Palace releases new portrait of King Charles in full military regalia to mark Armed Forces Day as Queen Camilla takes on greater role this year with tribute to the 'men and women who protect this country of ours'

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A caller photograph of the King was released coming to people Armed Forces Day, arsenic Queen Camilla thanked nan subject for really they 'support and fortify our nation'.

The image of Charles III was taken by photographer Hugo Burnand successful Windsor Castle's Grand Corridor successful November past twelvemonth and features him wearing his Field Marshal No1 Full Ceremonial Frock Coat pinch medals, beard and decorations.

A video from Camilla was besides released by Buckingham Palace today, thanking veterans, serving members of nan Armed Forces and their families. In addition, she paid tribute to nan subject for 'everything you do to protect this state of ours'.

And Camilla described nan Armed Forces arsenic a 'source of inspiration, reassurance and pride'. Her connection was filmed successful nan Clarence House Morning Room and produced by nan British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS), of which nan she is patron.

It is notable that Camilla is taking connected a greater domiciled for Armed Forces Day this twelvemonth arsenic her hubby continues his curen for cancer pursuing his test successful February. 

On Armed Forces Day past year, which was nan King's first arsenic Commander-in-Chief, he wrote a missive paying tribute to nan 'selfless work and sacrifice' of British troops.

A caller photograph of King Charles III, released to people Armed Forces Day today. It was taken by photographer Hugo Burnand successful Windsor Castle's Grand Corridor successful November past year

A video connection from Queen Camilla was besides released by Buckingham Palace today, thanking veterans, serving members of nan Armed Forces and their families for their service

In caller photograph today, Charles was wearing nan collar of nan Most Noble Order of nan Garter pinch nan Sovereign's Greater George, arsenic good arsenic nan sash of nan Royal Victorian Order. 

Full transcript: Queen Camilla's Armed Forces Day message 

'I americium profoundly honoured to subordinate you each connected Armed Forces Day. 

'Whether successful this state aliases overseas, we observe nan work of nan men and women successful our subject and convey you each for everything you do to protect this state of ours. 

'We besides retrieve those who person made nan eventual sacrifice successful nan pursuit of stableness and bid astir nan world.

'Earlier this month, my hubby and I were successful Normandy connected nan 80th day of D-Day. 

'We were reminded of nan unthinkable bravery of nan Allied land, oversea and aerial forces whose mixed endeavours brought astir nan liberation of Western Europe and successful whose indebtedness we shall everlastingly be.

'Eight decades later, I cognize that that aforesaid tone and those aforesaid qualities stay overmuch successful grounds passim our Armed Forces, arsenic you undertake your duties successful nan look of a multitude of challenges and dangers. 

'In truthful doing, you not only protect these Isles, but besides take sides liberties measurement beyond these shores. Your determination, unrelenting efforts and selfless loyalty to each different and to nan United Kingdom are arsenic enduring arsenic our gratitude.

'I besides want to convey your families, who support nan location fires burning, whilst you are deployed overseas. 

'As nan proud girl of an Army officer, I cognize thing of nan effect subject life has connected your loved ones – you excessively are heroes.

'In times of warfare and successful times of peace, whether seen aliases unseen, our Armed Forces support and fortify our nation. You are a root of inspiration, reassurance and pridefulness – and I salute you all.'

He besides had nan Star of nan Order of nan Garter and nan Star of nan Order of nan Thistle on pinch nan Order of Merit, nan Royal Victorian Chain, nan Sovereign's badge of nan Most Honourable Order of nan Bath and a Medal Bar.

On nan table, His Majesty's Field Marshal headdress could beryllium seen on pinch a brace of achromatic gloves and nan Field Marshal baton.

As for Camilla, she was wearing her Royal Lancers brooch - nan regiment successful which her begetter Major Bruce Shand served and of which she is Colonel-in-Chief.

On nan array beside nan Queen is simply a photograph of nan King taken successful nan plot astatine Clarence House, wherever he is wearing his Royal Navy azygous arsenic Admiral of nan Fleet.

A photograph of Camilla's parents Major Bruce Shand and Rosalind Cubitt could besides beryllium seen, taken astatine St Paul's Church successful London's Knightsbridge connected their wedding time of January 2, 1946.

In her connection to nan military, nan Queen said she was 'deeply honoured to subordinate you each connected Armed Forces Day'.

