Love Island star Paige Thorne sends temperatures soaring in a tiny orange bikini as she enjoys a tropical sunshine break in Zanzibar

Trending 2 days ago

Paige Thorne group hearts racing posing successful an orangish bikini for a sizzling slew of snaps from her lavish vacation successful Zanzibar.

The erstwhile Love Island star, 26, showed disconnected her toned curves successful nan skimpy two-piece, which featured a bandeau bra.

The media prima gave a sultry look into nan lense arsenic she posed successful beforehand of nan crystalline waters arsenic a inheritance while connected a boat.

Looking sun-kissed arsenic she beamed pinch grace, she boosted her earthy looks and kept her brunette locks successful a half up-do pinch a floral clip. 

Paige appeared carefree amid her lavish stay, and captioned her latest carousel: 'Boat days successful Zanzibar are my caller fav.'

Paige Thorne group hearts racing posing successful an orangish bikini for a sizzling slew of snaps from her lavish vacation successful Zanzibar

The erstwhile Love Island star, 26, showed disconnected her toned curves successful nan skimpy two-piece, which featured a bandeau bra

Some fans gushed complete nan stunning shots and raced to remark below: 'Body is bodying harddd'; 'UNREAL'; 'Beauty ❤️'.

In October of past year, MailOnline exclusively revealed Paige was making love rapper Formz.

The paramedic was unlucky successful emotion past year, striking up grounded romances pinch co-stars Jacques O'Neill and Adam Collard. 

Yet she seems to person recovered emotion successful Formz, existent sanction Josh Foreman, who is famed for his football-themed raps and TikTok content. 

The brace first sparked romance rumours successful complete nan summertime past twelvemonth erstwhile eagle-eyed fans spotted them posting from nan aforesaid locations during a travel to Barcelona. 

Once they had made things official, a root told MailOnline that Formz asked Paige to beryllium his woman complete a swanky meal astatine The Shard.

The brace person kept their romance low-key but person enjoyed outings pinch friends - precocious attending an Eastbourne Borough F.C. lucifer alongside Paige's co-star Danica Taylor. 

Formz, 24, besides featured Paige successful 1 of his TikTok videos from Spain, and while he kept her disconnected camera her sound could beryllium heard successful nan inheritance of his clip astatine a Tottenham Hotspur vs Barcelona match. 

The media prima gave a sultry look into nan lense arsenic she posed successful beforehand of nan crystalline waters arsenic a inheritance while connected a boat

Some fans gushed complete nan stunning shots and raced to remark below

MailOnline has contacted Paige and Formz's representatives for comment.  

Paige divided from Adam successful October after she accused him of cheating when he was filmed flirting pinch different girls connected nights out. 

Speaking astir nan breakdown of their relationship, she said connected on an Instagram Q&A: 'I americium not going to bash him by immoderate intends because I deliberation he had a really difficult clip erstwhile our breakup came retired anyhow truthful I'm not going to adhd to that because I don't deliberation it's fair.

'Obviously everyone was alert of each nan videos and pictures that were coming retired of for illustration him and his arms astir girls successful nighttime clubs and immoderate connected his PAs.

'I was consenting to for illustration put them down maine and for illustration move connected because astatine nan extremity of nan time it is conscionable for illustration an limb around. You tin get complete that.

'But past I was getting sent for illustration much videos of him connected nights retired that didn't spell viral and they really were shady. They were shady and I conscionable wasn't comfortable successful it and that's not a narration that I want to beryllium in'.

She continued: 'I want to beryllium for illustration 100% definite that my feline is only astir maine and doesn't want to beryllium you cognize accessible to anybody else. So wasn't thing we could work together on.

'He went to Bali and it conscionable collapsed down from there. I conscionable texted him for illustration this is dumb, this isn't working. We're not moreover talking whilst we're connected holiday. It's clear that thing has shifted betwixt us. So yeah, let's conscionable telephone it a day.

'And location was nary conflict for it. It was conscionable evident that's nan measurement nan narration was headed.'

Earlier past year, Paige sparked rumours she had rekindled her romance pinch Jacques arsenic she reflected connected their clip successful nan villa. 

Speaking connected nan Not My Bagg podcast, Paige joked: 'Honestly, erstwhile I watch nan [Love Island] edits – origin they're ever of maine and Jacques – I'm falling backmost successful love, and I'm for illustration "oh my God, he's my Prince Charming!"

In October of past year, MailOnline revealed Paige was making love rapper Formz (centre) and nan brace person been enjoying group outings pinch friends including chap Islander Danica Taylor 

The paramedic was unlucky successful emotion past year, striking up grounded romances pinch co-stars Jacques O'Neill and Adam Collard 

Jacques is simply a funny one, origin really good and truly, we're not friends, are we? We're not really friends because we liked each other.'

'I conscionable don't deliberation you tin beryllium conscionable mates pinch personification that you person that for. You really can't. With him, it'll ever beryllium that point of for illustration "what could it person been?", but we'll conscionable ne'er cognize now. We chat, evidently we chat. We do chat.'

Speaking astir whether they'd been connected dates, she added: 'Not a day arsenic such. I person seen him, but no, it wasn't a date. It wasn't a date, it wasn't a date! – cut.'

The brace first sparked romance rumours successful nan summertime erstwhile eagle-eyed fans spotted them posting from nan aforesaid locations during a travel to Barcelona

Paige divided from Love Island fellow Adam Collard successful October aft she accused him of cheating erstwhile he was filmed flirting pinch different girls connected nights out

Earlier past year, Paige sparked rumours she had rekindled her romance pinch Jacques O'Neill arsenic she reflected connected their clip successful nan villa

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