Jerry Seinfeld appears in great spirits as he steps out for some shopping in Sydney's CBD after a clash with a pro-Palestine heckler at stand up gig

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Jerry Seinfeld appears to person taken being hassled by a heckler during his Sydney gig this play successful his stride. 

The comedian was each smiles arsenic he headed retired to do immoderate shopping successful Sydney's Central Business District, surrounded by minders. 

The 70-year-old beamed and waved astatine onlookers arsenic he made his measurement down nan thoroughfare to cheque retired nan section stores. 

Jerry was dressed warmly against nan chilly Sydney wintertime successful a long-sleeved garment and bluish jeans. 

He added a acheronian bluish headdress and had connected a brace of achromatic sneakers pinch reddish accents astatine nan heel. 

Jerry Seinfeld (pictured) appears to person taken being hassled by a heckler during his Sydney gig this play successful his stride

The comedian was each smiles arsenic he headed retired to do immoderate shopping successful Sydney's Central Business District

He was surrounded by minders

Jerry's entourage kept a adjacent oculus connected him arsenic he strolled, surrounding nan comedian passim nan trip. 

It comes aft Jerry  took down a pro-Palestine protagonist who heckled nan comedian during his Sydney stand-up gig astatine Qudos Bank Arena connected Sunday night. 

The incident, captured connected video by nan Australian Jewish Association, unfolded erstwhile an assemblage personnel interrupted Seinfeld pinch a provocative chant.

As Seinfeld performed for nan crowd, nan heckler shouted, 'From nan stream to nan sea, Palestine will beryllium free.'

The 70-year-old beamed and waved astatine onlookers 

The sitcom prima made his measurement down nan thoroughfare to cheque retired nan section stores

Jerry was dressed warmly against nan chilly Sydney wintertime successful a long-sleeved garment and bluish jeans

He added a acheronian bluish headdress and had connected a brace of achromatic sneakers pinch reddish accents astatine nan heel

The outburst prompted contiguous reactions from nan assemblage who demanded nan protester to 'get out' and chanted 'Jerry, Jerry' successful solidarity pinch nan 70-year-old comedian. 

Security quickly intervened, escorting nan heckler retired arsenic nan assemblage erupted successful boos.

Seinfeld, known for his crisp wit, didn't miss a beat. 

'We person a genius, ladies and gentlemen,' he quipped sarcastically. 'He solved nan Middle East [crisis].'

The seasoned comedian past launched into a scathing satire of nan heckler's approach.

Jerry's entourage kept a adjacent oculus connected him arsenic he strolled, surrounding nan comedian passim nan trip

It comes aft Jerry took down a pro-Palestine protagonist who heckled nan comedian during his Sydney stand-up gig astatine Qudos Bank Arena connected Sunday night

The incident, captured connected video by nan Australian Jewish Association, unfolded erstwhile an assemblage personnel interrupted Seinfeld pinch a provocative chant

As Seinfeld performed for nan crowd, nan heckler shouted, 'From nan stream to nan sea, Palestine will beryllium free'

'It's nan Jewish comedian, that's who we person to get, they're nan ones doing everything,' Seinfeld joked.

'They're going to commencement punching you successful astir 3 seconds, truthful I would effort to get each of your brilliant retired truthful we tin each study from you.'

Seinfeld's clapback didn't extremity there, joking that nan heckler came to nan correct spot to make his point. 

'You're really influencing everyone here; we're each connected your broadside now, because you've made your constituent truthful well, and successful nan correct venue. You've travel to nan correct spot for a governmental conversation,' he said. 

'Tomorrow we will publication successful nan paper, "Middle East 100 per cent solved acknowledgment to man astatine nan Qudos arena stopping Jew comedian". 

The outburst prompted contiguous reactions from nan assemblage who demanded nan protester to 'get out' and chanted 'Jerry, Jerry' successful solidarity pinch nan comedian

Security quickly intervened, escorting nan heckler retired arsenic nan assemblage erupted successful boos

'They stopped him and everyone successful nan Middle East was like, "Oh my deity let's conscionable get along, we tin do that".' 

Seinfeld besides addressed Australia's ain history pinch group issues.

'Because I cognize location are problems here, pinch Indigenous Aboriginal group and nan white,' he noted.

'They person problems present truthful possibly to lick that, I will screw up a Jim Jefferies successful a show successful New York. If that works, this will work. You person to spell 20,000 miles from nan problem and screw up a comedian, that is really you lick world issues.' 

Seinfeld has made his support for Israel very clear, making him a premier target of Pro-Palestine supporters.

Seinfeld, known for his crisp wit, didn't miss a beat. 'We person a genius, ladies and gentlemen,' he quipped sarcastically. 'He solved nan Middle East [crisis]'

The seasoned comedian past launched into a scathing satire of nan heckler's approach 

The comedian told nan Times of Israel successful December 2023, a small complete 2 months aft nan warfare successful Gaza began, he 'lived and worked connected a kibbutz successful Israel erstwhile I was 16 and I person loved our Jewish homeland ever since'.

He added he would 'always guidelines pinch Israel and nan Jewish people'.

Following those comments, Seinfeld was accosted successful New York City aft attending the State of nan World Jewry Address successful February. 

Journalist Bari Weiss gave nan address, and arsenic Seinfeld near nan event, protestors many times screamed astatine him 'free Palestine' and 'you support genocide'.

And astir recently, dozens of Duke University students walked retired of their ain commencement ceremony complete vexation that Seinfeld was astir to speak.

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