co-op Live arena up of nan scheduled show were filmed this evening chanting 'Free Nicki Minaj'

Kian Young, 23, who had travelled from Scunthorpe, said that he was 'confused arsenic to why nan Co-op arena hasn't spoken to its fans' and asked why nan venue hadn't cancelled nan arena erstwhile news emerged of Minaj's arrest.

'Everyone's travel - my missus is crying,' he told nan BBC. 'Why not show america it's cancelled earlier bringing america in?'

But others blamed nan vocalist for nan chaos. Olivia Gibson from Newcastle said she was now an 'ex fan' of Minaj. 

'I consciousness appalled. But also, successful a way, I'm not shocked,' nan 21-year-old said, referring to nan singer's way grounds of moving precocious and saying she should person allowed much clip to get to Manchester from Amsterdam.

'It's not nan Co-op Live's fault. It's Nicki Minaj's fault,' she added. 'She's conscionable fto each her fans down.'

The American singer, known for nan songs Starships, Super Bass and Anaconda, had been owed to return to nan shape astatine 6.30pm, but this was initially pushed backmost to 7pm. 

Footage emerged of supporters queuing up successful nan hours earlier nan scheduled gig, chanting 'Free Nicki Minaj' arsenic they held onto dream that nan prima would beryllium allowed to alert to execute astatine nan Manchester arena.

Fans successful nan packed venue were devastated erstwhile they were informed that nan show would not beryllium going ahead, pinch galore slamming nan decision.

Footage from wrong nan venue, which has a capacity of 23,500, showed fans waiting patiently for nan prima to arrive

Nicki Minaj fans near nan Manchester arena aft waiting hours to spot their favourite creator perform

A backstage plane, believed to beryllium to Nicki Minaj, departs from Schiphol East airdrome aft nan rapper was released by police

It comes aft nan venue postponed its first charismatic show respective times aft information concerns. 

The opening performance by rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie was cancelled 3 times, while shows by bands Take That, Keane and The Black Keys and comedian Peter Kay were besides postponed.

However, nan arena yet had unrecorded euphony connected May 14, erstwhile British stone set Elbow took to nan stage.

Elbow frontman Guy Garvey appeared to quip astir Co-Op Live's erstwhile woes past nighttime arsenic he took to nan shape for nan crisis-ridden euphony venue's first gig.

Structural issues pinch nan building were among a big of issues antecedently raised, pinch reports suggesting its ventilation strategy was falling from nan ceiling.

One worker said 'there were loads of wires hanging down' pinch exposed lighting connected nan level which looked 'very messy'.

In an evident motion to those woes, Garvey welcomed nan assemblage by quipping: 'There was already energy successful nan aerial earlier you batch sewage successful here... and now it's afloat amped up. I dream you tin consciousness it.'

The rocker added that those who had been moving connected nan building had been 'so excited today, truthful tense and truthful excited'.

Manchester's Co-Op Live Arena has been plagued by issues from its testing to eventual opening earlier this month

In nan aftermath of nan latest play to effect nan venue, galore concertgoers person besides defended Co-op Live. 

One wrote connected X that Minaj's lateness was 'genuinely not their fault', adding that organisers 'cannot drawback a break'.

Another suggested that it would person been worse not to fto fans into nan arena. 'Why is everyone blaming co-op live? They fto everyone successful erstwhile nan doors opened they could person near everyone outside, saying, "we're not letting anyone successful yet.."'

And 1 said that nan blasted should beryllium shared by organisers and Minaj. 'Co-op Live tin return accountability for letting group successful earlier confirming she was successful nan country. 

'But Nicki Minaj, I emotion u but you shoulda travelled yesterday, not 3 hours earlier doors open,' nan instrumentality added.

Members of Minaj's fanbase, known arsenic nan 'Barbz', wore her trademark pinkish to nan concert

Despite vehemently denying that she was carrying immoderate drugs, nan 41-year-old rapper was told that she needed to spell to nan constabulary position successful footage captured during an Instagram Live

Many person said they are unsure if they would beryllium capable to make nan rescheduled performance, dates for which person not been announced yet.

Latest successful a drawstring of issues for Co-op Live

Manchester's Co-Op Live Arena has been plagued by issues from its testing to eventual opening earlier this month.

Here is simply a timeline of what has happened:

April 20

Headaches for Co-op Arena emerged aft capacity for a trial arena was reduced pinch conscionable hours' notice.

Rick Astley did execute astatine nan arena, however, and location were reports connected societal media that nan arena was a success.

April 22

Yet much issues came erstwhile comedian Peter Kay's performances were postponed pinch little than 48 hours' notice.

His original dates were shifted to April 29 and 30, pinch Kay penning connected societal media that he was 'truly gutted' for his fans.

A spokesperson for nan arena said that 'consistent full powerfulness proviso to our afloat electrical sustainable venue' was 2 days down and location needed to beryllium much clip to trial it 'thoroughly'.

April 25

Following a slew of issues, wide head Gary Roden resigned.

April 26

Peter Kay and The Black Keys some had to reschedule dates because of nan venue not being 'ready'.

Kay's gigs were moved to May 23 and May 24, and he said it was 'very disappointing but your information is important, and I won't discuss that' connected X, formerly Twitter.

The caller day for nan US stone set The Black Keys became May 15.

In a statement, Co-op Live besides said that location is 'reassurance' for fans that dates for US rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, existent sanction Julius Dubose, connected May 1, and American vocalist Olivia Rodrigo's performances connected May 3 and 4 would beryllium going ahead.

May 1

Both A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie and Olivia Rodrigo dates are postponed.

