Lulu, 75, cuts a chic figure in a black satin blazer and shades at star-studded National Film Awards - after taking to the stage at Glastonbury

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By Geraint Llewellyn For Mailonline

Published: 20:41 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 20:52 EDT, 3 July 2024

Lulu trim a chic fig arsenic she deed nan reddish carpet astatine nan National Film Awards astatine London's Porchester Hall connected Wednesday.

The singer, 75, wore an each achromatic ensemble pinch oversized blazer that boasted pinch satin lapels and pockets.

Lulu completed nan look pinch tight trousers and a sequinned apical pinch chunky jewellery arsenic good arsenic a brace of acheronian shades. 

She added other tallness to her framework pinch a  of towering heels and oozed assurance arsenic she strolled on nan reddish carpet. 

Lulu was joined by a full big of celebrated faces including Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon, 65, who was dressed to impressment successful a classical tuxedo.  

Lulu, 75, trim a chic fig arsenic she deed nan reddish carpet astatine nan National Film Awards astatine London's Porchester Hall connected Wednesday

The vocalist wore an each achromatic ensemble pinch oversized blazer that boasted pinch satin lapels and pockets

It quality comes aft nan vocalist took to nan Glastonbury shape past week, where she performed for nan last clip aft announcing her status from touring  (pictured) 

The National Film Awards are held annually and honour accomplishment successful established and independent cinema. 

It comes after Lulu proved that property was conscionable a number arsenic she took to nan shape at Glastonbury last week, wherever she performed for nan last clip aft announcing her status from touring.

The popular prima showcased her age-defying looks arsenic she wowed nan crowd astatine Worthy Farm  aft announcing her status from touring. 

She looked cool successful achromatic tasseled trousers and a achromatic shirt, while besides sporting her bleached blonde locks and a sun-kissed tan.

Lulu - who was awarded a CBE successful 2021 for her services to euphony - delighted fans astatine nan outdoor show pinch a postulation of her smash hits - and proudly brought her grandson connected shape during nan set.

Her group included her biggest deed Shout, though she joked: 'I thought I'd time off it out!

'No, nan main point is you spell to Glastonbury and springiness them what they want. That opus is simply a portion of me. You springiness them that portion of you. They're happy and you're happy that they are.

'It's an exchange. Bringing group joyousness is what I do. It's what I get for doing it. I emotion it, I look guardant to it. How fortunate are we, to beryllium successful nan business of music?'.

Lulu was joined by Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon, 65, who was dressed to impressment successful a classical tuxedo

He completed nan look pinch a dickie front and pouch square 

Actor Richard Blackwood, 52, was besides suited and booted 

The Hollyoaks character flashed a immense grin up of nan ceremony 

Olympian Matty Lee was joined by a stunning female companion 

Actress Sabrina Nolan flashed her agelong toned legs successful a mini dress which boasted feather and sequinned detailing

She first performed astatine Glastonbury 9 years agone successful 2015 and performed this twelvemonth successful nan Field of Avalon. 

Lulu, calved Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie, successful Glasgow, burst onto nan euphony segment successful 1964 astatine conscionable 15 pinch her deed Shout erstwhile John Lennon and Paul McCartney named it arsenic their favourite grounds of nan week.

In 2000 she was appointed an OBE and successful 2021 was upgraded to a CBE. Mid-pandemic, Lulu wasn't capable to person nan honour from a personnel of nan Royal family.

But she had met nan now King successful his capacity of Prince of Wales successful 2000.

She said: 'In a unusual measurement I've felt connected to him each my life. We were calved successful nan aforesaid period successful nan aforesaid year. When we met, he was wholly Prince Charming.'

Lulu is now preparing for Glastonbury which she'll execute astatine for nan last clip aft announcing her status from touring.

Her group will see Shout, though she joked: 'I thought I'd time off it out!

'No, nan main point is you spell to Glastonbury and springiness them what they want. That opus is simply a portion of me. You springiness them that portion of you. They're happy and you're happy that they are.

'It's an exchange. Bringing group joyousness is what I do. It's what I get for doing it. I emotion it, I look guardant to it. How fortunate are we, to beryllium successful nan business of music?'

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