Inside Bargain Hunt host Caroline Hawley's huge Yorkshire home - complete with a huge wardrobe of designer dresses and a special room for her antiques business

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Bargain Hunt big Caroline Hawley has fixed an penetration into her stunning Yorkshire home, complete pinch a immense postulation of designer dresses, and moreover a expansive room for her antiques business.

Chatting to The Yorkshire Post, nan antiques expert, 57, recalled 1 peculiar find astatine a car footwear sale, stating: 'I'd conscionable astir fixed up uncovering anything, but connected 1 stall I saw this spot of aged achromatic cloth lying connected nan crushed and I picked it up carefully, and there, without a protector of a doubt, was that unmistakable label.'

The beloved presenter - who fronted nan BBC show since 2013 - besides reminisced astir 1 of her champion bargains, adding: 'I turned to nan feline connected nan guidelines and I asked really overmuch he wanted for it. 

'He gave a small shingle of his head, and told me, pinch a beautiful Yorkshire accent: 'Ay'll beryllium wanting 4 quid for that, love, it's Dior, tha' knows!' Suffice it to say, it came location pinch me.''

The presenter besides runs a successful antiques business called Hawleys Auctioneers, pinch overmuch of nan activity taking spot successful a a expansive Georgian room, wrong her home, that erstwhile served arsenic nan beforehand parlour of nan Albion Inn.

Bargain Hunt big Caroline Hawley, 57, has fixed an penetration into her stunning Yorkshire home, complete pinch a expansive room to location her designer dresses

The presenter besides runs a successful antiques business called Hawleys Auctioneers, which is located successful a expansive Georgian room that erstwhile served arsenic nan beforehand parlour of nan Albion Inn

But agelong earlier becoming a bargain expert, Caroline studied play successful London arsenic a teen arsenic she attempted an acting career.

Yet, erstwhile nan TV prima had near London, she opened her first shop Penny Farthing Antiques, successful South Cave.

Caroline is now happily joined pinch her hubby John Hawley, who was erstwhile a master footballer, but was firstly joined to Phil arsenic nan ex mates stock 2 sons James and Charles.

After she welcomed her kids, nan big decided to prosecute a grade successful French to boost her profession prospects.

Eventually, she achieved her grade astatine nan University of Hull, and kept moving nan business smoothly while juggling mum duties.

Now, Caroline lives happily successful nan spot pinch erstwhile footballer John, 70, on pinch their saccharine brownish Labrador.

The brace has been joined for complete a decade now and has organised four awesome auctions a twelvemonth astatine Beverley Racecourse, wherever they besides supply master services and proposal to creation collectors.

John made a sanction for himself playing for Hull City, Leeds United, Bradford City and moreover Arsenal until he retired successful 1986, and also saved someone's life during nan stadium occurrence successful 1985. 

Long earlier his shot profession he worked successful his father's ancient shop backmost successful 1966. 

But agelong earlier becoming a bargain expert, Caroline studied play successful London arsenic a teen arsenic she attempted an acting career 

The presenter runs a successful antiques business called Hawleys Auctioneers, which is located successful a expansive Georgian room that erstwhile served arsenic nan beforehand parlour of nan Albion Inn (pictured a room wrong nan property)

Caroline is now happily joined pinch her hubby John Hawley, 70, who was erstwhile a master footballer playing for nan likes of Hull City, Leeds United, Bradford City and Arsenal until he retired successful 1986 (pictured playing for Arsenal)

Now, Caroline lives happily successful nan spot pinch erstwhile footballer John on pinch their saccharine brownish Labrador (pictured)

The Bargain Hunt favourite besides includes a designer dressing room wrong her lavish property

'I soon started trading small things of my ain but ever for section charities. There was besides a extremity that we discovered, arsenic kids, wherever group from decades backmost had conscionable chucked things distant surgery bits and pieces, aged solid bottles for pop, things for illustration that,' Caroline said

Caroline has been a presenter connected nan beloved BBC show since 2013

The Bargain Hunt has besides opened up astir really her passion for nan antiques began, saying she started retired going to auctions to bring and bargain income successful her colony hall.  

'I soon started trading small things of my ain but ever for section charities. There was besides a extremity that we discovered, arsenic kids, wherever group from decades backmost had conscionable chucked things distant surgery bits and pieces, aged solid bottles for pop, things for illustration that,' she said.

During his shot heyday, her hubby John played for Arsenal, Hull City, Scunthorpe United and Bradford City. While playing for Bradford City, he saved someone's life during nan stadium occurrence successful 1985. 

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