Katie Price reveals she's filming another documentary with son Harvey as she pins comeback hopes on new BBC show after vowing to turn her life around

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A family sanction successful nan UK, Katie Price has lived retired nan highs and lows of life successful nan spotlight. 

An unfastened book pinch her fans, nan mother-of-five has documented galore of her woes connected her various reality bid and successful tell-all interviews. 

Having courted nan limelight arsenic a teenage glamour model, nan nationalist person witnessed Jordan's rocket to  fame and occasional falls from grace. 

Despite her fame and wealth, life has not travel easy for Katie, who has battled bankruptcy, burglaries, assaults and supplier abuse, while besides navigating a very rocky emotion life. 

Now we return a look backmost astatine her turbulent past. 

Struggles: Despite her fame and wealth, life has not travel easy for Katie, who has battled bankruptcy, burglaries, assaults and supplier abuse, while besides navigating a very rocky emotion life


Katie's quest for emotion has seen her necktie nan knot 3 times and get engaged eight. 

In 1996, Katie, past a surgery-free 18-year-old, exchanged rings to Gladiator prima Warren Furman, now 48, (better known arsenic Ace), but they divided successful 2 years later.

She was besides technically engaged to businessman Scott Sullivan, but has since admitted her bosom wasn't successful it erstwhile he gave her a ringing conscionable earlier she was astir to participate nan I'm A Celebrity jungle successful 2004, wherever she famously met Peter Andre. 

Katie fell madly successful emotion pinch Pete, 48, connected nan show and nan brace sewage joined successful 2006. They went connected to person 2 children; boy Junior, 15, and Princess, 13, earlier they divided successful 2009. 

Admitting she was connected nan 'rebound' Katie started making love cage combatant Alex Reid, 45, a specified 8 weeks aft her divided from Pete. 

Following a whirlwind romance nan brace wed successful Las Vegas successful January 2010 but nan matrimony fell isolated little than a twelvemonth later. 

First marriage: Katie went connected I'm A Celebrity successful 2004 wherever she famously met Peter Andre. Katie fell madly successful emotion pinch Pete, 48, connected nan show and nan brace sewage joined successful 2006

Two years later Katie fell for Argentinian exemplary model Leandro Penna, 35, aft gathering him astatine Elton John's Oscars statement successful LA. 

Revealing she bedded him connected nan first night, nan brace went connected to get engaged earlier they divided successful 2012.  

Later that year, Katie met part-time stripper and plasterer Kieran Hayler, who is 9 years her junior. 

The brace exchanged vows a specified 5 weeks later pinch Katie already pregnant pinch nan couple's first boy Jett. 

However, successful 2017 nan brace announced they were going to divorce, 3 years aft she recovered retired astir Kieran's affairs pinch her friends Jane Poutney and Chrissy Thomas.  

In July 2019, Katie announced she was engaged again to individual trainer Kris Boyson, 32, aft a twelvemonth of dating. 

Second husband: Admitting she was connected nan 'rebound' Katie started making love cage combatant Alex Reid, 45, a specified 8 weeks aft her divided from Pete

The reality prima - who was still legally joined to 3rd hubby Kieran astatine nan time- made nan daze announcement during an quality connected Loose Women. 

Their engagement was short-lived nevertheless arsenic nan mates divided successful November of that year, pinch Katie admitting to Kris that she cheated connected him. 

The reality prima went connected to find emotion pinch Carl Woods successful July 2020 and nan mates exchanged rings successful April 2021. 

Three months later her divorcement pinch Kieran was made charismatic and she group astir readying her wedding to Carl. 

However, it wasn't meant to beryllium arsenic successful November 2022 Carl revealed he had dumped Katie aft claiming he recovered retired she allegedly slept pinch personification other - and admitted to it.

Third husband: In 2012 Katie met part-time stripper and plasterer Kieran Hayler, who is 9 years her junior. The brace exchanged vows a specified 5 weeks later


Katie is nary alien to court, having risked jailhouse clip connected aggregate occasions owed to various driving violations. 

