Should Saudi Arabia host the World Cup in 2034? YOUR COMMENTS after the country was confirmed as the only bidder for the tournament following Australia's withdrawal

Trending 8 months ago
  • FIFA efficaciously confirmed Saudi Arabia arsenic nan 2034 World Cup host connected Tuesday
  • Australia had expressed an liking but yet decided against a bid
  • Listen to nan latest section of Mail Sport's podcast 'It's All Kicking Off!' 

By Liam Morgan For Mailonline

Published: 06:58 EDT, 1 November 2023 | Updated: 07:24 EDT, 1 November 2023

Saudi Arabia will big nan 2034 World Cup aft FIFA confirmed nan state was nan only bidder for nan tournament.

Australia's withdrawal from nan title connected Tuesday for nan arena successful 11 years clip left Saudi Arabia arsenic nan only contender.

The 2034 tourney is expected to beryllium held successful nan wintertime arsenic temperatures successful Saudi Arabia successful nan summertime months tin transcend 43 degrees Celsius. 

FIFA announced earlier this period that only bidders from Asia and Oceania would beryllium considered for 2034, citing continental rotation of nan tournament.

The move came pinch Spain, Portugal and Morocco agreeing to shape nan 2030 event, pinch Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay each hosting 1 lucifer to people nan centenary of nan first World Cup successful Uruguay successful 1930.

Saudi Arabia has been confirmed arsenic nan sole bidder for nan 2034 FIFA World Cup

FIFA president Gianni Infantino (middle) attended nan motorboat of Saudi Arabia's Esports World Cup past week successful Riyadh (seated adjacent to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman)

Football Australia, who were viewed arsenic nan only apt rivals to a Saudi bid, announced connected Tuesday it had decided against bidding to big nan tournament.

Some fans are concerned astir different World Cup being held successful nan Middle East, according to comments from Mail Sport readers, aft nan disruption caused by past year's arena successful Qatar.

European leagues were forced to unopen down for much than a period to let for nan World Cup to return spot successful nan cooler wintertime successful Qatar.

The Professional Football Association has moreover warned that footballers could propulsion retired of nan 2034 World Cup owed to workload issues.

'Another shocking spot to person a World Cup,' 1 Mail Sport scholar wrote, while a 2nd added: 'Another load of disruption connected nan way.'

One simply said: 'A sad time for football.'

Another wrote: 'What a surprise. Just travel nan money.' 

'After that it will beryllium North Korea,' wrote another. 'The world is broken.' 

However, others pointed retired that Saudi Arabia was nan only different state than Australia to definitive an liking successful hosting.

'They sewage it because no-one other wanted it,' 1 instrumentality wrote. 

Other commenters suggested it was a affirmative to person nan tourney successful Saudi Arabia aft nan 2022 arena successful Qatar. 

'Qatar World Cup is nan champion one, value and entertainment, caller players successful apical shape and champion last successful history,' 1 instrumentality wrote. 


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