Rep. Brad Schneider’s Capitol office vandalized during ‘shameful’ antisemitic demonstrations on July 4

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Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) denounced some “shameful” vandalism that occurred extracurricular his Capitol elevation agency and antisemitic demonstrations that occurred successful Chicago connected Independence Day, accusing nan perpetrators of empowering Hamas terrorists.

“My Capitol agency was vandalized yesterday successful a vile enactment of dislike successful which nan posters of nan much than 100 group still held hostage successful Gaza (including 8 Americans) were ripped from nan wall, shredded and tossed crossed nan hallway,” Schneider, who is Jewish, posted Friday connected X.

“This was a shameful enactment connected immoderate day, but particularly connected July 4, our country’s Independence Day. Sadly, it was but 1 of galore hateful, un-American actions that took spot crossed nan state connected nan time we observe state and democracy,” he said.

Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) denounced some “shameful” vandalism that occurred extracurricular his legislature agency and antisemitic demonstrations that occurred successful Chicago connected Independence Day. Anadolu via Getty Images

“We are alert and investigating,” a spokesperson for US Capitol Police told The Post. “To protect nan investigation, we cannot supply immoderate much accusation astatine this time.”

Schneider, co-founder and co-chair of nan bipartisan Abraham Accords Caucus to fortify Israel’s opinionated successful nan Middle East said he had besides “been disgusted by nan videos and reports of individuals calling July 4th a ‘terrorist holiday’ and burning American flags.”

“It’s not conscionable happening astatine my agency successful Washington, DC,” Schneider went connected successful an X thread. “More than 700 miles from nan Capitol, my location was targeted past play astatine 2:30AM by astir 50 masked demonstrators banging drums, blowing horns and screaming antisemitic chants.”

“The aforesaid groups that were astatine my location earlier successful nan week marched done Chicago connected July 4th, not calling for peace, but alternatively condemning nan United States of America,” he added.

“These actions don’t beforehand peace,” Schneider went on. “Instead, they play straight into nan hands of Hamas terrorists enabling them to proceed to clasp hostage not only those they kidnapped from Israel, but each civilians successful Gaza arsenic well.”

The Illinois Democrat is nan latest leader to beryllium targeted by anti-Israel protesters — and to person spot vandalized arsenic a consequence of demonstrations, galore of which person roiled US cities since Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators heckled Secretary of State Antony Blinken arsenic he delivered reside astatine nan Brookings Institution successful Washington, D.C., connected July 1. Anadolu via Getty Images
US Capitol Police did not instantly respond to a petition for remark astir nan defacement of Schneider’s office, which he revealed successful an X station connected Friday. X/RepSchneider

Thousands of protesters descended connected nan White House successful mid-June and marred national monuments pinch pro-Hamas slogans. No arrests were made.

South Bronx Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) besides had his territory agency vandalized by “anti-Israel extremists” connected Christmas Day 2023, pinch blood-red overgarment splattered complete a Jesus Christ kid doll.

“Covered successful ‘blood’ is simply a doll meant to symbolize Jesus, whom nan vandals picture arsenic a ‘Palestinian kid messiah,’” Torres posted connected X astatine nan time.

South Bronx Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) besides had his territory agency vandalized by “anti-Israel extremists” connected Christmas Day 2023 pinch blood-red overgarment splattered complete a Jesus Christ kid doll. CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

“The escalation successful intimidation and incitement against Members of Congress feels for illustration it is heading successful a vulnerable direction,” he said. “I, for one, will not beryllium intimidated.”

The Israel-Hamas warfare successful nan Gaza Strip has divided nan Democratic Party successful a captious predetermination year, pinch far-left “Squad” members voting against subject assistance backing for nan Jewish authorities and demanding a cease-fire earlier nan elimination of nan panic group.

Hamas terrorists killed astir 1,200 group connected Oct. 7, 2023, astir of whom were civilians and 33 of whom were American citizens. Another 240 were kidnapped and taken backmost to Gaza.

Pro-Israel Democrats person supported Israel’s warfare effort — while astatine times criticizing some Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s and President Biden’s leadership. Anadolu via Getty Images

Schneider and a fewer twelve Democrats voted successful November to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for defending nan panic onslaught arsenic justified “resistance” and calling for nan elimination of nan Jewish state.

Pro-Israel Democrats person supported Israel’s warfare effort — while astatine times criticizing some Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s and President Biden’s leadership.

In May, Schneider besides joined 25 House Democratic colleagues successful a missive that expressed concerns complete nan Biden administration’s decision to region an Israeli weapons shipment, saying that it would embolden Hamas.

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