In 2003, Katie swerved a speeding complaint aft constabulary grounded to apprehension her wrong 12 weeks of allegedly clocking 70mph successful a 40mph area successful her Range Rover.

Five years later she landed 3 punishment points aft being caught talking connected her mobile telephone while driving. In 2009 she failed to supply nan personality of nan driver aft her car was allegedly caught speeding successful a 30mph area and was later handed 4 punishment points aft being clocked astatine 99mph and was handed 4 points connected her licence.

The pursuing twelvemonth she was convicted for failing to beryllium successful due power of her horsebox aft veering into different lane successful February and was fixed 3 points connected her licence, bringing her full to 10.

Brushes pinch nan law: Katie is nary alien to court, having risked jailhouse clip connected aggregate occasions owed to various driving violations 

Later that twelvemonth she was banned from driving for six months aft doing 83mph successful a 70mph area successful her location region of West Sussex.

In 2012, Katie was disqualified for 12 months for failing to respond to 2 speeding tickets successful September.

After a quiet fewer years Katie landed a six-month prohibition successful February 2018 for speeding aft totting up 12 punishment points for speeding. In July, photos emerged of her driving while still banned. Then successful October she was arrested connected suspicion of portion driving and spent 13 hours successful custody aft crashing into a VW Golf and a hedge connected a gated property astatine 2am.

In 2019 she was fixed a three-month prohibition for driving while disqualified successful January of that twelvemonth and was later handed a five-year restraining bid banning her from contacting Michelle Penticost either straight aliases indirectly aft hurling maltreatment astatine her during an statement astatine a schoolhouse playground.

Accident: In 2021 she collapsed her BMW car connected a state roadworthy adjacent her West Sussex location successful nan early hours of nan greeting aft drinking and taking drugs

Then successful October, Katie was banned from driving for a further 18 months for failing to pass constabulary who was down nan instrumentality of her pinkish Range Rover during a clang successful Bexley, southbound eastbound London.

Two years later she collapsed her BMW car connected a state roadworthy adjacent her West Sussex location successful nan early hours of nan greeting aft drinking and taking drugs.

She pleaded blameworthy astatine Crawley Magistrates of portion driving, driving while disqualified and driving without security and is handed a 16-week suspended situation sentence.

In 2022 she then pleaded blameworthy to breaching a five-year restraining bid not to contact, straight aliases indirectly, Michelle Penticost.

She avoided jailhouse again aft claiming she 'misunderstood' nan rules of a restraining bid erstwhile she sent a 'vile and nasty' connection astir her ex-husband's fiancée. 

Broken: In 2022 Katie pleaded blameworthy to breaching a five-year restraining bid not to contact, straight aliases indirectly, Michelle Penticost, Kieran Hayler's fiancée (pictured) 


Katie was declared bankrupt successful 2019 pinch debts of £3.2m from her grounded institution Jordan Trading Ltd, that was group up to oversee her perfume and cosmetics line.

She group up nan institution successful 2003 but successful 2017 an exertion was put successful to upwind up nan institution arsenic she tried to benignant retired her finances.

When nan mother-of-five was declared bankrupt she vowed to salary backmost £12,000 a period to creditors of nan patient done an individual voluntary arrangement.

The bankruptcy meant Katie, erstwhile worthy a reported £45million, faced losing her £2million 11-bedroom mansion.

She took retired a 2nd owe connected nan spot successful 2015, but faced monthly payments of £12,300.

In June 2022 nan erstwhile exemplary had been owed to be nan Royal Court of Justice to explicate to a judge why she has grounded to repay millions owed to creditors.

However, nan proceeding was adjourned astatine nan past infinitesimal pinch her solicitors giving nary logic for Katie's nary show earlier nan court.

Despite being bankrupt Katie has seemingly led a lavish life, including exotic holidays to Las Vegas and Thailand.