This was conscionable complete an hr earlier A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie was group to perform, pinch nan venue saying that location was a problem during nan soundcheck.

A constituent of nan heating, ventilation and aerial conditioning (HVAC) strategy utilized to nonstop aerial had separated from nan ductwork, and nan installer, contractor and third-party inspector would now person to trial each nozzle to corroborate they are free from nan defect, nan Oak View Group said.

Two hours aft cancelling A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, nan venue past said that Rodrigo's gigs would not spell up connected May 3 and 4.

May 2

Take That said they would beryllium moving their May shows from nan Co-op Live to nan AO Arena because of 'ongoing method issues'.

Earlier that time different band, Keane, announced their May 5 gig astatine nan venue had been postponed acknowledgment to issues that were 'entirely beyond our control'.

The venue said it would beryllium taking 'a short region to events astatine Co-op Live to afloat guarantee nan information and information of fans and artists visiting nan venue'.

May 14

Live euphony yet sewage nether measurement astatine nan Co-op Live arena aft Manchester set Elbow opened nan caller venue arsenic its first headliners.

May 25

Nicki Minaj is arrested successful nan Netherlands hours earlier she is owed to alert to nan UK to execute astatine nan Co-op Live Arena.

Dutch constabulary said astatine astir 9pm that they released their 'suspect and she tin now move on', but Live Nation announced soon aft that nan show, primitively group to person doors unfastened astatine 6.30pm, had been postponed.

Frankie Harper, 20, from Andover, Hampshire, said: '(I'm) distraught to opportunity nan least. It decidedly hurts much that it was connected my birthday. Not judge what happens pinch nan £100s that you walk connected a train and hotel.'

Nord Herida, 23, who lives successful Barnsley and travelled an hr to be nan concert, said he had felt earlier nan postponement that his clip was 'being wasted' wrong nan arena.

He added that his friend had travelled 4 hours from Ipswich to get to nan gig and that they had been waiting since 1pm astatine nan arena.

'(I'm) p***** not (going to) lie, they person taken this agelong to show us,' Mr Herida said.

'Like I work, I can't conscionable return a time off.'

Super instrumentality Connor Wynne told Sky that he had been queueing since earlier 8am this greeting to get a beforehand statement position for nan show.

He said he and his friends were holding retired dream of seeing nan prima aft they 'heard a chopper spell over'.

But soon after, fans' hopes of seeing their favourite vocalist were dashed erstwhile organisers announced nan show was being postponed.

'Nicki Minaj's scheduled capacity astatine Manchester's Co-op Live connected Saturday 25th May has been postponed,' a connection online said.

'Tickets will stay valid for nan rescheduled capacity which will beryllium announced ASAP.

'Despite Nicki's champion efforts to research each imaginable avenue to make tonight's show happen, nan events of coming person made it impossible.'

It added: 'We are profoundly disappointed by nan inconvenience this has caused. More accusation will beryllium disposable astatine your constituent of purchase.'

Minaj went silent connected societal media astatine astir 4pm this evening pursuing a bid of societal media posts connected X, formerly Twitter, and Instagram.

In them, she said that constabulary had told her they recovered narcotics successful her luggage aft items were checked by customs.

She wrote that 'they recovered weed' and her information 'already advised them' that items beryllium to them, and not her.

Minaj besides claimed that her bags had been taken by 'customs', pinch personification who looked for illustration he worked for Schiphol Airport saying that nan truth she filmed information checks prompted her luggage to beryllium searched again, successful a video shared connected Instagram.

She alleged: 'They've been trying to extremity maine from coming to each show. They took my bags earlier I could spot them. Put it connected nan plane. Now saying they're waiting connected customs.'

Minaj besides live-streamed what appeared to beryllium a speech pinch an officer, who asked her to get into a van truthful she could spell to a constabulary station.

'I'm not carrying drugs, I'm not going successful there,' she says successful nan clip.

She past asks nan serviceman if she is 'under arrest' to which nan the Dutch policeman replies 'yes'.

The prima is told by different policeman that she will get a 'lawyer' and to extremity filming, and past gets wrong nan van.

Minaj besides live-streamed what appeared to beryllium a speech pinch an officer, who asked her to get into a van truthful she could spell to a constabulary station.

'I'm not carrying drugs, I'm not going successful there,' she says successful nan clip.

She past asks nan serviceman if she is 'under arrest' to which nan the Dutch policeman replies 'yes'.

Minaj is told by different policeman that she will get a 'lawyer' and to extremity filming, and past gets wrong nan van.

A connection from Amsterdam's Royal Military Constabulary read: 'We person conscionable released a 41-year-old American female who we arrested this day astatine Schiphol connected suspicion of exporting soft drugs.

'After consultation pinch nan Public Prosecution Service, nan fishy was fined and tin proceed her journey.'

Speaking to Sky News astatine astir 9.15pm, Major Robert van Kapel of nan subject constabulary said that she had been released from their custody astir 20 minutes earlier.

He added that he believed she had group disconnected connected her onward journey, though would not disclose further details. 

It was unclear astatine this constituent whether she would make nan show, and location were fewer updates fixed passim nan saga.

Promoters Live Nation and nan venue Co-op Live, arsenic good arsenic a typical for Minaj, person been contacted for comment. 

Before nan alleged arrest, Minaj shared a bid of posts connected X (previously known arsenic Twitter ), astir her bags getting pulled for a thorough hunt astatine nan airport

'They've been trying everything they perchance tin to TRY to extremity this tour,' she wrote successful 1 tweet, earlier theorizing that they were trying to 'plant things' successful her luggage

Minaj tweeted that her 'filming each azygous point made' hose labor and constabulary 'mad'

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