Mary Poppins legend Dick Van Dyke is still singing at 98 as he delights crowd with performance alongside wife Arlene Silver, 52

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Legendary Hollywood performer Dick Van Dyke delighted fans arsenic he returned to nan shape connected Sunday evening. 

The 98-year-old actor, vocalist and dancer proved he's still sewage it while singing alongside his wife Arlene Silver, 52, arsenic they hosted A Magical Afternoon pinch Arlene & Dick Van Dyke and Friends successful Malibu.

Van Dyke looked smart successful a achromatic suit and relied connected a stepping instrumentality arsenic he performed pinch a cappella quartet The Vantastix.

Meanwhile, Arlene put connected a glamorous show successful a figure-hugging achromatic gown, pinch a plunging neckline and dazzling metallic necklace. 

It comes aft Van Dyke made history astatine nan 51st Daytime Emmy Awards astatine nan Westin Bonaventure Hotel successful Los Angeles.

Legendary Hollywood performer Dick Van Dyke delighted fans arsenic he returned to nan shape connected Sunday evening

The 98-year-old actor, vocalist and dancer proved he's still sewage it while singing alongside his woman Arlene Silver, 52

On Friday, nan character became nan oldest Daytime Emmy victor erstwhile he took location nan trophy for Best Guest Performer In A Daytime Drama Series for his domiciled arsenic Timothy Robicheaux connected Days Of Our Lives.

He hit retired immoderate reliable title that included Guy Pearce (as Mike Young connected Neighbours), Linden Ashby (Cameron Kirsten connected The Young And The Restless), Ashley Jones (as Dr. Bridget Forrester connected The Bold And The Beautiful), and Alley Mills (as Heather Webber connected General Hospital).

To make nan evening moreover much special: nan Mary Poppins icon sewage to stock nan spotlight pinch his woman of much than 12 years, Arlene Silver, 52.

'I don't judge this,' Van Dyke said arsenic he and Silver accepted nan grant connected stage. 'I consciousness for illustration a spy from nighttime television. I brought this woman up because she, by problem and strife, is nan emotion of my life, but because she was successful nan show — she played nan bull who arrested me.'

As usual, nan Chitty Chitty Bang Bang prima utilized drama arsenic a intends to thief support group entertained, which included poking nosy astatine nan truth that he has been 'playing an aged man each my life.'

'If I had known I was going to unrecorded this agelong I would've taken amended attraction of myself,' he joked. 'You guys are a existent family and conscionable took maine successful and treated maine truthful nicely.'

By nan extremity of his clip connected stage, Van Dyke made statement of his '80 years successful nan business', and really it each started pinch him doing a show for nosy pinch a friend that resulted successful him having his profession 'snowball into this.'

The mates hosted A Magical Afternoon pinch Arlene & Dick Van Dyke and Friends successful Malibu

The prima showed disconnected his vocal talents connected stage

Van Dyke looked smart successful a achromatic suit and relied connected a stepping instrumentality arsenic he performed pinch a cappella quartet The Vantastix

Arlene put connected a glamorous show successful a figure-hugging achromatic gown, pinch a plunging neckline and dazzling metallic necklace

Arlene, Van Dyke, The Vantastics, Michelle Lee and Jason Alexander performing successful LA 

Known for musicals, nan singer, dancer and character is champion known for starring pinch Julie Andrews successful classical movie Mary Poppins (1964)

'I'm 98 years old, tin you judge it?' he said while exiting nan stage. 'This really tops disconnected a life of 80 years successful nan business.'

The West Plains, Missouri autochthonal came dressed to impressment successful a classical achromatic tuxedo.

As he has successful caller years, Van Dyke sported a afloat beard and mustache to spell on pinch his hairsbreadth styled short, complete his ears, pinch a portion connected nan left.

While he tin still get astir connected his own, he does transportation astir a stepping cane to thief him support his equilibrium arsenic a precaution.

As for is wife, Silver, 52, looked beautiful successful an crystal bluish dress pinch a plunging neckline and wrap-around creation successful nan beforehand pinch matching heels.

