Lucy Spraggan gushes over her new wife Emilia Smith as she shares a bikini snap of her love after the pair tied the knot over the weekend

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Lucy Spraggan gushed complete her caller woman Emilia Smith arsenic she shared a bikini threat of her emotion aft nan brace tied nan knot complete nan weekend.

The X Factor star, 32, revealed successful February that she had fallen for her friend of 10 years Emilia and nan brace announced their engagement conscionable 1 period later.

Taking to Instagram connected Monday, Lucy shared a image of her caller woman successful a achromatic triangle bikini apical and figure-hugging formation skirt, relaxing connected a luxurious boat.

Lucy showed her adoration for Emilia arsenic she captioned nan snap: 'I'm sorry but I joined this female astatine nan play [sweating faces]. Wtf.' 

Also connected Monday, besotted Emilia shared a video of Lucy connected her Instagram Story, wherever she excitedly said: 'Guess what? You're my wife.' 

Lucy Spraggan gushed complete her caller woman Emilia Smith arsenic she shared a bikini threat of her emotion aft nan brace tied nan knot complete nan weekend

Lucy joined Emilia complete nan play aft nan friends of 10 years announced they had fallen for 1 another 

Ahead of her wedding, Lucy shared a loved up station pinch Emilia arsenic nan brace prepared to locomotion down nan aisle connected Friday. 

The couple, who person been friends for 10 years, exchanged rings successful March, conscionable 2 months aft telling nan world they had unexpectedly fallen for 1 another. 

Looking loved up successful nan saccharine snaps, Lucy beamed pinch Emilia balanced connected her back earlier they besides shared a kiss. 

Excited for nan large day, Lucy wrote: 'I'm marrying nan emotion of my life tomorrow. My champion friend. My friend of a decade. 

'I wrote a opus astir her, astir us, and it's coming retired astatine midnight. I americium so, truthful excited.'

She past teased: 'Ps. There's a astonishment coming 10am tomorrow morning'.

And it has now been revealed that arsenic good arsenic nan merchandise of nan caller single Other Sides Of The Moon, Lucy has besides announced her eighth workplace medium will beryllium released connected January 31 2025. 

Other Sides Of The Moon is simply a stunning tribute to Lucy and tells nan communicative of really nan pair, friends for complete 10 years, started their narration and of nan butterflies they some felt erstwhile messaging retired nan bluish astir a dream.

Also connected Monday, besotted Emilia shared a video of Lucy connected her Instagram Story, wherever she excitedly said: 'Guess what? You're my wife'

Looking loved up successful nan saccharine snaps, Lucy beamed pinch Emilia balanced connected her backmost earlier they besides shared a kiss

Speaking of nan track, Lucy added: 'I wrote Other Sides Of The Moon because now we are together it feels for illustration we were some ever looking astatine nan aforesaid moon, conscionable from different sides of it. 

'Now we are connected nan aforesaid side, I yet realise what patient emotion is expected to consciousness like. I consciousness truthful fortunate each day.'

Lucy antecedently revealed Simon Cowell will beryllium stepping her down nan aisle aft nan brace patched up their narration pursuing her clip connected X Factor successful 2012. 

The singer revealed past twelvemonth that she near nan show aft she was raped by a edifice porter successful nan room wherever she was staying aft partying pinch Rylan Clark during nan show's production.

Lucy explained that Simon was nan first to apologise, antecedently admitting his telephone 'just made things truthful overmuch amended for me.'

The prima revealed she had popped nan mobility to Emilia backmost in March aft their relationship blossomed into a romance contempt gathering complete a decade agone successful 2013. 

Speaking connected the My Dirty Laundry podcast last period Lucy opened up astir her narration arsenic she explained: 'It's been a astonishment for some of america really because we've been friends for 10 years and it wasn't until past year, precocious past twelvemonth that we some benignant of turned to each different and we're for illustration wait...'

'We've been really, really bully friends. We've known each different for much than a decade, and we've been really bully friends for for illustration 4 aliases 5 years. 

Excited for nan large day, Lucy wrote: 'I'm marrying nan emotion of my life tomorrow. My champion friend. My friend of a decade'

And it has now been revealed that arsenic good arsenic nan merchandise of nan caller azygous Other Sides Of The Moon, which is simply a tribute to Emilia, Lucy has besides announced her eighth workplace medium will beryllium released connected January 31 2025

Lucy has revealed that Simon Cowell is preparing a reside for her wedding arsenic good arsenic stepping her down nan aisle  (pictured together successful 2022) 

 Speaking connected nan My Dirty Laundry podcast past period Lucy opened up astir her narration arsenic she explained : '[The realisation for america happened] astatine precisely astatine nan aforesaid clip without saying thing to each other'

'[The realisation for america happened] astatine precisely astatine nan aforesaid clip without saying thing to each other. She had a dream astir maine and she woke up and she's like, 'Oh, my God, I deliberation I consciousness this measurement astir Lucy'. 

'And she sent maine a matter saying she was coming down to my show and I sewage butterflies and I was near thinking, 'What was that?' And that was for illustration 2 days aft her dream.

Confirming that Simon will beryllium stepping her down nan aisle, Lucy said: 'It's really true. We've conscionable bonded truthful overmuch complete nan past fewer years.

'I really asked him erstwhile we were successful Barbados astir Christmas time. We were each connected nan formation and for illustration hanging retired and it's conscionable really lovely. 

We were talking astir nan wedding. We weren't moreover decently engaged then. And I was like, 'Would you springiness maine away?' And he went for a aquatics successful nan sea.

'And he came backmost and he was conscionable said: 'I'd be, I'd beryllium honoured'. 

Lucy revealed that Simon's domiciled won't extremity there. She said: 'He is doing a reside and it's funny because a batch of group consciousness for illustration they cognize group who are connected television. 

'But location are different depths to different people. People springiness distant different vulnerabilities for different things. And I consciousness really privileged to cognize Simon nan measurement that I do.' 

She joked: 'His reside will astir apt spell thing for illustration [mimics Simon connected X Factor,] 'I don't for illustration this wedding. I LOVE this wedding.' 

The prima revealed she had popped nan mobility to Emilia backmost successful March aft their relationship blossomed into a romance contempt gathering complete a decade agone successful 2013 

Lucy didn't springiness excessively overmuch distant erstwhile it came to nan taxable of her wedding. conscionable saying it will beryllium 'quirky' and 'last minute,' though she did admit to having a 12-tab spreadsheet. 

And contempt having fostered 12 children erstwhile she was joined to first wife, Georgina Gordon (they were together for six years but divided successful 2019), Lucy said she and Emilia don't want children of their own. 

She said: 'I decidedly person a nurturing broadside astir maine but I cognize I don't person a maternal broadside to me. I don't wanna person kids and neither does Emilia. 

'And that's thing that we're some really happy with. And we're rather looking guardant to for illustration this life wherever we get to do what we like, but we some person a niece and a nephew who we would return a slug for.'

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