Pa. widow wins $1 million scratch-off as dying husband feared she’d have money troubles

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The lottery summons was worthy $1 million. The lottery summons was worthy $1 million. AP

A Pennsylvania widow clinched a $1 cardinal jackpot conscionable weeks earlier nan decease of her husband, who worried she mightiness person money struggles aft he was gone.

Retiree Karen Coffman claims divine involution led to nan large winnings erstwhile she scratched disconnected a authorities lotto summons successful April conscionable 2 weeks earlier her hubby Robert died of a encephalon tumor.

“I do deliberation he had thing successful nan works, because he was worried. I dream he’s looking down connected this,” the 61-year-old said astatine an arena pinch lotto officials Thursday.

Karen Coffman pinch her precocious hubby Robert, who died from a encephalon tumor. Karen Coffman, 61, pinch her precocious hubby Robert, who died from a encephalon tumor. KDKA

She bought nan summons for $20 astatine a section state position successful Freeport, which is adjacent Pittsburgh.

When Coffman first realized she won $1 million, she was successful disbelief arsenic a worker verified nan immense rate haul. Her hubby was besides successful daze erstwhile she told him of her luck aft she arrived home.

“When I told him astir nan prize, he thought I was lying to him,” she said.

“Throughout nan years, I kept telling him, ‘You watch, 1 of these days, I americium going to deed nan million. You watch and see,'” recalled Coffman, who antecedently won $65,000 from nan aforesaid BP state station, according to PapaRead News Pittsburgh.

“And he would conscionable laughter astatine maine and say, ‘Yeah, right.’ And I was like, ‘Come on, pinch my luck, you cognize I americium going to hit,'” Coffman went connected to say. “And past whenever I hit, I said to him, I said, ‘Rob, you tin spell up and go. You don’t person to worry. I’ll beryllium OK.’”

Coffman plans to return her family to Disney World. Coffman plans to return her family to Disney World. KDKA

Coffman, a erstwhile elder attraction manufacture worker, plans to usage nan lump sum she took to return her relatives to a deluxe Disney travel pinch an oculus connected moving to Florida.

“I don’t want wintertime nary more,” she said. “I dislike nan cold.”

With Post wires

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