Maine sparks backlash with plans to build LGBTQ+ only housing complex

Trending 1 week ago

A scheme to build affordable lodging specifically for nan LGBTQ+ organization successful Portland, Maine has drawn backlash - pinch immoderate questioning nan legality of nan project.

The Equality Community Center, located successful an aged slope successful nan bosom of nan city, is group to break crushed connected its caller five-story lodging portion for members of nan LGBTQ+ organization who are 55 and older successful nan fall. It is past scheduled to unfastened successful nan outpouring of 2026.

The analyzable will see 54 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, including 11 that are designated for those pinch disabilities aliases who are surviving pinch HIV aliases AIDS, according to News Center Maine.

Funding for nan task comes from MaineHousing's affordable taxation credits, national Low Income Housing Tax Credits, a commercialized slope indebtedness and a 75 percent increment finance territory awarded by nan metropolis of Portland, Mainebiz reports. 

It is expected to costs $15million.

But immoderate online opportunity nan scheme is discriminatory, and nationalist costs should not beryllium utilized to build it.

The Equality Community Center is group to break ground on its caller five-story lodging portion for members of nan LGBTQ+ organization who are 55 and older successful nan fall

'According to nan Fair Housing Act, lodging favoritism based connected intersexual predisposition aliases gender personality is illegal,' celebrated blimpish relationship 'LibsofTikTok' posted connected X.

'How is this legal?'

Another X personification wrote that 'taxpayers will now beryllium forced to salary for lodging for nan LGBTQ+ community.'

'This is what Democratic-Socialism looks for illustration - your taxes, their benefits,' he claimed.

Craig Chamberlin, big of The Craig Chamberlin Show, besides slammed nan scheme arsenic discriminatory.

'This goes to show you that group movements for illustration this were ne'er astir adjacent authorities - it was ever astir politicians granting typical authorities to preferred groups who will ballot for them.'

The celebrated LibsofTikTok page questioned nan legality of nan project

Craig Chamberlin suggested nan task is simply a ploy by politicians to assistance typical authorities to groups that would ballot for them

In nan look of nan backlash, advocates for nan task opportunity it is filling a spread for a susceptible population.

'To person thing correct [in] downtown Portland for nan LGBTQ organization to beryllium portion of is huge,' Ed Gardner, a developer and founding personnel of nan ECC who donated nan onshore for nan project, told News Center Maine.

He explained that nan debased lodging analyzable will bring older LGBTQ+ adults nether 1 roof, who whitethorn not person children who tin return attraction of them arsenic they age.

At nan caller complex, Gardner said, residents will beryllium capable to find acceptance and services - including resources for those pinch HIV and AIDS.

'I deliberation we'll beryllium capable to spot them travel retired and beryllium much portion of nan organization alternatively than beryllium stuck successful their homes and not person anybody to socialize with,' Gardner said. 

It will besides supply residents pinch entree to societal services, healthcare, transportation, intermezo and recreation, according to nan ECC's Facebook page. 

Another X personification described nan task arsenic Democratic-Socialism

Christina Caulfield, a unpaid astatine nan ECC - which houses astir 20 organizations for nan LGBTQ+ organization - besides said nan residents will beryllium capable to use by having nan installation correct adjacent door.

'This spot brings not only a affirmative place, a spot wherever you tin unrecorded pinch group who [aren't] going to beryllium atrocious to you, but it's connected to this,' she said, referring to nan ECC.

'So it's a spot to unrecorded and organization each put together successful 1 spot.' 

More than 100 prospective residents person already applied for 1 of nan apartments, Executive Director Chris O'Connor said.

Once complete, it will beryllium nan 2nd LGBTQ-centered affordable lodging analyzable successful New England, arsenic 1 is already being built successful Boston.

Others person besides sprung up successful Fort Lauderdale, San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia.

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