Newly-single Kelly Bensimon gives the peace sign as she steps out looking happy after calling off her wedding at the last minute over prenup dispute

Trending 2 days ago

Newly-single Kelly Bensimon appeared in high spirits arsenic she stepped retired successful New York City aft making nan daze determination to telephone disconnected her wedding to pinch Scott Litner. 

Just 2 weeks aft cancelling her nuptials astatine nan past minute, nan Real Housewives of New York alum, 56, beamed arsenic she flashed a grin astatine onlookers while heading to nan gym. 

For nan laid-back outing, the former Editor of Elle Accessories sported a brace of oversized achromatic sunglasses, a grey harvest apical and a brace of mini achromatic shorts.

She completed her sporty look pinch a crossbody purse, golden watch, coordinating  bangles, sneakers and her agelong ray brownish hairsbreadth styled successful loose waves. 

The reality prima called disconnected her nuptials to fiancé Scott Litner conscionable 4 days earlier she was group to locomotion down nan aisle connected June 29. 

Newly-single Kelly Bensimon appeared successful precocious spirits arsenic she stepped retired successful New York City aft making nan daze determination to telephone disconnected her wedding to pinch Scott Litner

In a connection to Page Six last Tuesday, nan erstwhile reality prima said: 'I person decided that my 2 daughters are my privilege and I won’t beryllium moving guardant pinch this wedding.'

She has since revealed that her determination was owed to Scott's refusal to motion a prenup, which she called 'the eventual reddish flag.'

But Scott reportedly believes this is an 'excuse.'

'Scott still wants to wed Kelly and though it will not hap successful a fewer days arsenic primitively expected, he believes they tin get backmost to a spot wherever it does happen,' a root told

'He is upset for a multitude of reasons. So galore wheels were successful mobility for nan wedding, it was going to beryllium a very typical time and now that isn't happening.'

But Scott reportedly believes this is an 'excuse.'

'Scott still wants to wed Kelly and though it will not hap successful a fewer days arsenic primitively expected, he believes they tin get backmost to a spot wherever it does happen,' a root told

'He is upset for a multitude of reasons. So galore wheels were successful mobility for nan wedding, it was going to beryllium a very typical time and now that isn't happening.'

The 56-year-old Real Housewives of New York alum called disconnected her nuptials to fiancé Scott Litner conscionable 4 days earlier she was group to locomotion down nan aisle connected June 29

She has since revealed that her determination was owed to Scott's refusal to motion a prenup, which she called 'the eventual reddish flag' (seen with Litner)

They continued: 'Though Kelly mentioned nan logic being nan deficiency of a prenup, Scott feels that is conscionable an excuse and that it had to beryllium thing else.

'He is looking to fig retired wherever it went incorrect and is looking to correct immoderate of this.

'Scott didn't want a prenup because he considers himself much traditional, and having a prenup makes it consciousness to him that you are already putting a damper connected a lifelong relationship. He didn't want to make nan matrimony a business deal.'

The insider explained that those closest to Scott and Kelly had been near stunned by nan caller move of events.

'Friends were really amazed and thought everything was going good pinch nan two,' nan root explained. 'So for immoderate type of strain successful their narration that whitethorn person been going on, friends didn't spot this coming astatine all.'

Bensimon kept her mind disconnected her cancelled wedding by taking a family travel to nan Hamptons connected Saturday

A root adjacent to Kelly past told People that she is now taking clip to attraction connected herself.

Just 1 time later, she told Us Weekly: 'I haven't travel this acold successful business and life to commencement making mediocre decisions because of a man.

'He of each group should person understood nan request to protect each different earlier we tied nan knot. I'm genuinely shocked he refused a prenup.'

The reality star, who has a reported nett worthy of $10million, said that Scott, who is simply a wealthiness advisor, 'thought that I would participate this national without ineligible protections successful place, that I would time off everything to faith.'

The reality tv characteristic and financier had been preparing for an friendly June 29 ceremony.

Kelly and Scott were expected to person 2 ceremonies — a backyard wedding successful Boston for their closest loved ones followed by a larger statement successful nan Hamptons.

The mates exchanged rings past summertime complete Fourth of July weekend, erstwhile nan financier popped nan mobility connected a travel to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, wherever she vacationed arsenic a child.

The reality tv characteristic and financier had been preparing for a June 29 ceremony; pictured pinch Scott successful February

Kelly was famously antecedently joined to Gilles Bensimon, nan famed photographer, from 1997 to 2006 and they stock daughters Sea, 26, and Teddy, 23.

Meanwhile, Scott has been joined doubly and besides has children.

The businessman projected connected a speedboat while she was clad successful a bikini, catching her wholly disconnected guard.

'Scott projected to me, virtually successful Wisconsin adjacent wherever I was raised,' she told 'I was raised successful Rockford, Illinois, and he projected to maine successful Lake Geneva Wisconsin.'

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