House Of The Dragon actor reveals he was denied multiple roles in Games Of Thrones before landing top part in prequel

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A starring House Of The Dragon star has revealed that he was denied much than 1 domiciled connected Game Of Thrones, before bagging nan apical spot successful nan highly-anticipated prequel series.

Steve Toussaint plays nan analyzable domiciled of Corlys Velaryon - Lord of nan Tides aliases 'The Sea Snake', Master of Driftmark, and caput of House Velaryon.

However, nan British actor, 59, could person appeared successful nan imagination world of Westeros a batch sooner, because he auditioned for aggregate roles successful nan original HBO series.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly successful December 2021, nan prima admitted that he auditioned for aggregate parts connected Game Of Thrones but ne'er sewage booked.

He said: 'I was conscionable hardly ever seen for it. I ended up moving pinch a woman called Jessica Henwick. I did a occupation pinch her.

A starring House Of The Dragon prima has revealed that he was denied much than 1 domiciled connected Game Of Thrones, earlier bagging nan apical spot successful nan highly-anticipated prequel series

Steve Toussaint has admitted that he auditioned for aggregate parts connected Game Of Thrones but ne'er sewage booked until getting his large break connected nan prequel 

Steve plays nan analyzable domiciled of Corlys Velaryon - Lord of nan Tides aliases 'The Sea Snake', Master of Driftmark, and caput of House Velaryon

'Now, successful her conception of nan communicative [in Game Of Thrones], there's her and there's her sisters pinch nan whips and stuff.

'Then there's her mother, who's [played by] Indira Varma. And past there's her uncle. Her uncle has a bodyguard. That was 1 of nan roles I auditioned for.'

The character is referring to Jessica Henwick's characteristic Nymeria Sand, 1 of nan 8 daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell, nan Sand Snakes.

Indira Varma played Nymeria's mother, Elleria Sand, nan person of of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, who is portrayed by Pedro Pascal.

The domiciled that Steve  had auditioned for is Areo Hotah, the skipper of nan family defender astatine Sunspear for nan Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell.

Looking backmost connected his audition, nan House Of The Dragon prima admitted that he is 'glad' he sewage his existent role, alternatively than nan original 1 he was gunning for.

The Game Of Thrones portion of Areo Hotah ended up going to British character and playwright Deobia Oparei, champion known for his domiciled arsenic Gunner successful Pirates of nan Caribbean. 

Steve's domiciled successful House Of The Dragon sees him alternatively measurement into nan shoes of nan caput of House Velaryon and nan hubby of Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.

The British actor, 59, could person appeared successful nan imagination world of Westeros a batch sooner, because he auditioned for aggregate roles successful nan original HBO bid (The formed of Game Of Thrones pictured supra successful 2015)

Steve (LEFT arsenic Corlys Velaryon) auditioned for The Game Of Thrones portion of Areo Hotah, but it ended up going to Deobia Oparei (RIGHT)

Steve's domiciled connected House Of The Dragon sees him measurement into nan shoes of nan caput of House Velaryon and nan hubby of Princess Rhaenys Targaryen

Corlys is besides nan proprietor of nan largest navy successful nan world of Westeros and made location Velaryon rich

Steve erstwhile said: He's dissimilar conscionable astir each different high-born man we meet arsenic he's a self-made man who's seen astir 14 battles'

Critics person fixed nan play an awesome 91% connected Rotten Tomatoes and those who person praised nan show person done truthful for its gripping storytelling and monumental action that fans will spot this season

Corlys is besides nan proprietor of nan largest navy successful nan world of Westeros and made location Velaryon rich.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter astir his characteristic successful 2022, Steve said:  He's dissimilar conscionable astir each different high-born man we meet arsenic he's a self-made man who's seen astir 14 battles.

'He made these legendary 9 voyages erstwhile he was very young and made his luck that way. Now he's able and he likes group to cognize it.' 

It comes arsenic nan second play of nan epic imagination bid is group to debut connected Sunday June 16 astatine 9pm ET connected HBO successful nan US, and connected June 17 successful nan UK connected Now TV and Sky Atlantic.

House Of The Dragon is group astir 200 years earlier nan events of Game of Thrones, and 100 years aft House Targaryen conquered each Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Critics person fixed nan play an awesome 91% connected Rotten Tomatoes and those who person praised nan show person done truthful for its gripping storytelling and monumental action that fans will spot this season.

The first play group nan shape for nan play to come, centering connected 2 young women - Rhaenyra Targaryen (Milly Alcock) and her champion friend Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey).

While nan first play practically exclusively focused connected House Targaryen, Season 2 introduces characters successful Winterfell - location to House Stark - and different 'smallfolk' who unrecorded nether nan norm of nan House of nan Dragon. 

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