McLeod's Daughters star Simmone Jade Mackinnon teases a return to acting after revealing she fell on hard times and ended up living in a caravan

Trending 4 weeks ago

TV prima Simmone Jade Mackinnon has teased a return to acting aft falling connected difficult times erstwhile she stepped distant from nan spotlight and ended up surviving successful a caravan pinch her teenage son.

The 51-year-old character started her profession connected nan American bid Baywatch: Hawaii, which aired from 1999 to 2001, and past returned location for her starring domiciled arsenic Stevie Hall successful celebrated play McLeod's Daughters from 2003 to 2009.

After McLeod's Daughters ended, she drifted distant from nan manufacture and ended up successful financial stress, which took specified a toll connected her that she suffered from panic attacks and hairsbreadth loss. 

Mackinnon says she has plans to return to screens now that her boy is 14.

'I've been speaking to my agents... I've been retired of nan crippled for a agelong time,' she told 9Entertainment.

TV prima Simmone Jade Mackinnon has teased a return to acting aft revealing she fell connected difficult times and ended up surviving successful a caravan pinch her teenage son 

'I really did want to attraction connected conscionable being a mum. I wanted to springiness him my afloat attraction and erstwhile you activity connected a show, connected McLeod's sometimes we were moving 14 hr days, it takes up truthful overmuch of your time,' she explained.

'I deliberation it's astatine slightest clip to person nan chat and spot wherever we're astatine and what's retired there. It mightiness beryllium clip to get backmost into that arena – if I can,' she added.

The erstwhile character besides teased a McLeod's Daughters spin-off.

'We're still around, nan group want it, nan group really want to spot Xander and Charlotte and what's happened to nan kids,' she said. 

It comes aft Simmone precocious said astir falling connected difficult times aft soaring to fame successful nan early 2000s.

The 51-year-old started her profession connected nan American bid Baywatch: Hawaii, which aired from 1999 to 2001, and past returned location for her starring domiciled arsenic Stevie Hall successful celebrated play McLeod's Daughters from 2003 to 2009

These days, nan 2007 Gold Logie nominee - who was erstwhile engaged to Hollywood prima Jason Momoa - is surviving successful a caravan pinch her boy aft stepping distant from nan limelight and going broke.

She said of her heartbreaking business connected Nine's reality show The Summit, wherever she is competing for a chance to triumph a life-changing $1million rate prize.

'The past 3 years person been nan hardest of my life,' Mackinnon said.

Mackinnon (pictured present successful Baywatch) has plans to return to screens now that her boy is 14

'And that caused terrible anxiety. After a week of back-to-back panic attacks that led to monolithic hairsbreadth loss.

'There was large chunks conscionable falling retired truthful I had to shave it each off. You suffer your hairsbreadth and it's a monolithic psychological hit.

'I conscionable hid. I hid distant from everything and everyone for years.'

Simmone took an extended profession break aft McLeod's Daughters was axed successful 2009, telling nan Advertiser she advised her agents she wanted to attraction connected raising her son, who she realised 'would much than apt beryllium my only child'.

Years later, successful 2016, she bought a caravan pinch nan volition of travelling nan countryside.

But her roadworthy travel dreams ne'er materialised and that caravan ended up parked connected a family spot for 2 years erstwhile her begetter became ill.

In a unusual lawsuit of life imitating art, nan ex-actress later took a occupation moving connected a cattle position successful Rockhampton, Queensland, arsenic a jillaroo.

After McLeod's Daughters ended, she drifted distant from nan manufacture and ended up successful financial stress, which took specified a toll connected her that she suffered from panic attacks and hairsbreadth loss 

She said this play of her life was blissfully happy, describing nan manner arsenic 'priceless' moreover though nan money was conscionable capable to break even.

However, Mackinnon suffered different setback erstwhile nan Covid pandemic hit.

She deed 'rock bottom' while trying to support her online clothing business afloat.

She said of her heartbreaking business connected Nine's reality show The Summit, wherever she is competing for a chance to triumph a life-changing $1million rate prize 

'I poured everything I had into it. I'm proud to opportunity it's still going 3 years later but it is without a uncertainty nan astir stressful business I person ever been in,' she said.

'Living disconnected in installments cards, continually conscionable praying group will for illustration my caller designs. It's taken a monolithic toll mentally and astatine nan opening of past year, I suffered a beingness toll erstwhile I mislaid each my hairsbreadth owed to nan stress.

'Rock bottommost is wherever I recovered myself. And there's really only 1 measurement you tin spell from there... and that is up.'

Simmone besides teased a McLeod's Daughters rotation off: 'We're still around, nan group want it, nan group really want to spot Xander and Charlotte and what's happened to nan kids,' she said

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