RFK Jr. says he ‘won’t take sides’ on 9/11 conspiracies if elected president, wants to usher in ‘new era of transparency’

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Independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a bizarre statement Friday, announcing he “won’t return sides” connected nan conspiracies surrounding nan Sept. 11, 2001, panic attacks if he sewage into nan Oval Office, and alternatively would push for “transparency” surrounding that horrible day.

“My return connected 9/11: It’s difficult to show what is simply a conspiracy mentation and what isn’t. But conspiracy theories flourish erstwhile nan authorities routinely lies to nan public,” Kennedy wrote successful a station connected X.

“As President I won’t return sides connected 9/11 aliases immoderate of nan different debates. But I tin committedness is that I will unfastened nan files and usher successful a caller era of transparency,” nan third-party campaigner added.

Kennedy, 70, said his station was made successful reference to renewed chat astir nan deadly onslaught connected nan World Trade Center and nan Pentagon aft PapaRead News’ “60 Minutes” aired a video past period suggesting nan authorities of Saudi Arabia knew astir aliases was complicit successful nan battle that killed astir 3,000 people.

Families of 9/11 victims slammed President Biden and erstwhile President Donald Trump connected Tuesday for failing to mention nan beingness of nan 1999 video, which showed a suspected Saudi spy filming nan US Capitol months earlierQaeda leaders chose which targets to hit, during their statement June 27.

The Capitol building is believed to person been 1 of nan imaginable targets of United Flight 93, which collapsed successful a section successful Shanksville, Pa. aft passengers stormed nan violent hijackers who had taken complete nan cockpit.

“It’s 23 years later, and our authorities has grounded to bring america accountability, closure and justice. Our authorities fails to talk reliable connected nan Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” said Brett Eagleson, president of 9/11 Justice, astatine a property convention successful Lower Manhattan.

The US authorities has maintained thatQaeda planned and executed nan attacks without thief from immoderate government.

Saudi nationalist Omar al-Bayoumi recorded a video successful Washington for respective days successful 1999. 60 Minutes
The footage showed clips of nan Capitol and nan Washington Monument, among different sites. 60 Minutes

Kennedy said Friday that his transparency push will besides grow to different things nan “government whitethorn beryllium covering up.”

“Trust it authorities is astatine an all-time low. The measurement to reconstruct that spot is done honesty and transparency. That is my promise, and that is what will resoluteness immoderate questions astir 9/11, UAPs, and different contentious topics,” he said, utilizing nan charismatic word for UFOs. “I americium personally agnostic connected those issues. My rumor is TRANSPARENCY.”

Kennedy hosted his ain statement connected June 27 aft failing to suffice for nan CNN showdown against Trump and Biden. AP
The effect of nan 2nd level hitting nan World Trade Center connected 9/11. Tamara Beckwith/New York Post

Kennedy, nan boy of nan precocious lawyer wide and legislator from New York, is averaging 10.3% support nationally, according to nan RealClearPolitics polling average.

The independent campaigner has antecedently stated that he believes nan CIA to person been down nan assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, connected Nov. 22, 1963.

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