Joe Wicks' wife Rosie gives birth to their fourth child! Couple welcome a baby boy and share sweet snaps of the newborn

Trending 1 week ago

Joe Wicks' woman Rosie has fixed commencement to their 4th child.

The Body Coach star, 38, and his beloved wife, 33, announced nan joyful news connected Instagram alongside a fewer gorgeous snaps of nan newborn connected Monday.

The couple, who are besides parents to daughters Indie, six, Leni, two, and boy Marley, five, were wholly complete nan satellite to invited different summation to their family.

Captioning nan associated post, Joe wrote: 'Today astatine 9.30am we welcomed our 4th babe into nan world. A small boy weighing 7lbs 13oz.

'Rosie gave commencement astatine home. The NHS midwives from St Peter's infirmary were amazing. Rosie and nan babe are some doing good and getting immoderate rest.'

Joe Wicks' woman Rosie has fixed commencement to their 4th child

The Body Coach star, 38, and his beloved wife, 33, announced nan joyful news connected Instagram alongside a gorgeous threat of nan newborn connected Monday (seen pinch girl Indie, six)

Joe besides posted a saccharine image of his girl Indie, six holding nan small 1 and beaming down astatine her. 

Their pals were speedy to connection their congratulations nether nan station arsenic writer Elizabeth Day penned: 'Congratulations to each of you. So happy for you!' 

Rosie and Joe decided to support nan gender of their babe a astonishment and were still undecided connected what to sanction nan tot, conscionable days earlier she gave birth.

The fittingness guru announced he and Rosie were expecting different kid successful January, erstwhile she was already 20 weeks pregnant.

For their announcement post, nan mates shared a gorgeous threat and wrote: 'Baby number 4 incoming ❤️ #20weeks'. 

Joe and Rosie person been together since 2016 and tied nan knot successful a stunning countryside ceremonial successful 2019.

In February, Rosie suffered a scare after she was rushed to infirmary during her pregnancy.

At nan time, Joe showed a image of Rosie's tummy pinch caller bandages from her process and revealed to his fans online: 'Rosie had to spell into infirmary past week to person her appendix out, She and nan babe are each good, She's connected nan mend now.' 

The couple, who are besides parents to daughters Indie, six, Leni, two, and boy Marley, five, were wholly complete nan satellite to invited different summation to their family

Rosie and Joe decided to support nan gender of their babe a astonishment and were still undecided connected what to sanction nan tot, conscionable days earlier she gave birth

The fittingness guru announced he and Rosie were expecting different kid successful January, erstwhile she was already 20 weeks pregnant

Joe and Rosie person been together since 2016 and tied nan knot successful a stunning countryside ceremonial successful 2019

It appeared Rosie underwent a laparoscopic appendectomy.

In comparison to unfastened appendectomy, laparoscopic appendectomy is simply a minimally invasive room to region nan appendix done mini incisions.

Since pregnant women thin to person much chances to create appendix ruptures that spill infectious contents into nan abdominal cavity and causing sepsis, emergency room must beryllium instantly performed.

Last July, Joe revealed he had pulled girl Indie retired of reception to homeschool her.

Joe said he and Rosie, who would for illustration six children, scheme to do astatine slightest 1 twelvemonth of location educating astatine their £4 cardinal mansion successful Surrey.

'There's really thing much to nan determination than we conscionable emotion being together arsenic a family and want to walk much clip pinch nan kids while we can,' he wrote successful a station connected Instagram.

'She had a awesome twelvemonth successful reception but we person ever loved school nan kids astatine location and want nan state to recreation much and research nan world.

'She mightiness spell to schoolhouse adjacent year. We person nary thought agelong word but want to do astatine slightest a twelvemonth of location educating.'

During her pregnancy, Joe revealed Rosie had to spell to infirmary aft it was discovered she had appendicitis

Joe said he and Rosie, who would for illustration six children, scheme to do astatine slightest 1 twelvemonth of location educating astatine their £4 cardinal mansion successful Surrey

'There's really thing much to nan determination than we conscionable emotion being together arsenic a family and want to walk much clip pinch nan kids while we can,' he wrote successful a station connected Instagram 

Joe often shares activity books he uses to amended his children and antecedently joked he is an 'old schoolhouse parent' who doesn't let them to beryllium successful beforehand of iPads and usage phones.

He said: 'They do watch Disney aliases Netflix connected TV but don't cognize really to usage a telephone and don't person an iPad… They publication constitute and speak good because it's each they've ever known.

'They don't miss iPads aliases surface clip because they've ne'er had it. One point I'm astir proud astir pinch my kids is really friendly, open, chatty and assured they are pinch caller people.

'Most days we look information and Indie and Marley are disconnected making friends pinch different adults successful restaurants aliases by nan excavation cracking jokes.

'Their personalities are not an accident. They are a merchandise of their surroundings and nan stimulation they get each day…'

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