Oscar Piastri rues bad luck as McLaren star just misses out on first Formula One victory after Max Verstappen and Lando Norris chaos at Austrian Grand Prix sees George Russell win

Trending 1 day ago
  • Oscar Piastri vanished 2nd successful nan Austrian Grand Prix 
  • George Russell capitalised connected a collision betwixt Norris and Verstappen 
  • But Piastri could person won had he not been penalised successful qualifying 

By Ollie Lewis

Published: 10:48 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 10:55 EDT, 30 June 2024

Oscar Piastri was near asking 'what if?' aft nan McLaren prima ran retired of clip to triumph his first Grand Prix successful Formula One.

George Russell was successful nan correct spot astatine nan correct clip arsenic Max Verstappen and Lando Norris collided successful a spectacular finale astatine nan Red Bull Ring connected Sunday, pinch Norris forced to discontinue while nan world champion was deed pinch a 10-second penalty.

Mercedes prima Russell swooped successful to return nan lead and Piastri, 3 seconds down successful 2nd position but successful nan faster car, did not person capable clip to adjacent nan spread pinch only a fistful of laps remaining.

Piastri's disappointment was confounded erstwhile he was fixed a grid punishment aft exceeding way limits during his qualifying tally connected Saturday. Without that error, he could good person taken nan chequered flag. 

And nan Australian was afloat alert that, had luck been connected his side, he could person spent his 4th travel to nan podium connected nan apical step. 

'A batch of what ifs and maybes,' he said aft nan race. 'Obviously starting from yesterday. 

Oscar Piastri (left) was near to rue bad luck astatine nan Austrian Grand Prix

The Australian missed retired connected a career-first Grand Prix triumph connected Sunday

'I cognize that is only my 4th podium successful Formula One and truthful adjacent to a win, it hurts a small bit. 

'[I am] Happy pinch anoither podium but erstwhile it's that adjacent it can't thief but wounded a small bit.' 

Piastri, typically mild-mannered and credited for a beardown mentality during his young Formula One career, was enraged by nan telephone against him connected Saturday. 

'For me, it's embarrassing,' Piastri told Sky Sports.

'We do each this activity pinch way limits, put gravel successful places and I didn't moreover spell disconnected nan track, I stayed connected nan track.

'It was astir apt my champion move six and it gets deleted.

'I don't cognize why they've spent hundreds of thousands aliases millions trying to alteration nan past 2 corners erstwhile you still person corners you tin spell off.

'There's nary logic this area should beryllium an rumor for way limits, particularly erstwhile you enactment connected nan way for illustration I did. Or not successful nan gravel.

Had he not been punished for exceeding way limits successful qualifying, he could person won nan race

'I deliberation it's embarrassing that you spot america pushing correct to nan limit of what we tin do and if I americium 1 centimetre much I'm successful nan gravel.'

Commentator Martin Brundle said it was a 'cruel' ruiling.

'He didn't really touch nan gravel. It's ever deceptive from onboard, but that's a sadistic telephone location for Piastri,' he said.

'Normally if you're breaching way limits there, you're successful nan gravel.'

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