Silicon Valley tycoon who fundraised for Obama says Biden is 'out of touch and asleep at the wheel' as she backs Trump - and is selling more than $1 million in Democrat collectibles including JFK's rocking chair

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A formerly wide Silicon Valley tycoon says she's fixed up connected nan Biden management and backing Donald Trump, while attempting to waste immoderate pricey Democrat collectibles. 

Allison Huynh, 48, is nan co-created of AI and robotics designers Willow Garage, who were bought by Google. She besides built galore of nan early e-commerce websites. 

Huynh, a Vietnamese migrant who attended Stanford connected a afloat scholarship, claims she and her ex-husband and longtime Google programmer Scott Hassan helped get Big Tech excited for Barack Obama successful 2008.

She now claims that Joe Biden is 'out of touch' and is supporting Donald Trump arsenic an 'independent' successful 2024.

Huynh is truthful committed to changing her authorities that Democrat collectibles she erstwhile bought retired of her excitement for Obama - a rocking chair that belonged to John F. Kennedy, nan creation for Shepard Fairey's celebrated HOPE posters - are now being sold. 

Allison Huynh, aformerly wide Silicon Valley tycoon says she's fixed up connected nan Biden management and backing Donald Trump, while attempting to waste immoderate pricey Democrat collectibles

'I americium cleaning house. I was a lifelong wide and Democrat but erstwhile things don't service america successful this moment, it is champion to move connected and fto different group bask nan items. They don't person overmuch meaning for maine correct now,' she told nan New York Post.

Huynh - who bought nan poster for astir $1million and nan chair for $100,000 - takes in installments for nan likes of Google co-founders Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt joining Team Obama successful 2008 astatine fundraisers for anyplace betwixt $50,000 and $100,000 a plate.

She shares nan aforesaid benignant of disappointment pinch those tech leaders arsenic she does pinch nan Obama presidency.

'Obama started retired pinch an aspirational messaging that resonated pinch me; it was astir equality and women and minorities; Biden projected nan image of being cool and hip,' she said. 

'But wherever are we now? Immigrants travel into our state and perpetrate crimes . . . Big tech tracks you and knows everything astir you. But if you are having a problem pinch immoderate [tech] service, you tin ne'er get a clasp of anyone.'

She seems to person been turned against nan Democrats by overmuch of what's occurred successful caller years, from COVID to woke wide policies successful awesome cities to immigration. 

She visited nan erstwhile president astatine his Mar-a-Lago edifice successful Florida precocious for a fundraiser and came distant charmed. 

'I was amazed erstwhile I met Donald Trump. He was ray and funny and intelligent. The group location were down-to-earth,' she said.

Huynh is truthful committed to changing her authorities that Democrat collectibles she erstwhile bought retired of her excitement for Obama - a rocking chair that belonged to John F. Kennedy, nan creation for Shepard Fairey's celebrated HOPE posters - are now being sold

Huynh bought nan poster for astir $1million and nan chair for $100,000

She described Trump, 78, arsenic 'knowledgeable' and knowing of nan issues astir important to her. 

Her adopted location of San Francisco shows her nan failings of unchecked liberalism.

'We are allowing heroin addicts to sprout up successful public, convulsive attacks connected Asians successful Chinatown, and looting of our market stores and shopping malls,' she said, calling nan metropolis 'a grounded subject experiment for ace leftist ideas and ideals.'

Huynh, who made headlines pinch her nasty 2020 divorcement from Hassan successful 2021, came to nan United States successful 1982 from Saigon aft her aviator begetter emigrated legally successful 1975.

She says that Democrats' refusal to woody pinch forbidden migration is simply a immense logic for her alteration successful tone. 

'I americium each for hardworking immigrants, but not for unfastened admittance of immigrants. We person to differentiate betwixt ineligible immigrants who travel present and activity difficult and forbidden immigrants who travel present and perpetrate crimes,' she said.

Huynh adds that Democrats wholly missed nan vessel connected dealing pinch COVID, particularly for group for illustration her who unrecorded successful large cities. 

'The Republicans were smarter. They wanted to look astatine who was getting sick. Young group suffered nan most, moreover though they were debased risk. We had lazy argumentation successful California,' she said.

Huynh, 48, is nan co-created of AI and robotics designers Willow Garage, who were bought by Google. She besides built galore of nan early e-commerce websites

Huynh, a Vietnamese migrant who attended Stanford connected a afloat scholarship, claims she and her ex-husband and longtime Google programmer Scott Hassan helped get Big Tech excited for Barack Obama successful 2008 

'Many of nan ace wide tech billionaires near nan state for backstage islands, ace yachts and estates successful New Zealand,' she added. 

While 'out of touch' Biden isn't getting her vote, she says that Trump perfectly will aft gathering him.

'His rhetoric is entertaining. But nan policies and authorities make sense. I deliberation Trump is engaging. I would for illustration to bent retired pinch Trump. He's a really cool guy.'

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