Several people injured by stray fireworks at Utah 4th of July celebration

Trending 3 days ago

Several group were injured during a Fourth of July ceremony successful Utah erstwhile stray fireworks went into nan crowd, section media outlets reported.

The incident happened astatine nan Stadium of Fire show astatine LaVell Edwards Stadium successful Provo, astir 44 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.

Video posted connected X showed what appeared to beryllium 2 stray fireworks flying into nan stadium seats during a fireworks display.

Multiple group were taken to nan infirmary pinch injuries, KSTU of  Salt Lake City reported.

According to KSL-TV of Salt Lake City, 1 personification was struck successful nan look and earnestly injured. The position reported that nan fireworks show was concisely stopped while nan injured group were transported to nan hospital, but resumed astir 9 p.m. Thursday.

America's Freedom Festival, nan arena organizer, released a statement connected X saying that each pyrotechnics were "thoroughly checked" earlier nan show and checked again aft nan incident.

"Safety is of nan utmost value to us," nan show posted. "Our thoughts are pinch those who were impacted, and we are pursuing up pinch them to make judge they are okay."

Minyvonne Burke

Minyvonne Burke is a elder breaking news newsman for NBC News.

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