‘House of the Dragon’ changes the books in shocking controverial ‘Blood and Cheese’ murder

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They served up immoderate Blood and Cheese. 

Spoilers beneath for nan first section of “House of nan Dragon” Season 2. 

The play premiere for nan “Game of Thrones” spinoff’s 2nd season, “House of nan Dragon,” covered an infamous and arguable murder, known to fans of nan books arsenic “Blood and Cheese.” 

As Season 2 begins, Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma D’Arcy) is nan rightful heir to nan Iron Throne, but her half-brother, Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney), and his supporters person usurped her, and now some sides are astatine warfare complete whether Rhaenyra aliases Aegon should beryllium monarch. 

Season 1 ended pinch Aegon’s mercurial brother, Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) sidesplitting Rhaenyra’s son. In nan Season 2 premiere, Rhaenyra’s husband, Daemon (Matt Smith), hires rat catchers successful nan castle (known arsenic “Blood and Cheese”) to retaliate by sidesplitting Aemond. 

As nan section title says, “a boy for a son” is Daemon’s planned revenge.

Daemon (Matt Smith) hires assassins to target Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) but nan scheme goes wrong.
Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) pinch Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell). wbd
Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) pinch his relative Aegon (Tom Glynn Carney) successful “House of nan Dragon.” wbd

This crippled goes awry, however, and spirals into tragedy. The assassins extremity up not sidesplitting Aemond, but alternatively sidesplitting his nephew, a child: Aegon’s boy pinch their sister, Heleana (Phia Saban). 

The horrifying enactment isn’t shown onscreen, but nan kid struggling tin beryllium heard, on pinch stabbing noises. 

Heleana grabs her remaining child, flees successful terror, and runs into her mother’s bedroom, wherever Alicent (Olivia Cooke) is having activity pinch Criston Cole (Fabien Frankle) – a scandalous affair, since Criston is simply a personnel of nan Kingsguard and is expected to beryllium celibate. 

It’s a chaotic penning prime for nan show to propulsion a activity segment into this infinitesimal – really, now?! 

But, they went there. 

Although Alicent seems mortified that her girl caught her, Heleana is truthful traumatized that she hardly seems to registry nan hanky-panky playing retired successful beforehand of her, stammering out, “They killed nan boy” arsenic nan section ends.

Heleana (Phia Saban) ends up successful a horrifying segment pinch “Blood and Cheese. wbd
Aegon’s (Tom Glynn Carney) young boy ends up getting murdered. wbd

“House of nan Dragon” is based connected nan book “Fire & Blood” by George R. R Martin. Unlike nan novels that “Game of Thrones” was based on, it’s written for illustration a fictional history textbook – so, it’s much for illustration a Wikipedia introduction than a caller pinch fleshed retired characters. It’s besides written by fictional scholars who person conflicting accounts of “what happened.” 

This leaves nan show room to make changes, and location are immoderate large curveballs to “Blood and Cheese.”  As atrocious arsenic it was onscreen, it’s considerably softened from really it was connected nan page. 

In nan book, it’s ne'er clear that Daemon didn’t deliberately target a child. The show does time off immoderate room for ambiguity – Blood and Cheese inquire Daemon what they should do if they’re incapable to find and termination Aemond. The segment ends there, purposefully leaving Daemon’s reply unknown. 

But, onscreen, Daemon’s superior orders are for them to termination Aemond – a vulnerable young man who killed his stepson –  not an guiltless child. This makes him look for illustration little of a monster for this atrocity than he does successful nan book. 

Daemon (Matt Smith) hires assassins to return retired Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) to retaliate for Aemond sidesplitting Rhaenyra’s son. The assassins alternatively termination Aemond’s nephew, a child. wbd
Aemond killed Luke (center right) astatine nan extremity of Season 1, truthful Blood and Cheese is Daemon’s retaliation. wbd

The full series is besides much of an ordeal successful nan book, pinch Blood and Cheese holding Alicent and maids hostage, and lying successful hold for Heleana. In nan show, nan assassins stumble upon Helena by happenstance and bumble their measurement into nan atrocious deed, continuing nan show’s inclination of “atrocities happening by accident,” (since Season 1 besides softened Aemond’s execution of Rhaenyra’s boy to beryllium accidental, wherever nan book didn’t make that clear. Season 1 besides softened Alicent’s support of her son’s coup to beryllium a “misunderstanding” of her husband’s dying wishes, alternatively than a deliberate power-grab). 

Blood and Cheese aren’t excessively smart – arsenic 1 of them grabs Helena onscreen and holds a weapon to her throat, nan different man points retired that Daemon’s instructions to them were, “A boy for a son.” Exasperated, he tells his collaborator, “Does she look for illustration a f–ing boy to you?”

Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) was nan expected target for nan assassins Blood and Cheese, but nan scheme went sideways. wbd

So, nan execution successful nan show results from their incompetence, not from them readying it that measurement and lying successful hold to execute their evil plan, nan measurement it happens connected nan page.

In nan book, they besides springiness Heleana a unspeakable prime of which kid she wants them to spare. In nan show, they still make her constituent to a child, but they show her to constituent retired which 1 is Aegon’s heir. So, it’s clear that these men are up to nary good, but their heinous intentions are not arsenic explicitly stated to Heleana.

The book besides doesn’t person her fly nan scene, only to stumble connected her mom getting it connected pinch Criston. That chaotic portion of nan series was wholly a show-only creation.

“House of nan Dragon” Season 2 airs Sunday nights connected HBO (9 p.m.) and streams connected Max. 

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