Supreme Court to decide Trump immunity decision TODAY as Biden scrambles to save reelection campaign: Follow along for U.S. politics live updates

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By Kelly Laco, Executive Editor Of Politics For Dailymail.Com and Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 06:47 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 07:10 EDT, 1 July 2024

Welcome to's unrecorded blog wherever President Joe Biden is scrambling to prevention his 2024 reelection run aft his disastrous debate.

Biden is 'humiliated' and 'painfully aware' of his image pursuing his calamitous statement performance, arsenic he is group to talk nan early of his reelection campaign.

The president has retreated to Camp David pinch is wife, children and grandchildren to return a break from nan run proceedings and measurement his options.

The Supreme Court will find coming whether ex-president Donald Trump has immunity from national prosecution complete his alleged efforts to overthrow nan 2020 election.

Follow on for unrecorded sum from's governmental team: 

Democratic Party held a frantic telephone aft Biden's statement disaster

By Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Democratic Party leaders desperately pleaded pinch rank and record committee members to not wantonness President Joe Biden contempt his train wreck statement performance.

During a concealed telephone aft nan CNN statement successful Atlanta connected Thursday, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden's run head Julie Chavez Rodriguez tried to quell concerns complete nan President's viability arsenic their 2024 candidate.

But those connected nan telephone declare leaders are gaslighting them and asking them to disregard evident signs of intelligence decline. They judge that Biden, 81, mightiness not beryllium nan champion 1 for nan occupation anymore.

With conscionable a month-and-a-half until nan Democratic Convention, galore Party members, strategists and donors are wondering if they should activity a replacement.

Joe Salazar, an elected DNC personnel from Colorado who was connected nan call, said:

I was hoping for much of a substantive speech alternatively of, 'Hey, let's spell retired location and conscionable beryllium cheerleaders,' without really addressing a very superior rumor that unfolded connected American tv for millions of group to see.
There were a number of things that could person been said successful addressing nan situation. But we didn't get that. We were being gaslit.

Biden is 'humiliated, devoid of assurance and painfully alert of his frail image', insider claims aft nightmare debate

Joe Biden is 'humiliated' and 'painfully aware' of his image pursuing his calamitous statement performance, arsenic he is group to talk nan early of his re-election campaign.

The president has retreated to Camp David pinch is wife, children and grandchildren to return a break from nan run proceedings and measurement his options, NBC News first reported.

Insiders described Biden's temper arsenic 'humiliated and devoid of confidence' pursuing his look disconnected with Donald Trump that saw him stumbling complete his words and losing his train of thought aggregate times.

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