She added: 'Whether successful this state aliases overseas, we observe nan work of nan men and women successful our subject and convey you each for everything you do to protect this state of ours.

'We besides retrieve those who person made nan eventual sacrifice successful nan pursuit of stableness and bid astir nan world.'

Camilla past said astir really she was successful Normandy pinch nan King connected nan 80th day of D-Day.

She said: 'We were reminded of nan unthinkable bravery of nan Allied land, oversea and aerial forces whose mixed endeavours brought astir nan liberation of Western Europe and successful whose indebtedness we shall everlastingly be.

Camilla added: 'Eight decades later, I cognize that that aforesaid tone and those aforesaid qualities stay overmuch successful grounds passim our Armed Forces, arsenic you undertake your duties successful nan look of a multitude of challenges and dangers.

'In truthful doing, you not only protect these Isles, but besides take sides liberties measurement beyond these shores. Your determination, unrelenting efforts and selfless loyalty to each different and to nan United Kingdom are arsenic enduring arsenic our gratitude.'

She besides paid tribute to families who 'keep nan location fires burning' while members of nan subject are deployed overseas.

Camilla continued: 'As nan proud girl of an Army officer, I cognize thing of nan effect subject life has connected your loved ones – you excessively are heroes.

A photograph of Camilla's parents Major Bruce Shand and Rosalind Cubitt tin beryllium seen connected nan table, taken astatine St Paul's Church successful London's Knightsbridge connected their wedding time of January 2, 1946

Camilla has paid tribute to nan subject for 'everything you do to protect this state of ours'

Also connected nan array beside nan Queen is simply a photograph of her hubby nan King taken successful nan plot astatine Clarence House, wherever he is wearing his Royal Navy azygous arsenic Admiral of nan Fleet

'In times of warfare and successful times of peace, whether seen aliases unseen, our Armed Forces support and fortify our nation. You are a root of inspiration, reassurance and pridefulness – and I salute you all.'

Camilla was referring to her begetter Major Shand, whose medals see nan Military Cross and Bar.

The Military Cross is an operational gallantry grant fixed to each ranks of nan services successful nickname of exemplary gallantry during progressive operations against nan force connected land.

Personnel who execute a further enactment of specified gallantry which would person merited a 2nd Military Cross are issued pinch a metallic barroom ornamented by nan crown.

These were awarded during nan Second World War to Major Shand successful 1940, for his actions successful France; and successful 1942, for his actions successful North Africa.

Armed Forces Day is intended to beryllium an yearly ceremony of personnel, work families, veterans and cadets successful nan Armed Forces community.

It besides marks nan culmination of a week of celebrations, which began connected Monday, erstwhile nan nationalist show their support and appreciation for nan Armed Forces.

Queen Camilla said coming astir being astatine nan 80th day of D-Day commemorations successful Normandy. She is pictured connected June 6 pinch King Charles III and Emmanual and Brigitte Macron

King Charles III speaks to D-Day seasoned Peter Newton, 99, during a luncheon pursuing nan UK nationalist commemorative arena for nan 80th day of D-Day successful Normandy connected June 6 

King Charles and Camilla astatine nan arena successful Normandy for 80th day of D-Day connected June 6

As for nan BFBS, this is simply a subject kindness and media organisation that supports nan Armed Forces organization astir nan world pinch morale-boosting TV, radio, films, integer media and news content.

Camilla became patron of nan BFBS successful 2021 erstwhile she was nan Duchess of Cornwall.

It comes aft Prince Harry urged bereaved children and young group to talk astir their emotions successful a caller video astir condolences released earlier this week.

The clip came retired successful nan lead-up to Armed Forces Day to item nan ongoing needs of bereaved subject children successful nan UK.

Harry, who was speaking successful his domiciled arsenic a world ambassador for Scotty's Little Soldiers, which supports youngsters who person mislaid parents successful nan military, shared his ain penetration aft losing his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, astatine conscionable 12.

'It's truthful easy arsenic a kid to deliberation aliases person yourself… you person yourself that nan personification you've mislaid wants you, aliases you request to beryllium sad for arsenic agelong arsenic imaginable to beryllium to them that they are missed,' he said.

'But past there's this realisation of, no, they must want maine to beryllium happy.'

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