Money: Katie was declared bankrupt successful 2019 pinch debts of £3.2m from her grounded institution Jordan Trading Ltd, that was group up to oversee her perfume and cosmetics line


Katie's children person threatened to 'never speak to her again' if she took cocaine aft her highly publicised conflict pinch drugs. 

Katie besides visited The Priory successful 2018 erstwhile she spent 28 days arsenic an inpatient aft her family urged her to activity thief pursuing chaotic partying antics successful Mallorca.

At nan time, she was confronted by her loved ones aft shocking footage emerged of her rapping 'I emotion coke' during a booze-fuelled hen do.

Katie collapsed down aft nan involution and admitted she needed thief to get complete her chaotic behaviour, which she blamed connected her PTSD.

Way backmost when: In 2020 Katie revealed she had been taking monthly supplier tests to 'build trust' pinch her ex-husbands Peter Andre and Kieran Hayler (pictured successful 2002)

She later said: 'My family and friends were hurt, they didn't cognize what to do. All these years successful nan manufacture I ne'er person [done drugs] but I purely did it to self-medicate, I went to nan doctors and told them nan truth... 

'Self-medicating connected narcotics really, it was disgusting, but it was my measurement of dealing pinch it. At slightest I tin clasp my hands up, if I didn't speak retired now, I would still beryllium successful a rut'. 

In 2020 Katie revealed she had been taking monthly supplier tests to 'build trust' pinch her ex-husbands Peter Andre and Kieran Hayler, pinch whom she shares 4 children. 

In 2021, Katie collapsed her BMW while double nan drink-drive limit aft leaving her location to allegedly hunt for narcotics during an all-night intoxicant and cocaine bender. 

In November 2022 Katie's ex Carl Woods reportedly leaked a signaling of his erstwhile partner speaking astir drugs.

In nan midst of their break-up, Carl was said to person released a signaling which allegedly hears Katie saying she didn't move up to an arena 'because I was connected coke'. 

Recordings: In November 2022 Katie's ex Carl Woods reportedly leaked a signaling of his erstwhile partner speaking astir drugs


Katie purchased a sprawling spot successful West Sussex for £1.3million backmost successful 2014 pinch nan dream of turning it into a cosy family home. 

However nan spot was near successful disarray aft various mishaps, including alert tipping, floods, a occurrence and burglaries. 

Renovations kicked disconnected successful June 2019, but nan influencer was near devastated erstwhile nan mucky mansion was surgery into and destroyed by intruders a twelvemonth later. 

In June 2020, thieves collapsed successful to bargain her I'm A Celebrity rucksack and leant nan ablution caput complete nan ceiling which caused nan bath to flood and nan ceiling to collapse.

Just weeks later, she suffered a caller rustle arsenic thieves collapsed successful again, and she vowed to up information aft a neighbour witnessed 3 men connected her backstage property.

In 2021 nan spot was ransacked yet again, with thieves stealing aged photographs and difficult drives. 

The pursuing twelvemonth she landed a £45,000 payday to floor plan her renovations successful nan Channel 4 series Katie Price's Mucky Mansion.

She bagged a 2nd bid of nan show but filming was allegedly been thrown into mayhem since her 'filthy' location is excessively soiled for accumulation crews to sprout in.

Rubbish: Katie purchased a sprawling spot successful West Sussex for £1.3million backmost successful 2014 pinch nan dream of turning it into a cosy family home 


Katie suffered trauma from a young age, revealing she was raped successful a parkland astatine nan property of seven. 

The erstwhile Page 3 prima elaborate nan harm nan ordeal has caused during an quality connected Loose Women successful 2017, stating: 'There was nan intersexual battle and I was later raped.

'I person discussed earlier and I do judge it led to maine dressing provocatively and becoming a model.

'I had been training to beryllium a caregiver but nan glamour modelling world is aimed astatine men. They tin look but they can't touch. You tin opportunity aliases do what you for illustration successful a picture.'

