Inside Lauren Brant's new age baby shower as she prepares to welcome fourth child with AFL star Barry Hall

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  • READ MORE: Hi-5 prima Lauren Brant shares heartbreaking Instagram station aft family tragedy: 'I wish my children could person your love' 

By Marta Jary For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 04:02 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 04:17 EDT, 17 June 2024

Lauren Brant is expecting her 4th kid and she has ensured nan tot a mysterious invited to nan world. 

The erstwhile Hi-5 prima shared footage from her babe ablution connected Monday, arsenic she awaits nan caller bub pinch her AFL fable hubby Barry Hall. 

The successful nan video, nan 35-year-old showed disconnected nan caller age, hippy taxable of nan shindig, complete pinch 'magic' practitioner burning herbs astir Lauren and her group of friends. 

A ritual circle was group up successful nan centre of nan room featuring candles and crystals, and pregnant Lauren was surrounded by flowers laid daintily astir her. 

'Goddess Magic' cards were besides placed connected her body, arsenic her friends each laid a manus connected Lauren's pregnant belly. 

Lauren Brant (pictured) is expecting her 4th kid and she has ensured nan tot a mysterious invited to nan world

The erstwhile Hi-5 prima shared footage from her babe ablution connected Monday, arsenic she awaits nan caller bub pinch her AFL fable hubby Barry Hall

The successful nan video, nan 35-year-old showed disconnected nan caller age, hippy taxable of nan shinding

'This is what magic is disposable erstwhile you person a colony and organization of women surrounding you who you emotion and LOVE YOU BACK' Lauren wrote successful her caption. 

'This moment. This day. My blessing way, was profoundly treatment and beautiful. There is truthful overmuch to opportunity - which I person said to nan women who were successful my circle' she went on.

'But nan logic I americium sharing this susceptible reel pinch you, of specified a typical time successful my life, is because origin I want each female who is birthing to cognize and judge that you are truthful loved and if you find your organization - nan power speech of giving and receiving axenic emotion and attraction is life changing. It takes a village.'

Lauren ended her caption by explaining that nan caller property babe ablution was talented to her by her mother. 

A ritual circle was group up successful nan centre of nan room featuring candles and crystals, and pregnant Lauren was surrounded by flowers laid daintily astir her

It came complete pinch 'magic' practitioner burning herbs astir Lauren and her group of friends

'Goddess Magic' cards were besides placed connected her body, arsenic her friends each laid a manus connected Lauren's pregnant belly

 The erstwhile children's entertainer and her footballer husband  announced they are expecting their 4th kid together successful January. 

Lauren shared a assemblage of precious photos to Instagram capturing Barry, 47, and their 3 sons cheekily pointing astatine her increasing babe bump.

The prima captioned nan snaps pinch immoderate breathtaking words: 'Our twelvemonth is astir to get a full batch much colourful.

'Baby Hall number 4 arriving July. We are truthful excited to stock this news pinch you all,' Lauren wrote.

The entertainer and her footballer hubby announced they are expecting their 4th kid together successful January. Pictured: Lauren and Barry pinch sons Miller, Houston and Samson

The mates are already proud parents to 3 sons, Miller, six, Houston, four, and Samson, two.

In June 2021, nan couple confirmed they secretly joined that February and were expecting their 3rd kid during an affectional question and reply connected A Current Affair. 

They took to Instagram past February to stock their euphoria astatine reaching their two-year anniversary. 

Lauren posted a saccharine image of herself pinch hubby Barry holding up their matrimony certificate. 

'Two years, nan astir romanticist elopement fuelled by LOVE and LIFE. Words can't describe. I emotion you Barry,' her station read. 

The mates secretly tied nan knot successful February 2021 truthful that her terminally sick sister-in-law Sandra could be nan wedding. Sandra was joined to Lauren's brother.

She tragically died conscionable 2 weeks later, aft her 2nd conflict pinch stage-four bowel cancer. 

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