Hugh Jackman reveals how one of his biggest roles almost slipped through his fingers: 'I messed it up'

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By A. James For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 18:11 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 18:16 EDT, 3 July 2024

Hugh Jackman is group to return arsenic 1 of nan astir beloved superheroes of each clip successful nan Hollywood blockbuster Deadpool and Wolverine later this month.

But successful a astonishing confession, nan 55-year-old has revealed that he almost fto nan portion that made him a world prima gaffe done his fingers.

The Sydney-born instrumentality favourite said successful a caller question and reply that erstwhile he first auditioned for nan portion of Wolverine for 2000s X-Men he was definite he would ne'er get nan part.

After exiting his try-out Hugh said he felt he had 'messed it up' but was shocked erstwhile nan existent leader of Marvel Studios, Kevin Fiege, offered to bargain him dinner.

'I said, '' Kevin, we each cognize I'm not getting nan part. You don’t person to do dinner'',' Hugh told Entertainment Weekly connected Tuesday.

'But no, he sat successful location and had a steak meal pinch maine and past drove maine to nan airport. I'll ne'er hide it. That was nan nicest thing. I thought, ''I'll ne'er spot him again'',' he said.

At nan clip Hugh had obscurity adjacent a precocious profile. Meanwhile, nan producers thought nan strapping Aussie was 'too tall' astatine 1.9metres.

But successful nan extremity Hugh impressed nan Hollywood producers.

In a astonishing confession Hugh Jackman, 55, has revealed that he almost fto nan portion of Wolverine gaffe done his fingers. Pictured: Hugh Jackman astatine a media arena for Deadpool and Wolverine successful China

Hugh has played nan Marvel characteristic successful 8 X-Men films from 2000 until 2016, and was past seen arsenic Wolverine successful standalone movie Logan successful 2017.

Deadpool and Wolverine will beryllium nan 10th clip nan Aussie has strapped connected nan large claws for nan celebrated role.

Last period Hugh revealed nan toughest portion of returning to nan domiciled was that successful his 50th decade 'age catches up'.

And nan training to toggle shape himself into nan buff large surface beast is tougher than ever.

'The hardest spot … [was] nan food,' nan Prisoners character told People mag successful June.

The Sydney-born instrumentality favourite said successful an question and reply pinch Entertainment Weekly that erstwhile he first auditioned for nan portion of Wolverine for 2000s X-Men he was definite he would ne'er get nan portion Pictured: Hugh in X-Men - Days Of Future Past from 2014

'I person to eat a lot. For me, for my assemblage type, I'm people skinny. To get nan size on, that's nan hardest bit. That's nan spot that does my caput in.'

He added: 'My assemblage was a small sore astatine nan beginning, but I was thrilled that my assemblage was still responding. And I realised really bully it is for your brain.

Hugh announced his daze divided from his Deborra-Lee successful September aft 27 years of marriage, telling fans they separated 'to prosecute our individual growth'.

He shares 2 adopted children - boy Oscar, 24, and girl Ava, 18, - pinch his erstwhile wife.

The mates had tied nan knot successful 1996 aft crossing paths connected group of Correlli successful 1995.

The training to toggle shape himself into nan buff large surface beast is tougher than ever Hugh (pictured) revealed recently

An insider antecedently told ET that location 'is nary animosity' betwixt nan exes.

'Hugh and Deborra-Lee are some connected different pages and successful abstracted chapters of their lives,' they said.

'They felt for illustration it was clip to divorce, but they still support a happy and cordial friendship.'

The root went connected to opportunity that Hugh and Deborra-Lee are 'appreciative of their galore years together and children.'

'At nan extremity of nan day, it was their corporate statement to spell their abstracted ways and do nan healthiest point for everyone involved,' they added.

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