The media characteristic was besides sexually exploited by a photographer arsenic a child, revealing: 'He took indecent photographs that I thought were guiltless astatine nan time. I was 12. He made maine do pictures wherever I was sticking my lingua out. They looked young and girly but to him. It is sexual. He utilized to make these milkshakes.

'I ne'er took 1 because I didn't for illustration it. The constabulary erstwhile they came around.. that's what he did he made nan girls portion them and he drugged them.'

Shocking: Katie suffered trauma from a young age, revealing she was raped successful a parkland astatine nan property of 7 (pictured successful 1995 astatine nan property of 17)  

In 2018, Katie was raped astatine gunpoint during a horrifying carjacking successful South Africa. 

Katie was thrown retired of nan conveyance by nan attackers, during her travel from Johannesburg to Swaziland successful 2 group carriers pinch nan accumulation crew.

The vehicles were ransacked of laptops, iPads, passports, rate and jewellery – but nan robbers near down a luck successful camera cogwheel which nan unit had stored connected board. The attackers were ne'er apprehended.

In September 2021 Katie was allegedly punched successful nan look astatine her location successful Essex, pinch a 32-year-old man who was past held connected suspicious of assault. 

Police were called to nan erstwhile glamour model's astatine astir 1.30am connected August 23, wherever a man was arrested connected suspicion of assault, theft and coercive and controlling behaviour. 

Katie was taken to infirmary and was pictured nan pursuing time pinch bruises to her look and an injured lip. 

Bruised: In September 2021 Katie was allegedly punched successful nan look astatine her location successful Essex, pinch a 32-year-old man who was past held connected suspicious of assault 


Katie has been unfastened astir her struggle pinch worry and depression. 

In September, nan mother-of-five revealed that she attempted termination aft suffering from 'anxiety, slump and awesome trauma' pursuing her horrific 2018 carjacking.

The reality prima admitted she deed stone bottommost aft she was raped astatine gunpoint during nan ordeal and tried to bent herself, but aft passing retired she 'saw her kids faces' and realised she 'never wanted it to hap again.'

Katie besides said she'll apt request therapy 'for nan remainder of her life,' aft being diagnosed pinch PTSD. 

She has received thief for her intelligence wellness struggles during respective stints astatine The Priory. 

Katie thanked her therapist successful a saccharine Instagram station successful May 2022 arsenic she gave an update connected her intelligence health. 

She penned: 'I'm truthful proud of myself and really acold I've travel changing nan ways I now woody pinch situations that I've now learnt are my trigger points that I wasn't astir to power before.

'Thank you to my therapists, advisor and my support web astir me,' Katie added a reddish bosom emoji.

She added: 'Tomorrow yet is simply a section I've completed successful moving forwards, I'll fto you cognize tomorrow what it is.'

Candid: Katie has been unfastened astir her struggle pinch worry and slump and antecedently attempted suicide  


Katie welcomed her first child, Harvey, successful September 2022 but his begetter Dwight Yorke denied he was nan father, until a DNA trial proved his paternity. 

The erstwhile glamour exemplary and nan erstwhile premier convention footballer  concisely had a romance successful 2001, and collapsed up soon aft Katie fell pregnant. 

Katie has claimed Dwight 'disowned' their boy and has nary interaction pinch him. 

Her narration pinch her boy was shown successful 2 BBC documentaries that charted Harvey transitioning into adulthood and Katie's travel into researching for a master assemblage that caters to Harvey's analyzable needs.

Harvey is connected nan autism spectrum and was calved pinch disabilities including partial blindness, ADHD and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Family matters: Katie is pictured pinch boy Harvey, 20, Junior, 17, and Princess, 15, shared pinch ex-husband Peter Andre and has Bunny, eight, and Jett, nine, pinch ex Kieran Hayler

Katie is besides mother to Junior, 17, and Princess, 15, pinch ex-husband Peter Andre and has Bunny, eight, and Jett, nine, pinch ex Kieran Hayler.

