Sophia Bush SHUTS DOWN engagement rumors with girlfriend Ashlyn Harris following romantic Paris trip: 'I have no news for you'

Trending 1 month ago

By Sameer Suri For

Published: 23:03 EDT, 25 May 2024 | Updated: 23:03 EDT, 25 May 2024

Sophia Bush has firmly unopen down nan rumors that she is engaged to her girlfriend, erstwhile shot subordinate Ashlyn Harris. 

The 41-year-old character had posted a romanticist threat pinch Ashlyn from Paris successful which she slipped 1 limb nether her ladylove's jacket. 

Because her near manus was hidden from view, immoderate societal media users apparently began speculating that she was concealing a ring.

However Sophia put paid to nan conjecture pinch a follow-up picture, holding up her near manus to guarantee nan nationalist her 4th digit was bare.

'I perceive nan net is being wild? Y’all,' she wrote pinch crying laughing and coffin emojis. 'I person nary ‘news’ for you. But wouldn't you put your hands each up successful her overgarment if you could?? (To beryllium clear you can't because boundaries, but I'll proceed to do it for you because I’m conscionable generous for illustration that.)'

Sophia Bush has firmly unopen down nan rumors that she is engaged to her girlfriend, erstwhile shot subordinate Ashlyn Harris

The 41-year-old character had posted a romanticist threat pinch Ashlyn from Paris successful which she slipped 1 limb nether her ladylove's jacket

When she posted nan original loved-up Paris snapshot pinch Ashlyn, Sophia gushed: 'I conscionable wanna squeeeeeeeeeze her.'

She added: 'I get that it's caller for y'all to spot maine truthful happy and truthful embodied. It's caller for maine too. How fortunate americium I,' closing nan connection pinch a teary-eyed emoji. 

Ashlyn fired up her ain Insta Stories and posted a selfie successful which Sophia planted a buss connected her feature arsenic they toasted pinch achromatic wine. 

Sophia and Ashlyn made their reddish carpet debut astatine nan extremity of past period astatine nan star-studded White House Correspondents Dinner hosted by Colin Jost.

Shortly beforehand, Sophia had announced their narration by penning an effort successful Glamour mag successful which she besides came retired arsenic 'queer.'

She wrote that she and Ashlyn first became acquainted successful 2019 but did not go a mates until October 2023 - aft their respective marriages fell apart.

Sophia revenge for divorcement from her hubby of 13 months Grant Hughes successful August 2023, while Ashlyn revenge for divorcement from her woman Ali Krieger that September.

In her coming retired essay, Sophia - who was antecedently joined to her One Tree Hill co-star Chad Michael Murray - revealed that aggregate men she was progressive pinch successful nan past were alert that she was besides attracted to women. 

Ashlyn fired up her ain Insta Stories and posted a selfie successful which Sophia planted a buss connected her feature arsenic they toasted pinch achromatic wine

Sophia and Ashlyn made their reddish carpet debut astatine nan extremity of past period astatine nan star-studded White House Correspondents Dinner hosted by Colin Jost

Sophia has written that she and Ashlyn became a mates successful October 2023, 2 months aft she revenge for divorcement from Grant Hughes, whom she is pictured pinch successful 2022

Ashlyn shares 2 children pinch her erstwhile woman Ali Krieger (left), whom she revenge for divorcement from successful September 2023; they are pictured that May

She took purpose astatine societal media users 'who said I'd near my ex because I abruptly realized I wanted to beryllium pinch women - my partners person known what I'm into for arsenic agelong arsenic I person (so that's not it, y'all, sorry!).'

When romance rumors started swirling astir her and Ashlyn, Sophia was accused of being a 'home-wrecker,' inasmuch arsenic Ashlyn shares 2 children pinch her ex-wife.

Sophia firmly denied that she collapsed up Ashlyn's marriage, penning that she recovered herself connected nan business extremity of 'blatant lies and convulsive threats' complete nan conjecture.

'People looking successful from nan extracurricular weren't privy to conscionable really overmuch clip it took, really galore achy conversations were had,' she insisted. 

'A batch of effort was made to beryllium graceful pinch different people's processing, their clip and obligations, and their feelings,' added nan Chicago P.D. actress.

Along pinch Ashlyn and her husbands, Sophia has besides antecedently dated her co-stars Jon Foster, James Lafferty, Austin Nichols and Jesse Lee Soffer.

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