Rita Ora wipes away tears during Girls Aloud's emotional tribute to late bandmate Sarah Harding at their exclusive gig in London

Trending 2 days ago

Rita Ora was seen becoming visibly affectional connected Tuesday night, arsenic she watched Girls Aloud execute a tribute to Sarah Harding during their show astatine O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire.

The singer, 33, attended nan exclusive gig pinch her husband Taika Waititi and collapsed down successful tears during nan band's moving tribute to Sarah - who tragically passed distant from breast cancer in 2021 astatine nan property of 39.

Nadine Coyle, Nicola Roberts, Cheryl, and Kimberley Walsh reformed successful honour of their 20th anniversary, kicking disconnected a reunion circuit successful May that came to a adjacent connected Sunday night.

And successful betwixt energetically performing their nostalgic popular hits, nan group person honoured their late bandmate passim nan tour, pinch respective rubbing tributes successful their shows.

Keeping Sarah arsenic nan attraction from nan commencement until nan extremity of nan performance, their concerts began pinch opus Untouchable, which was group against a backdrop of footage of Sarah displayed connected pinkish curtains. 

Rita Ora was seen becoming visibly affectional connected Tuesday night, arsenic she watched Girls Aloud execute a tribute to Sarah Harding during their show astatine O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire

The singer, 33, attended nan exclusive gig pinch her hubby Taika Waititi and collapsed down successful tears during nan band's moving tribute to Sarah - who tragically passed distant from bosom crab successful 2021 astatine nan property of 39

Nadine Coyle , Nicola Roberts , Cheryl, and Kimberley Walsh reformed successful honour of their 20th anniversary, kicking disconnected a reunion circuit successful May that came to a adjacent connected Sunday nighttime (pictured past month)

Sarah's vocals are besides featured during their rendition of iconic deed The Promise, and she is shown successful aged footage singing connected nan screen, while Nadine, Cheryl, Kimberley and Nicola turned to look their backs to nan audience.

While she tin besides beryllium heard singing pinch nan set during I'll Stand By You, earlier nan girls perform Whole Lotta History, which was besides dedicated to nan precocious star.  

Black and achromatic footage of Sarah singing is shown, followed by a affectional montage dedicated to nan precocious prima which reads: 'The darkest nights nutrient nan brightest stars.'

The rubbing nods to Sarah person caused each 4 girls to go affectional astatine points passim nan reunion tour, while fans person been near successful tears each night.

And Rita was among them connected Tuesday, seen many times swiping at her look to swipe distant her tears, earlier joining successful connected nan applause from nan crowd.

Her affectional guidance comes aft Nadine besides collapsed down successful tears while performing nan tribute to Sarah during Girls Aloud's last show in Liverpool connected Sunday.

The singer, 39, was comforted Cheryl, Kimberley and Nicola arsenic nan band sang on to Sarah successful an unreleased type of I'll Stand By You.

Sarah had sung nan way solo and nan set and crowd joined successful arsenic a video of her played out.

And successful betwixt energetically performing their nostalgic popular hits, nan group person honoured their precocious bandmate passim nan tour, pinch respective rubbing tributes successful their shows 

The rubbing nods to Sarah person caused each 4 girls to go affectional astatine points passim nan reunion tour, while fans person been near successful tears each night 

And Rita was among them connected Tuesday, seen many times swiping astatine her look to swipe distant her tears, earlier joining successful connected nan applause from nan crowd

Nadine was seen wiping distant tears arsenic nan emotions sewage nan amended of her earlier Cheryl, Kimberley and Nicola each huddled together to complete nan song.

Girls Aloud primitively formed successful 2002 aft winning ITV's Pop Stars: The Rivals and soon changeable to fame, achieving 20 top-ten singles and 5 BRIT grant nominations.

The group took an first break successful 2009 to prosecute different projects, reuniting pinch caller euphony to people their 10th day successful 2012, before they divided for bully nan pursuing year.

When they announced nan tour, Cheryl revealed they had been discussing nan plans for immoderate clip but put nan thought connected crystal erstwhile Sarah was diagnosed pinch bosom cancer. 

She said: 'We each started talking astir nan anticipation of doing thing to observe Girls Aloud’s 20-year day a fewer years ago. The day seemed for illustration an evident point that we would celebrate.

'But erstwhile Sarah fell sick each priorities changed. She passed distant a twelvemonth earlier nan day and it conscionable didn’t consciousness right, it felt excessively soon.' 

Her affectional guidance comes aft Nadine besides collapsed down successful tears while performing nan tribute to Sarah during Girls Aloud's last show successful Liverpool connected Sunday 

Nadine was seen wiping distant tears arsenic nan emotions sewage nan amended of her earlier Cheryl, Kimberley and Nicola each huddled together to complete nan song 

The group said they planned to usage nan circuit to 'celebrate' their precocious friend.

Cheryl added: 'But now, I deliberation location is an power that does makes it consciousness right. It’s nan correct clip to observe Sarah, it’s nan correct clip to observe nan set and nan correct clip to observe nan truth we tin still do this 21 years later. That’s a large honour successful tons of ways.'

Kimberley said: 'Over nan past year, we've felt this outpouring of emotion – evidently towards Sarah, but really towards each of america arsenic a group.

'And I conjecture it's ignited thing successful each of america again. It feels for illustration thing has changed and it does consciousness for illustration nan correct clip to observe Sarah and nan 20-year day that we didn't observe astatine nan time.'

Girls Aloud primitively formed successful 2002 aft winning ITV's Pop Stars: The Rivals and soon changeable to fame, achieving 20 top-ten singles and 5 BRIT grant nominations (pictured successful 2002) 

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