Shannon Beador, 60, breaks down in TEARS as she apologizes to her daughters saying she feels 'humiliated' for DUI arrest during RHOC teaser

Trending 2 days ago

By Ashleigh Gray For Dailymail.Com

Published: 17:32 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 17:56 EDT, 3 July 2024

Shannon Beador relayed an affectional apology to her daughters pursuing her September 2023 DUI arrest.

In a sneak peek of nan Real Housewives of Orange County play 18 premiere, nan 60-year-old prima sat her girls down for a heart-to-heart, successful which she tearfully apologized for her behavior.

'I'm truthful sorry and humiliated that I disappointed you. Like, what benignant of illustration americium I astatine 59 years old?' Beador said to nan girls — Sophie, 22, and twins Stella and Adeline, 19.

She besides expressed regret complete not being capable to sojourn Stella successful Paris, wherever she was studying abroad, arsenic she was not capable to time off nan state pursuing her ineligible woes.

Shannon pled nary title to her DUI charge, and nan hit-and-run complaint was later dismissed. 

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Shannon Beador relayed an affectional apology to her daughters Sophie, Stella, and Adeline pursuing her September 2023 DUI apprehension successful a Bravo teaser for RHOC

In a sneak peek of nan Real Housewives of Orange County play 18 premiere, nan 60-year-old prima sat her girls down for a heart-to-heart, successful which she tearfully apologized for her behavior

The reality tv characteristic was sentenced to 40 hours of organization service, and ordered to complete a nine-month intoxicant program after nan incident, successful which she collapsed into a location successful Orange County.

Shannon explained that a conflict pinch ex John Janssen led to her getting down nan instrumentality past autumn aft she had been retired drinking.

In nan seven-minute teaser shared by Bravo, she revealed Janssen had warned her not to drive, calling her a 'drunken idiot.'

'I sewage successful an mishap a 2nd later because I revved up nan motor truthful he could cognize really huffy I was. And, I mislaid power of nan car immediately,' she admitted to her 3 girls, who she shares with ex-husband David Beador.

In March, David was charged pinch 2 misdemeanors related to a postulation stop; he was pulled complete by Newport Beach Police for allegedly driving complete 100mph connected February 4.

Shannon described her September DUI arsenic a 'terrible mistake' arsenic she addressed nan apprehension astatine BravoCon 2023 successful November.

'It's been a reliable six weeks, but I will show you that I made a terrible, unspeakable correction and I'm incredibly grateful that it didn't wounded anyone,' Beador told nan assemblage astatine nan time.

She besides said she completed '28 days of behavioral wellness' counseling pinch an intoxicant specialist.

Shannon shares her 3 daughters pinch ex-husband David Beador; pictured successful 2017

Season 18 of The Real Housewives of Orange County will premiere connected July 11

in an earlier play 18 trailer, released successful June, Beador's co-star Tamra Judge accused her of 'not taking responsibility' for crashing her car into a residential spot past fall

However, successful an earlier play 18 trailer, released successful June, Beador's co-star Tamra Judge accused her of 'not taking responsibility' for crashing her car into a residential spot while nether nan influence.

After witnessing her erstwhile pal bid a vodka soda, nan 56-year-old reality prima confronted Beador.

Shannon begged Judge to 'stop' attacking her.

'I request to extremity what? Uncovering your bulls**t,' Judge fired back. 

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