Rounding retired her wide look, nan New York autochthonal accessorized pinch a necklace, rings, and a clutch purse.

Just days earlier being honored astatine nan Daytime Emmys, Van Dyke credited his friend pinch landing nan domiciled connected Days Of Our Lives.

'This is simply a very different grant for me; I seldom get recognized for melodramatic aliases consecutive acting - drama and musicals are my specialty aft all,' he told People. 'I'm truthful honored and it will beryllium a nosy nighttime celebrating pinch nan full daytime tv community.'

Van Dyke and Silver first met astatine nan 13th yearly SAG Awards successful Los Angeles successful January 2007, wherever nan second worked arsenic a constitution artist.

It comes aft Van Dyke made history by becoming nan oldest Daytime Emmy victor erstwhile he took location nan trophy for Best Guest Performer In A Daytime Drama Series for his domiciled arsenic Timothy Robicheaux connected Days Of Our Lives, alongside his woman Arlene

Known by galore fans for his dancing, Van Dyke showed he tin besides activity magic pinch a stepping cane

The iconic singer, dancer and character couldn't hide his enthusiasm for winning an Emmy astatine 98

The Mary Poppins prima received his Emmy Award from his woman of complete 12 years

And contempt nan truth that they person a 46-year property difference, they instantly deed it disconnected arsenic friends.

Their relationship didn't blossom into a romance until years later.

Upon their first meeting, nan erstwhile esthetician confessed she wasn't excessively acquainted pinch each of his acclaimed activity arsenic an character and singer.

'I retrieve seeing Dick astatine nan catering array pinch his front necktie and his large smile. Right erstwhile I sat down, he was sitting adjacent to me. He said, 'Hi, I'm Dick.' The first point I asked him was, 'Weren't you successful Mary Poppins?' I wasn't sure,' she admitted to nan Huffington Post successful October 2013.

She added, 'I knew who he was but I wasn't judge why I knew who he was. I was not acquainted pinch each his work. He has truthful overmuch activity I can't judge I missed it.'

Having struck up a relationship pinch Van Dyke aft their first meeting, Silver ended up being a captious personification nan legendary performer leaned connected aft his longtime partner Michelle Triola Marvin passed distant from crab successful 2009.

They proceeded to go an point complete nan adjacent mates of years and yet tied-the-knot successful backstage ceremonial successful Malibu successful February 2012, erstwhile Van Dyke was 86 and Silver was 40.

Van Dyke began his profession arsenic an entertainer connected power and television, successful nightclubs, and connected nan Broadway shape successful nan precocious 1940s.

Among his galore highlights of his profession was erstwhile he played nan lead domiciled of Albert Peterson successful Broadway rendition of Bye Bye Birdie, which ran from April 1960, to October 1961.

Ultimately, he would prima successful a number of tv bid for PapaRead that includes starring alongside Mary Tyler Moore connected The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961-1966), The New Dick Van Dyke Show (1971-1974), The Van Dyke Show (1988), Diagnosis: Murder (1993-2001) and Murder 101 (2006-2008).

The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang prima utilized drama arsenic a intends to thief support group entertained, which included poking nosy astatine nan truth that he has been 'playing an aged man each my life'

Silver, 52, looked beautiful successful an crystal bluish dress pinch a plunging neckline and wrap-around creation successful nan beforehand pinch matching heels

Van Dyke is group to move 99-years-of-age connected December 12

His astir memorable films Mary Poppins (1964), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) and Mary Poppins Returns (2018) person gone down successful history arsenic classical musicals.

In summation to his domiciled connected Days of Our Lives, he besides precocious appeared connected The Masked Singer arsenic Gnome and The Simpsons arsenic himself.

Van Dyke credits his longevity to keeping his assemblage moving pinch workout complete nan years and decades.

'I counsel everybody to do that, because that's what ages group — it's conscionable a stiffening up and not exercising their muscles and their lungs,' he said past year. 'Exercise is nan answer.'

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