In August 2022, Katie claimed she has constricted entree to her 2 youngest children aft her already strained narration pinch their begetter collapsed down. 

Katie's mother Amy suffers from nan terminal unwellness idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis- which causes scarring to nan lungs and makes it difficult to breathe, aft being diagnosed successful 2017.

The prima antecedently revealed she's begun to organise her mother's funeral, aft 'accepting' her decease is imminent.

Katie had antecedently revealed she offered 1 of her ain lungs for Amy, because she is presently waiting to spot if she tin person a transplant 

Little is known astir Katie's biological begetter Ray aft he walked retired connected Katie and her mother erstwhile she was conscionable 4 years old.

Struggle: Katie's mother Amy suffers from nan terminal unwellness idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis- which causes scarring to nan lungs and makes it difficult to breathe


Katie has undergone an array of procedures complete nan years, including rhinoplasty, a silhouette facelift, 3D, veneers, articulator fillers and Botox. 

In 2015, conscionable earlier appearing connected Celebrity Big Brother, nan reality prima had a botched boob simplification that near her pinch a spread successful her bosom and an implant protruding from her flesh.

Katie told her shocked housemates: 'I’ve sewage nary tits anymore. They’ve gone. There’s not moreover thing there. If you saw what I’m for illustration underneath. The scar’s gone septic. My full implant was hanging retired connected New Year’s Day.'

Shortly aft leaving nan Big Brother location she underwent corrective room and had her implants swapped for a D-cup.

Katie claimed her first look assistance successful 2017 had been a botched occupation and went backmost nether nan weapon nan pursuing twelvemonth aged 40 to correct it.

She said astatine nan clip 'I request to get my look re-corrected aft surgeon has wholly f**ked my look up'.

Ouch: Just earlier she starred connected Celebrity Big Brother successful 2015 nan prima had a botched boob simplification that near her pinch a spread successful her breast

He supplier added: 'She had nan thread and it really rather distorted her look. She sewage a batch of backlash, a batch of antagonistic press, a batch of trolling, everyone saying she’d taken it excessively far, erstwhile really it was a occupation that had not gone to plan.'

 In 2012 she jetted to Belgium to correct botched room connected her breasts, saying her surgeon was utterly shocked by nan 'awful' erstwhile procedure.

Katie said: 'They looked deformed, they were perfectly awful. That's nan first clip I've gone to a different surgeon. I had to spell backmost to Frank pinch my caput down, ashamed that I'd been to different clinic.'

In August 2020, Katie revealed a freak mishap had near her pinch 2 surgery feet aft she had plummeted 25ft disconnected a wall astatine a taxable parkland successful Turkey.

Upon her return to nan UK, she was near utilizing a wheelchair and fearing she would beryllium paralysed earlier doctors told her she could beryllium successful betterment for up to 2 years and was initially incapable to locomotion for six months.

Hospitalised: In 2020 Katie returned to Turkey to person different group of veneers past jetted to Belgium to correct a  botched boob job 


Katie has been lambasted by animal charities and petitions person been group up to extremity her owning animals aft respective pets died nether her care. 

In November 2022, Katie's beloved canine Sharon was killed erstwhile she allegedly escaped and ran onto nan roadworthy wherever she was deed by a car.

Pomeranian Sharon was picked up disconnected nan A24 by nan driver of nan conveyance and taken to to Arun Vets successful Pulborough, West Sussex, wherever her decease was confirmed. 

Weeks earlier she was near distraught aft losing her beloved Chihuahua Captain while connected vacation successful Dorset. 

Katie's dogs Rolo, Queenie and Sparkle died successful caller years, while she has besides mislaid a pet chameleon and a beloved horse. 

In 2021 it was revealed she she gave distant her girl Princess' puppy Precious to a personnel of nan unit connected her TV show. 

Sad news: In November 2022, Katie's beloved canine Sharon (bottom right) was killed erstwhile she allegedly escaped and ran onto nan roadworthy wherever she was deed by a car

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