Joe Biden heads into a make-or-break weekend as his campaign teeters on the edge of collapse after disastrous debate performance

Trending 3 days ago

By Germania Rodriguez Poleo, Chief U.S. Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 07:57 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 09:20 EDT, 5 July 2024

Good greeting and invited to's unrecorded authorities blog.

President Joe Biden is heading into a make-or-break play arsenic his run teeters connected nan separator of illness pinch elected officials successful his ain statement expressing sedate concerns astir his expertise to tally for an different 4 years - and whether he should - aft his disastrous statement against erstwhile President Donald Trump exposed concerns astir his beingness and intelligence fittingness for nan job.

The president is scheduled to run successful Wisconsin coming and beryllium for an question and reply pinch ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that will aerial arsenic a prime-time typical astatine 8 p.m.

Follow present for each nan latest coverage.

President Biden's run reassures awesome donors that money sent to Joe tin beryllium redirected to 'all Democrats connected nan ballot'

By Jon Michael Raasch, U.S. Political Reporter

Joe Biden run staffers are moving to reassure upset donors that their money will beryllium spent and won't spell to a defunct candidate.

'We are afloat readying for President Biden to beryllium nan nominee, but nan mostly of nan money raised done nan Biden Victory Fund goes to nan D.N.C., which supports each Democrats connected nan ballot,' a staffer told donors, nan New York Times reported.

The campaign's maneuvering comes aft heiress and awesome Democrat philanthropist Abigail Disney announced she will extremity donations to Joe Biden and nan full statement until the ailing president steps down.

The granddaughter to Roy Disney, nan co-founder of nan Walt Disney Corporation, has often made sound for her wide authorities contempt her wealth, which is believed to beryllium astir $120 million.

'I intend to extremity immoderate contributions to nan statement unless and until they switch Biden astatine nan apical of nan ticket. This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is simply a bully man and has served his state admirably, but nan stakes are acold excessively high,' she said successful a statement.

Biden faces astir important question and reply of his career

TOPSHOT - US President Joe Biden (C) gestures adjacent to First Lady Jill Biden (L) and US Vice President Kamala Harris arsenic they watch nan Independence Day fireworks show from nan Truman Balcony of nan White House successful Washington, DC, connected July 4, 2024. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Emily Goodin, elder U.S. governmental reporter

President Joe Biden heads to Madison, Wisconsin, connected Friday for a run arena but, much importantly, he'll beryllium sitting down for nan astir important tv of his career.

Biden, 81, will beryllium interviewed by ABC's George Stephanopoulos successful his first on-camera question and reply since past week's debate.

The president is trying to clasp Democrats together down his candidacy arsenic concerns among nan statement turn arsenic to whether he tin hit Donald Trump successful November.

Biden has reportedly acknowledged he is facing a ticking timepiece erstwhile it comes to convincing group of his competence and nan ABC question and reply will beryllium a immense portion of that.

The web will aerial nan question and reply successful its entirety astatine 8 p.m. ET.

Trump challenges Biden to different debate

Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden to different debate, offering a 'no holds barred' chat connected nan issues of nan time 'anytime, anywhere, anyplace.'

He projected having conscionable nan 2 of them connected shape pinch nary moderator.

Trump issued his situation arsenic Biden is struggling to support support among Democrats to enactment their nominee aft he bombed successful nan first president statement past week.

The erstwhile president based on different statement would bring successful monolithic ratings and would let Biden 'to beryllium his "competence," aliases deficiency thereof' and added 'it would beryllium yet different trial for me.'

I person nan reply to nan Crooked Joe Biden Incompetence Puzzle — Let’s do different Debate, but this time, nary holds barred - An each connected discussion, pinch conscionable nan 2 of america connected stage, talking astir nan early of our Country.
It would also, nether awesome pressure, beryllium his “competence,” aliases deficiency thereof. Likewise it would beryllium yet different trial for me. What a awesome evening it would be, conscionable nan 2 of us, 1 connected one, successful a good, aged fashioned Debate, nan measurement they utilized to be. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!!!

Kamala Harris calls Biden 'vice president' astatine July 4 event

With galore wondering if she could switch Biden arsenic Democrats' campaigner for president were he to driblet out, she was positively giddy while giving nan speech.

She said: 'We springiness acknowledgment to our commander-in-chief, nan vice - nan president of nan United States! The bonzer President of nan United States Joe Biden!'

Biden past took successful nan applause from nan Washington crowd and wished everyone a happy Independence Day amid calls for him to measurement down by galore of his chap Democrats.

The little correction was akin to 1 that Biden himself had made successful an question and reply pinch a achromatic power position successful Philadelphia.

epa11458250 US President Joe Biden (L) and Vice President Kamala Harris (R) connected nan Truman Balcony of nan White House successful Washington, DC, USA, 04 July 2024. Biden's reelection run limped into nan US Independence Day holiday, exhausted by a week of nan incumbent clawing to support his clasp connected his party's nomination.  EPA/TIERNEY L. CROSS / POOL

Biden, 81, describes himself arsenic a achromatic female during power interview

Biden described himself arsenic a achromatic female during a power question and reply flub, arsenic calls equine for nan 81 year-old president to driblet his re-election bid.

The gaffe-prone president stumbled complete his words during Thursday's question and reply pinch Philadelphia's WURD, seemingly mixing himself up pinch his Vice President Kamala Harris.

'By nan way, I'm proud to be, arsenic I said, nan first vice president, first achromatic woman... to service pinch a achromatic president. Proud to beryllium progressive of nan first achromatic female connected nan Supreme Court. There's truthful overmuch that we tin do because, look... we're nan United States of America.'

Biden appeared to beryllium highlighting his assignment of Kamala Harris arsenic nan United States first achromatic female vice president.

Confusingly, he himself was antecedently vice president, which is apt what he was referring to successful 'to service pinch a achromatic president.'

Biden tells governors he needs much slumber and plans to extremity scheduling events aft 8 p.m.

President Joe Biden told Democratic governors that he plans to extremity holding events past 8 p.m. - truthful he tin get much sleep.

The New York Times reported on nan tidbit coming retired of nan high-stakes gathering pinch immoderate of nan Democratic Party's rising stars astatine nan White House Wednesday nighttime - successful which Biden told nan group he was staying successful nan race.

And it comes aft Axios cited staffers saying he already clocked a succinct 10 americium to 4 p.m. workday, pinch an day nap.

Biden told nan governors 'that he told his unit he needed to get much sleep,' nan Times reported citing aggregate sources acquainted pinch nan meeting, and 'said he needed to activity less hours and debar events aft 8 p.m.'

During nan aforesaid meeting, Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii asked Biden astir his health.

The president replied that his wellness is fine.

'It’s conscionable my brain,' he past said - a remark that immoderate of nan governors took arsenic a joke, while astatine slightest 1 recovered strange.

The governors said they provided 'feedback' and expressed 'concerns,' but nan 81-year-old president's heels were dug in.

Biden and his White House squad blamed jetlag and a acold for his disastrous capacity successful nan statement against erstwhile President Donald Trump 1 week ago.

Jen O'Malley Dillon, Biden's run chair, played clean-up connected nan comment: 'He was intelligibly making a joke,' she said.

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