Meet Team USA gymnastics' secret weapon! 'Goodest Boy' Beacon could be the key to Simone Biles and Suni Lee's Olympic success in Paris after Tokyo Twisties

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By Alex Raskin

Published: 14:33 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 14:58 EDT, 5 July 2024

With nan US Olympic tests successful nan books, Team USA's gymnastics roster for nan upcoming Paris Games has been finalized pinch 1 notable exception: A aureate retriever named Beacon.

The support canine known arsenic Beacon was a breakout prima during past week's tests successful Minneapolis, wherever Suni Lee took to Instagram to in installments nan four-year-old canine for helping her done nan stressful competition: 'Thank deity for Beacon.'

Beacon's beingness seems each nan much important aft Simone Biles battled nan 'twisties' during nan Tokyo Games successful 2021 earlier yet dropping retired of nan competition. The syndrome impacts gymnasts' mid-flight awareness, turning each landing into a perchance vulnerable situation.

Of course, it's difficult to opportunity if Beacon's beingness would person helped nan four-time Olympic golden medalist successful Tokyo, or, for that matter, nan upcoming Paris Games later this month.

'We are looking into if he tin spell to Paris,' a US Gymnastics spokesperson told People. 'As you tin imagine, it's a spot complicated.'

Suni Lee credited Beacon for her dependable capacity astatine past week's US Olympic trials 

Simone Biles reacts during nan U.S. Olympic Team Gymnastics Trials successful Minneapolis 

A USAG spokeswoman did not instantly respond to's petition for an update connected Friday.

If nan French authorities does licence Beacon's introduction into Paris, nan Olympics will beryllium adding an absolute superstar.

'Everyone wants to opportunity hi, and he wants to opportunity hullo to them,' handler Tracey Callahan Molnar told ESPN. 'It takes 20 minutes to get... not very far.'

USAG's 'first charismatic therapy dog,' Beacon is simply a 'sort of affectional sponge' for athletes, according to Callahan Molnar.

'[Therapy dogs] sorb nan accent of nan group they're relieving nan accent disconnected of,' she told ESPN. 'So moreover though he mightiness beryllium lying still for 2 hours, he's wiped retired afterwards.'

Beacon was successful action passim nan US Olympic trials, wherever he was seen canoodling pinch existent and erstwhile athletes, including Aly Raisman and Laurie Hernandez.

Beacon was seen canoodling pinch ex-gymnasts Aly Raisman (right) and Laurie Hernandez (left)

Beacon is rather popular, not only pinch gymnasts, but pinch fans of nan athletics arsenic well 

Support animal trading cards aren't connected nan market, but Beacon hopes to alteration that

It remains unclear if Beacon is simply a gymnastics instrumentality aliases if he's only doing this occupation for nan money 

Beacon has his ain credential, which includes a photograph and identifies him arsenic nan 'goodest boy'

Pictures from nan arena showed Beacon successful a achromatic scarf pinch a due photograph credential astir his mane. The badge identifies him arsenic nan 'Goodest Boy.' 

'I'm truthful obsessed pinch Beacon's sanction tag,' 1 caller instrumentality wrote connected X.

The process of comforting elite athletes is very intuitive, arsenic Callahan Molnar explained.

'I watch nan women and if they're animated erstwhile they spot him, I'll locomotion toward them,' she told ESPN astatine nan trials. 'Tonight, immoderate called him complete aliases came to him connected their own.'

But not everyone is simply a 'dog person,' truthful Callahan Molnar and Beacon are mindful to springiness immoderate athletes their space.

As Callahan Molnar explained, Beacon will only connection his thief if he hears his sanction aliases senses he's needed.

'He will move connected a dime without seeing who it is,' Callahan Molnar said. 'He picks up connected nan accent and will propulsion to that personification immediately.'

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