Islamic State 'ordered terrorists to shoot Real Madrid footballers and attack their stadium with explosives', as police in Spain arrest nine people

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By Dominic Hogan

Published: 11:47 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 11:48 EDT, 17 June 2024

Islamic State terrorists were ordered to sprout astatine Real Madrid players, according to reports from Spain aft nan Civil Guard dismantled 1 of nan organisation's propaganda centres. 

According to Spanish outlet El Confidencial, nan self-styled I'lam Foundation - 1 of nan biggest Propaganda sources connected pinch Islamic State - was taken down by nan Spanish Civil Guard Information Service.

The study claims that nan cognition uncovered a number of orders directed astatine Real Madrid, nan Santiago Bernabeu and Los Blancos fans. 

A station was circulated connected nan now dismantled network, which includes nan imagery of a personification successful a balaclava aliases hood aiming a weapon astatine what looks to beryllium a banal image of a coach. 

The image is accompanied by nan message: 'My beloved brother. Wait successful a spot adjacent nan presence constituent of nan players. Aim astatine them on pinch their supporters.'

The Spanish Civil Guard dismantled 1 of Islamic State's propaganda centres which unveiled a crippled to onslaught Real Madrid players (pictured: Jude Bellingham)

Part of nan cognition included a station that gave instructions for nan onslaught connected nan players 'along pinch their fans'

The study besides claims that nan Bernabeu was to beryllium targeted arsenic good pinch 'improvised explosives'

Another station was reportedly much directed astatine nan Santiago Bernabeu, saying: 'My beloved relative successful Al-Andalus. A very valuable target awaits you. 

'Break done nan crowds, distract information pinch improvised explosives and decoy devices and beforehand towards your main target pinch determination.'

The cognition from nan Civil Guard was carried retired successful practice pinch Europol, nan FBI and nan authorities from nan Netherlands, Germany, France, Estonia, Romania and Iceland. 

It has yielded 9 arrests successful Spain, arsenic per El Confidencial, from Girona, Cadiz, Almeria and Tenerife, 2 of which proceeded to pre-trial detention. 

According to Sky Italy, investigations began months ago, and included nan seizure of machine and propaganda material, and those arrested were accused of coercion and criminal conspiracy. 

Real Madrid are believed to person offered their gratitude to nan authorities for protecting its players and fans.  

It comes 2 months aft information astatine a number of Champions League venues was heightened considerably pursuing a reported threat from Islamic State. 

TheAzaim Foundation, a media transmission that is responsible for spreading messages from nan panic group, threatened an onslaught connected each 4 venues hosting quarter-final games. 

Islamic State threatened to termination fans successful London, Paris and Madrid earlier this twelvemonth astatine Champions League games

Terrorist group Islamic State threatened to motorboat an onslaught against nan 4 stadiums hosting nan first limb of nan quarter-finals of nan Champions League - including nan Emirates

That included nan Emirates Stadium successful London, which played big to Arsenal v Bayern Munich, and the Santiago Bernabeu - wherever Man City fans watched their broadside return connected Real Madrid. 

A station shared by nan group saying 'kill all' besides named the Parc des Princes successful Paris and the Metropolitano successful Madrid - which some hosted matches. 

The authorities successful Madrid activated each of their 'alert' and 'response systems' pursuing nan expected violent threat, according to reports successful Spain from April. 

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