Poh Ling Yeow breaks down in tears on MasterChef Australia as she remembers her late mother Christina

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By Kinta Walsh-cotton For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 09:12 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 09:14 EDT, 3 July 2024

Poh Ling Yeow was brought to tears Wednesday nighttime arsenic she collapsed down astir her precocious mother Christina connected MasterChef Australia.

The personage cook, 50, collapsed down connected nan Channel 10 title arsenic she revealed nan rubbing infinitesimal her mum first said she was proud of her. 

Wiping distant tears, nan Malaysian-born presenter said her mother struggled to show affection pinch her girl until Poh changeable to fame connected MasterChef successful 2009. 

The heartbreaking infinitesimal began erstwhile contestant Nat revealed her mum told her she was proud of her for nan first clip erstwhile she landed a spot connected nan show.

Nat, 28, who is of Thai descent, said her taste practice made it difficult for her family to beryllium adjacent pinch each other, but that MasterChef collapsed those barriers down. 

As nan Melbourne-born barista began to outcry tears of joyousness complete her newfound narration pinch her mother, Poh excessively began to cry.   

'Nat, I conscionable wanted to opportunity something,' Poh choked out. 

'After I was connected MasterChef, it was 1 of nan first times my mum had ever expressed that she was proud of me.'

Poh Ling Yeow was brought to tears Wednesday nighttime arsenic she collapsed down astir her precocious mother Christina connected MasterChef Australia 

Struggling not to break down further, she continued: 'I deliberation that's why erstwhile I'm successful this room I americium very affectional because it affected truthful overmuch of my life extracurricular of cooking.

'Cooking became that point that bonded america because we did person that very Asian point of having problem expressing our love. 

'So, it's conscionable truthful astonishing really this room connects america successful truthful galore different ways,' she concluded. 

Poh's mother tragically passed distant successful November 2022.

'After I was connected MasterChef, it was 1 of nan first times my mum had ever expressed that she was proud of me,' said Poh. Pictured pinch mother Christina 

The cookbook writer revealed to Refinery 29 Australia last period that nan condolences of her mother's decease still hits her successful nan moment's she slightest expects it.   

'I find that it visits astatine nan astir unexpected of times. I find that it's erstwhile your mind is not active; for illustration erstwhile you're doing thing rather mundane, for illustration driving,' she said.

'It's almost for illustration erstwhile you're engaged and you're doing things, it's a measurement of keeping [grief] nether wraps, but erstwhile you're slightest unaware, it benignant of pops retired to opportunity hi.'

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