Texas K-9 retires after nearly a decade of service, gets heartfelt ‘thank you’ from law enforcement

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A K-9 who made a important effect connected a Texas organization has hung up his badge aft astir a decade of dedicated service.

K-9 Indy was calved successful Hungary successful April 2014, Fox News Digital learned. He was brought to nan US successful 2015 to beryllium paired pinch Sergeant Barry Sullivan arsenic a moving canine for the Trophy Club Police Department.  

The North Texas law enforcement brace person been attached astatine nan hep since they met — which made Sullivan affectional during Indy’s caller past shift. 

In a saccharine infinitesimal caught connected nan officer’s dashcam, Sullivan and Indy tin beryllium seen listening to Indy’s status announcement, which elaborate nan dog’s galore accomplishments successful his career. 

In nan video, a dispatcher tin beryllium heard thanking Indy for his work while listing nan galore successes he was responsible for successful his 9 years of service. 

K-9 Handler Sullivan is seen getting affectional successful an unexpected infinitesimal that he elaborate to Fox News Digital. 

“I was overwhelmed pinch emotion. K-9 Indy has been pinch maine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” he said. 

Indy and Sgt. Barry Sullivan are shown successful their conveyance arsenic they perceive to nan department’s announcement of Indy’s retirement. Facebook/Trophy Club Public Safety – Police & Fire

Sullivan and Indy person a typical enslaved arsenic they person worked and lived together since nan commencement — thing Sullivan said is different for astir K-9s connected nan force. 

“Unlike astir K-9s, he had free scope astatine my home. He followed maine everywhere,” he said, arsenic astir moving K-9s unrecorded successful an outdoor canine location astatine their handler’s residence. 

The German shepherd’s long database of accomplishments are owed to his extended training successful supplier detection, search and apprehension, which is what Sullivan said makes him “truly unique.”

Said Sullivan, “Indy had this singular expertise to move betwixt being a serious, effective constabulary canine erstwhile needed and being a friendly, lovable ambassador to nan community.”

Throughout his career, Indy had a measurement of being “on” erstwhile moving but having a saccharine demeanor astatine home, said Sullivan. LinkedIn/Barry Sullivan

While moving astatine nan Trophy Club Police Department, Indy helped to prehend complete 5 pounds of fentanyl, complete 4,200 pounds of marijuana, complete 34 pounds of methamphetamine, complete 83 grams of cocaine and different substances.

He assisted pinch 21 illegal possessions of firearms, 44 criminal apprehensions aliases finds and helped to find $164,307 worthy of supplier money passim his career. 

He besides joined 11 SWAT Team deployments and participated successful complete 50 K-9 demos for nationalist events, according to nan constabulary department. 

A K-9 precocious retired — and nan constabulary section gave him a saccharine farewell that astir near his handler successful tears. Facebook/Trophy Club Public Safety – Police & Fire

“By not only curtailing criminal activity successful our jurisdiction, but by aiding nan galore local, authorities and national rule enforcement agencies … K-9 Indy has impacted crime earlier it tin get to our community,” Sullivan said.

Indy was Sullivan’s first K-9 partner — and nan serviceman told Fox News Digital that he couldn’t person gotten luckier pinch his “remarkable” companion. 

“Words cannot statesman to picture really overmuch that canine intends to me. No matter what I said aliases did, I could not hole myself for nan time he had to enactment location and not spell to activity pinch me,” he said. 

Today, Indy is enjoying status by taking naps, stealing meatballs disconnected nan room array and continuing to defender his home. 

“The only quality is that he doesn’t spell to activity pinch maine anymore … and possibly he has gained a mates other pounds successful status truthful acold … nan treats and all,” joked Sullivan. 

The Trophy Club Police Department precocious welcomed a caller K-9 partner named Odin, who will besides travel Sullivan’s watch. 

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