Ryan Garcia expelled by WBC after using racial slurs in livestream

Trending 3 days ago

Ryan Garcia was expelled by nan World Boxing Council connected Thursday aft he many times utilized group slurs against Black group and disparaged Muslims successful comments livestreamed connected societal media.

WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman announced nan punishment against Garcia on nan societal media level X.

“Exercising my authority arsenic president of nan WBC, I americium hereby expelling Ryan Garcia from immoderate activity pinch our organization,” Sulaiman posted. “We cull immoderate shape of discrimination.”

Garcia posted an apology of sorts on X.

“I was trolling I want each nan sidesplitting to stop,” Garcia wrote. “I emotion everyone sorry if I offended you.”

An lawyer representing Garcia did not instantly respond to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment.

Last month, Garcia was suspended for a year by nan New York State Athletic Commission, which besides ruled that his April 20 triumph complete Devin Haney would beryllium considered a no-contest aft he tested affirmative for performance-enhancing drugs.

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