Kylie Jenner shows off her toned abs in a white cropped top and baggy jeans as she gives 'first glimpse' of new bikini drop while at Khy office

Trending 2 days ago

Kylie Jenner put connected a stylish show arsenic she gave a behind-the-scenes look while stopping by nan Khy agency this week.

The TV personality, 26 - who refuses to mention fellow Timothee Chalamet connected Hulu's The Kardashians - could beryllium seen successful a clip shared to nan main Instagram page for Khy connected Wednesday. 

The reel kicked disconnected arsenic nan reality prima stepped retired of a sleek conveyance wrong a parking car shed arsenic she headed towards an elevator. 

She flashed her toned midriff successful a short-sleeved, achromatic cropped apical arsenic good arsenic a brace of baggy, denim jeans. 

Jenner carried a large, achromatic purse complete her correct enarthrosis and besides sipped from a h2o bottle. 

Kylie Jenner, 26, put connected a stylish show arsenic she gave a behind-the-scenes look arsenic she stopped by nan Khy agency to activity connected nan upcoming 'vacation shop' driblet for her brand

The TV characteristic could beryllium seen successful a clip shared to nan main Instagram page for Khy connected Wednesday

Her brunette locks were parted successful nan middle, and effortlessly flowed down past her shoulders successful ray waves. 

Once she was wrong nan elevator, Kylie flashed an excited grin towards nan camera and gushed, 'At Khy!' 

The clip past jumped to a close-up of nan beauty mogul's look arsenic she stepped person to add, 'Vacation shop.' 

Jenner was filmed stepping into 1 of nan offices wrong nan building and greeted others that were already wrong astatine a rectangular-shaped table. 

A committee was placed connected a wall wrong nan room and contained sample fabrics and colors for nan upcoming swimsuit collection. 

The colour strategy of Drop 008 appears to beryllium vibrant colors for nan summertime season, specified arsenic reddish and orange. 

The video gave fans a glimpse astatine nan styles that will beryllium disposable erstwhile nan statement becomes available, from some one-piece and two-piece swimsuits, though a driblet day has yet to beryllium announced. 

A exemplary was seen trying connected a strapless, bandeau bikini apical and matching bottoms arsenic Jenner held up a different colour fabric. 

She flashed her toned midriff successful a short-sleeved, achromatic cropped apical arsenic good arsenic a brace of baggy, denim jeans

Once she was wrong nan elevator, Kylie flashed an excited grin towards nan camera and gushed, 'At Khy!'

A committee was placed connected a wall wrong nan room and contained sample fabrics and colors for nan upcoming swimsuit collection

The video gave fans a glimpse astatine nan styles that will beryllium disposable erstwhile nan statement becomes available, from some one-piece and two-piece swimsuits

'This is each 90s-inspired,' she explained arsenic nan reel jumped to a rack afloat of colorful swimwear. 

Semi-sheer, reddish bottoms were besides tried connected by nan exemplary and upon seeing them, Kylie expressed, 'These are a difficult yes.'

Other items that were showcased successful nan video included a skimpy achromatic bikini that was partially covered by a fitted, achromatic strapless top. 

Jenner was past seen seated astatine nan array arsenic she glanced done a assortment of photos and papers while besides taking notes to make last decisions for nan collection. 

At different board, nan TV characteristic could beryllium seen pairing colors pinch definite swimsuit designs which concluded nan video. 

The caption of nan latest station read: 'Ky, our laminitis and imaginative head shows a first glimpse of nan picnic shop. driblet 008 coming soon.'

Jenner officially launched her clothing marque precocious past twelvemonth successful November - pinch nan astir caller postulation released successful June. 

Semi-sheer, reddish bottoms were besides tried connected by nan exemplary and upon seeing them, Kylie expressed, 'These are a difficult yes'

Jenner was past seen seated astatine nan array arsenic she glanced done a assortment of photos and papers while besides taking notes to make last decisions for nan collection

At different board, nan TV characteristic could beryllium seen pairing colors pinch definite swimsuit designs which concluded nan video

Kylie's latest promotion for Khy comes soon aft she was seen pinch fellow Timothee Chalamet for nan first clip successful months arsenic nan brace enjoyed a romanticist day nighttime successful Hollywood past week connected Friday. 

The 2 stars kept it lowkey arsenic they stopped by the iconic, TCL Chinese Theatre to watch a movie. 

The beauty wore a strapless, achromatic cropped apical arsenic good arsenic a brace of black, loose-fitting trousers. A printed headdress was placed connected apical of her caput arsenic she carried a achromatic sweater successful her hands. 

The Wonka character besides dressed down successful a achromatic sweatshirt arsenic good arsenic a brace of achromatic shorts and comfy, Nike sneakers. 

The day nighttime comes a fewer months aft the brace enjoyed a double day successful NYC successful May - though they were not pictured during nan outing. 

Kylie and Timothee joined different mates astatine nan hotspot called Tatiana by Kwame Onwuachi, People reported astatine nan time. 

During nan relaxing outing, an insider expressed to nan outlet that Timothee was 'really chill and truthful nice' astatine nan casual dinner.

A abstracted root added that some Jenner and Chalamet for illustration to support their narration 'low-key' and chiefly retired of nan nationalist eye. 

Kylie's latest promotion for Khy comes soon aft she was seen pinch fellow Timothee Chalamet for nan first clip successful months arsenic nan brace enjoyed a romanticist day nighttime successful Hollywood past week connected Friday; seen successful January successful Beverly Hills 

The 2 stars kept it lowkey arsenic they stopped by nan iconic, TCL Chinese Theatre to watch a movie

The 2 astir apt spent clip together successful nan Big Apple owed to Timothee filming his upcoming movie, A Complete Unknown, successful NYC arsenic he takes connected nan domiciled of Bob Dylan.

Before their day successful May, nan mates were past pictured together earlier this twelvemonth successful January erstwhile they attended nan Golden Globes together.

During nan awards ceremony, Jenner and Chalamet cozied up arsenic they sat adjacent to each different and astatine 1 point, besides shared a saccharine buss wrong The Beverly Hilton wherever nan festivities took place.

But successful early March, divided rumors arose erstwhile nan brace were not seen together for astir 3 months.

However, later that aforesaid month, insiders told that nan brace person not ended their relationship and explained nan deficiency of them appearing successful nan spotlight was to 'protect' their romance.

And astir recently, a root told People nan logic why Kylie has decided to not mention Chalamet connected The Kardashians - contempt nan $100 cardinal woody pinch Hulu

And astir recently, a root told People the reason why Kylie has decided to not mention Chalamet connected The Kardashians - contempt nan $100 cardinal woody pinch Hulu. 

The insider told nan outlet connected Tuesday that she is 'protective' of her narration and added, 'Things are awesome pinch Timothee. Kylie is happy. They are some busy, but making clip to spot each other, particularly connected nan weekends.' 

'He's been moving successful N.Y.C. She's visited him and he's besides been backmost to L.A. immoderate weekends. They're making it work.' 

The root continued, 'Kylie is protective of nan relationship, but whenever she talks astir him, she has a immense smile. She really likes truthful galore things astir him.'  

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